

(Hi, I'm a totally new writer n I'm just trying this thing out. Don't expect regular updates, not that I expect anybody to read this I'm probably only gonna write when I'm faded cause that's when stuff comes to me. Sorry I'm advance. A/N)

"yo guys, my name is..."

"Wait fuck what's my name?"

"Hold on it's been a while since I've had any sort of human interaction. Actually any type of interaction with anything besides my right hand and my beautiful beautiful space weeds. Wait does this even count as interaction? It's not like I'm talking to anybody I'm just talking to a big ass camera thing."

"Oh yeah my name is... Wait, fuck. I forgot again, whatever. Who needs a name anyways when you're by yourself."

"Anyways, sorry bout that. I'm James, 22 years old n this is my first stream. I've been tryna connect my phone camera thing to the wifi I discovered I had a few months back"

"Honestly, I don't know how I got here but I'm currently on an extended stay on the moon. Yeah, the thing that goes in a big circle around Earth. I know what all of y'all are thinking how the fuck did this fool get on the moon. Well,, it's a long story. It all started back in the summer of 1999 when I was a wee boy and had just discovered marijuana. Ever since I first tried the green goddess I was hooked. I thought it was the best thing ever. That's when I decided to move to the moon and be by myself forever."

" nah, I'm just fuckin with you guys. I have no fucking idea how I got here. No idea who put me here. No idea who made me a fucking self-sustaining house and hydroponics garden. AND I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA HOW THERE'S WEED GROWING ON THE FUCKING MOON. I mean like bro, shit shouldn't be growing in a zero atmosphere zero oxygen environment. I mean, I don't even water em, they just chill and grow by themselves"

"Soooo the long story short is that I've been chillin on the moon for a couple of years now and honestly it hasn't been bad man."