

Have you ever wondered what "ayakashis" and "yokai" are? What if the bedtime stories were real? In today's modern era, let us take a break from our busy schedule and dive deep into the stories told by our grandparents.

Minisha_Mukhia · Fantasie
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16 Chs


His day started normally like any other day, but his master instructed him to visit the local market in order to get some herbs. As soon as he heard this Hiroto was instantly reminded of that human fairy he had encountered the first day. He instantly agreed and left for the town. Mohiko on the other hand was a bit skeptical about it. He bowed to his master but didn't fail to see the smirk on his master's face. On their way to the town, he suddenly blocked Hiroto's way and said, "master no matter how mesmerizing the scenery is remember to come back home." Hiroto on the other hand couldn't understand it but said, "remind me to go home", and with that he marched forward. Mohiko who was following Hiroto thought, "master your servant will stray along with you if you don't want to go home".

The market had not changed at all since that day and looked very livelier compared to the mountains. Hiroto who had started displaying the curiosity of a child wanted to explore everything, but he felt very nervous to take a step. Mohiko who had stayed with him since he was a child read his master's intention and tucked on his sleeves while he, lead the way.

After buying everything that they wanted Hiroto suggested that they eat something before going back to which Mohiko had no choice but to agree. The whole time while they were in the market Mohiko had prayed that they may not encounter the woman whom they had met before while Hiroto was sincerely hoping to meet that woman once again but as the time to go back approached he started growing disappointed. So, in his last attempt he borrowed some time by suggesting eating. This was indeed his last attempt after which he was going to give up. Unbeknownst to them faith had some other plans for them.

After the meal was over, they packed up to leave. Hiroto and Mohito shared different emotions as they left. While Mohito was thanking the heavens for listening to him Hiroto on the other side was cursing his luck for not meeting his fairy. As they were about to leave, they heard a shrill cry for help from a woman. They turned behind and saw that a mob had hurled around two women. On closer inspection both of them immediately recognized the beauty who had enchanted Hiroto. Mohiko saw this and pulled his master's sleeve when he felt a movement on his side. Hiroto flicked him off and ran towards the direction of the lady. Mohiko had no other choice but to follow him.

The lady was holding onto a small girl within her arms, and she looked very panicked. Hiroto knelt in-front of her equally panicked and said, "my lady, don't panic and tell me". The lady looked at him and cried, "please help me, she just fell unconscious". Hiroto and Mohiko both looked at the kid and instantly learned that the kid had stopped breathing. Mohiko picked the kid up and said, "let's take her to our master". All of them darted towards the mountain and found their master overlooking the hills. "Leave the kid here and all of you wait in the hall", said the master without looking at them. The lady who wanted to say something was stopped by Mohiko, who bowed and said, "yes, master".

Hiroto who was bewildered by the situation came back to his senses and went to console the lady who was weeping and said, "don't cry, my lady, the kid will be okay". The lady wailed and said to him, "if I'm not able to protect my sister then I won't be able to face my parents". Hiroto couldn't find any other word to comfort her. He looked at Mohiko for help who leaned forward and said, "our master is a really great person. Put your trust on him and rest leave it on her fate". After hearing his words, the lady looked up at him and nodded.

A minute turned into an hour and an hour into two yet the master or the kid were nowhere near their sight. All the three held their breath and no one uttered a single word because they knew that if a single word was uttered then tears would follow. Another quarter passed by and so was their patience. The lady could no longer hold herself and stood up abruptly. As soon as she took a step, she heard light footsteps running towards her. She lifted her head and saw her sister smiling and coming towards her. She burst in tears and held her sister in her arms. Her happiness knew no bound. She knelt to the ground and thanked them all. Hiroto who was at an arm distance quickly knelt in front of her and tried to make her stand, but she was so grateful that she didn't listen to him. "No need to thank me young lady but remember that you owe me a life which has to be repaid in the future", said the master. The lady who was on the floor vowed that she would never forget his kindness and if the master asked for, she would repay it with her life. Upon hearing these words Hiroto felt an uneasiness in his heart but dismissed it and joined the lady who was followed by Mohiko. The master didn't utter a single word but instead left them in silence. The lady bowed towards Hiroto and Mohiko and thanked them. Her sister who was witnessing everything quickly followed her sister and thanked them as well. Hiroto who didn't want to let the opportunity slip by said, "it will get dark by any moment and as you two are new here, you will not be able to find your way out. So, if you don't mind, let me escort you", to which both of them agreed. Mohiko on the other hand knew that his attempts were bound to fail, hence didn't try to stop him.

They left the mountain and headed back towards their house. Soon they reached their destination and the lady, and her sister thanked them. As they were about to enter Raiju stopped them and asked their name. the lady said, "my name is Sakura, and her name is Haruka. May I also know the names of my benefactors". Hiroto blushed at the words of the lady and slowly told their names. He looked at them until they entered the house. Although Sakura had failed to notice the way he looked at her, but Mohiko was a very keen observer. He looked at the heaven and prayed that his master may come out of this illusion. However, his prayer was far from being accepted. Everyday Hiroto would go around the town pretending to be on an errand. He would follow her like a shadow. After a few days even Sakura started noticing him.

Days turned into months and months into years and their love which had just bloomed, blossomed into full bloom. These two young creatures, who were blinded by love failed to see the darkness that was heading their way.