
Simultaneously Advancing Into Rank Two

(Author: Hey readers, from here onwards you people will notice some changes in either the words or setup of the novel. Know that those are not errors but rather changes I had to make after having my novel undergo a professional review. Thank you all for understanding)

Joshua finally arrived home an hour later after taking quick detours to his landlord houses in order to pay off his rent for the next three months and also to the market area where he bought some additional cooking ingredients used in preparing multiple varieties of dishes.

Stepping inside the house, Joshua first stored away the Giant Crab meat and Red-Bick Duck meat he had purchased earlier inside his runes covered barrel which performed the same role as a cold room used in preserving fresh meat and fishes by freezing them back on Earth. Then he carefully stored up the other ingredients.

After which, he took his bath, spent around half an hour cooking before taking his sweet time to enjoy his dinner while slightly anticipating how much effect it will have on him if he continues to eat such a meal at the very least of once a day for the next two weeks because of what had popped up due to his the 'Sage' Innate Skill the very moment he sat down to eat.

[Fragrant Crab Stew]

Quality: Average

Rank: Two

Origin Energy: 20

Description: A well prepared stew made using Giant Crab meat which possesses an appetite inducing aroma, not lacking in nutrients and also has a subtle effect of slowly improving the body metabolism when eaten together Radiant Rice.

[Radiant Rice]

Quality: Low

Rank: One

Origin Energy: 10

Description: A specially propagated and prepared variety of rice that if eaten together with Fragrant Crab Stew will have a good effect on the human body.

In the end, Joshua had no other option than to hastily finish his food and rush into his room to begin cultivating since his body was already starting to feel bloated from all the origin energy it had absorb from the meal.

Of course, he didn't forget to swallow a dose of Pore Opening Serum and ordering "Astra" his Metallic Python Tamed Beast as he had finally decided to call her, to also swallow one dose of Blood Purifying Serum before continuing her hibernation while masking herself as a life-like snake tattoo on his upper body before he too began cultivating.


Time quickly flew by without Joshua notice as he kept spending most of it going to school during the day and cultivating at night during the past ten days and now, only five more days were left for the timeframe previously estimated by him for his advancement Into a Rank Two Beast Apprentice to be over.

Little could he have expected that he was in for a great suprise tonight.

After having Radiant Rice with Fragrant Crab Stew for dinner like he had usually done for the past ten days, joahua was just about to head into his bedroom to start cultivating like every other night when a strong heartbeat suddenly sounded out from his Tamed Beast tattoo.

"Astra" Joshua anxiously called out her name as he immediately summoned her whle at the same time wishing inwardly "I hope nothing bad has happen to her"

Under Joshua watchful gaze, the life-like snake tattoo on his upper body gradually disappeared in less than three seconds as the figure of a 4½ metres long and 1ft wide python covered in black scales that gave off a faint metallic luster also materialise in front of him at the same time.

Ba-dump! Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

Hearing the very same sounds of heavy heartbeats still continue even after summoning her, Joshua felt confused and was about to rush towards her when he noticed a couple of things which seemed odd about this his Tamed Beast.

For one, even though her heartbeats sounded heavy, she wasn't really in a pains. Rather, her entire 4½ metre long body that layed across the parlor felt strangely relaxed and tranquilly.

Second, the Metallic luster of her black scales were faintly more visible than they previously were. And third, even the presence of danger she passively gives off as a Beast was slowly getting stronger.

"This is... is she currently advancing into a Rank Two Common Grade Beast?" Joshua couldn't help but ask in a tone mixed with feelings of amazement and confusion.

Although Joshua had been taught about how every Beasts, be it those of the Common Grade, Uncommon Grade or even those of higher unknown Grades will all undergo marginal changes with every advancement in Rank they experience with the only exception of going from Rank Three to Rank Four and from Rank six to Rank Seven being a little bit higher than the others.

Nevertheless, he wasn't entirely sure since this was also his current body very first time of witnessing such a scene.

As for the major changes all Beast always experience when advancing in Grades. For example, when advancing from a Rank Nine Common Grade Beast into a Rank One Uncommon Grade Beast, that was already way beyond the current Joshua league.

All he did know was that these marginal changes which occurs with every advancement in Rank were generally called minor mutations while that of going from Low Rank to Mid Rank or from Mid Rank to High Rank were generally known as major mutations.

As for that of Advancing in Grade, it was generally called an Evolution... Yeah, that's right, an Evolution.

So that's why Joshua came to suspect that "Astra" his Metallic Python Tamed Beast was currently mutating even though he had no means of confirming it.

Meanwhile, at the very moment Joshua had asked his question, he suddenly felt as if this world was trying to answer him because. He instantly sensed the density of the origin energy within his house increase while Astra body literally transformed Into a huge whirlpool that greedily absorbed all the origin energy around her and kept on attracting more.

If not for the fact that he was the one personally witnessing such a scene with his own two eyes, Joshua would have found it difficult to believe that such a situation was possible.

It was as if her body had turned into a barren land that hasn't seen rainfall for a very long period of time and the origin energy was now the long overdue rainfall that was immediately absorbed by the dry ground the very moment it pours on it.

Next thing he knew, Joshua watched as Astra 1ft wide body slowly expanded by a few centimetres and then, it visibly grew longer by a metre before stopping.

After which, everything quietly returned back to normal. Even the density of origin energy within the house was back to normal, seeming like all what Joshua had just seen was nothing but an illusion.

Trying his possibly best to keep his feelings of expectations in check, Joshua quickly brought up Astra template using his sage Innate Skill just to be sure.


Species: Python

Sub-Species: Metallic Python

Realm: Rank Two Common Grade

Soul Power: 80/80

Innate skills: Entangle

Innate Abilities: Iron scales

Whew...!!! Huh!

Laying eyes in the Realm and soul power section of Astra template that had undergone some changes caused Joshua to release his breath which he had been subconsciously holding. However, what happened next was something he never expected.

Without his command, Astra silted on her own towards him and unsummoned herself, transforming back to the life-like snake tattoo on his upper body.

And before Joshua could even question himself about what she just did, he suddenly felt a huge amount of already refined origin energy which was now in the form of spirit energy flow out of his life-like snake tattoo and head towards his soul.

Instantly comprehending that this was Astra method of offering him assistance. Joshua immediately sat legs crossed on the floor and began carefully manipulating these huge amount of spirit energy to slowly fuse with his soul.

This went on for an entire night and around 6 o'clock the following morning.


The noise of an explosion sounded out from Joshua's body and he stood up laughing with glee "Hahahahaha... I have finally advance into a Rank Two Beast Apprentice".

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