
Report 1

Subject: Jones Youlge

Anomaly: Icarus

Report 1

My name is Jones Youlge. Everyone calls me Jones because they can't think of a nickname for me because of how awkward it actually is. Besides that I'm not an exceptional person or student. Though I don't think anyone wants to be interested in the first part of this report. I should just get started. Maybe I was to blame on what was to come, I was right about what was coming to me. Except, I didn't want to do anything about it. I was worried that if I let go of everything then I would feel a lot better. That obviously wasn't going to happen. I want to go back to where it all began. I want to retrace my steps before I give this final report. I'm sorry that I didn't come sooner. And I'm sorry to those I've hurt.

It was just a month after the mini tournament happened in the school that everyone was going to be sent back to their homes. It was the holidays and I was going to go home with one of my best friends. The morning started off amazing with breakfast from the common room. I always preferred my breakfast the old fashioned way with pancakes and bacon with lots of maple syrup while my friends Ben and Gary would just straight up meat. I'm not the bossy type to tell them how to live their lives but that's how it went. The common room was just filled with the usual suspects like those guys always occupying the fireplace area while we were by the balcony enjoying the windy air. A simple description of Ben was that he was probably the person that was going to succeed among the three of us. He had his whole life mapped out while Gary was busy with how to become famous. I just wished that both of them could've just learned something from each other to enjoy life. The university was definitely something else compared to the school I used to go to. Everything was just so much fancier that a simple person like me couldn't comprehend when I first arrived. Gary had long white hair, he was much smaller than me, and always had that determined attitude to try to win at everything. Something I wished that I looked after more because I didn't like competing compared to him. Ben was always busy compared to me too, it showed from his straight black hair being unkempt all the time. He made it start to curl despite it being naturally straight. He'd just study all day while doing things that would prepare him for the outside world. In hindsight, it's a bit strange that a group like us would get together and be friends. Maybe it was just the university's strange power that drew us in closer to each other. Though sometimes, I wonder why they were friends with me in the first place. I don't have admirable qualities to be proud of like good academics or endearing traits like being determined or courageous. Yet, everyday these guys were looking forward to seeing me. Each time I look at the mirror, all I see is someone with short almond hair with a not so fit but not fat figure. Personally, I like wearing plain colored shirts and pants while these guys are always so dynamic with how they dress. Ben would always want to look classy with vests and fake glasses while Gary was someone who'd wear trendy items. It's almost like they're some kind of weird fashionistas secretly behind my back. Everyone was sitting by their seats on the balcony watching the leaves move around while we were munching on our food. Just like any other day, I felt a bit awkward while these two were talking about something I couldn't keep track of. Do they even need me to be here? I just want to leave sometimes when something like this happens. Gary was probably talking about his follower count on his twitter and how someday he was going to hook Ben up with a good job. Ben being the prideful person probably wouldn't accept. It was just another day in Norbern. My eyes started to drift as I felt a warm sensation in the atmosphere. The feeling was something foreign to me. Something felt like it was calling out to me. A familiar sensation to how when you're floating in a dream and never touching the ground. Before I could locate this sensation, Gary and Ben were looking at me as if I was sick. I made it awkward again didn't I?

Ben: You okay Jones? You seem extra out of it today.

Gary: He's probably just thinking about something again. He's like that all the time. You should loosen up. If it's something I can help with I'll do what I can.

Jones: Hmmm. I guess I think about some things too much. But.. I don't know.

Ben: What do you mean?

Gary: You can tell us anything you know.

Jones: I don't want to drag you guys in my thoughts. It's a bit of a mess in here. So it's alright

Ben: Are you sure? We're your friends y'know. We just want to make sure you're alright.

Gary: If he doesn't want to say anything then that's fine. We'll wait when you want to open up. Like true friends

Jones: Yeah, I think this is what I'm talking about. You guys act unnaturally nice to me. It feels weird. What did I ever do to you guys that you're like this?

Gary: What do you mean?

Jones: Well for an example. Ben always makes time for me but for no one else, not even Gary! Then Gary always somehow has the free time to hangout with me despite having numerous offers by girls. It feels a bit strange how I get special treatment from you guys without having to do anything.

Gary: Special treatment huh. I guess you could say that. But it's just because we're friends, Jones. Don't think about it too deeply.

Jones: Are you sure about that? Remember that time a few months ago when I said I didn't have that game that you always play? You gave it to me the next day without even realizing that I didn't have anything to play it on. All that while people were constantly telling you to hang out with them.

Gary: That's just once.

Jones: That happened 6 times Gary. Each time I say that I want to try out the game you want to play, you get it for me while still forgetting that I don't have the resource to play it. There's a ton of other people that want to play with you too y'know.

Gary: Ah right.

Jones: I don't get how, I get that special treatment. Just a bit curious is all. Then Ben would just straight up invite me to go with him to some other place just to hangout. Despite all that when someone else asks you to help them study or spend some time, you don't give it a second thought.

Ben: Hmmm. Guilty as charged.

Jones: Don't try to act cute. I'm just confused on why you guys want to hangout with someone as plain as me. Don't y'all have much more interesting lives to play in.

Ben: I guess it's a bit complicated to answer that now.

Gary: Yeah, you definitely placed me on the spot, calling us out like that.

Jones: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like a bad thing. I was just curious about it all. I'm not as popular as Gary and I'm not as driven as Ben. I'm just me.

Gary: Dropping us bombs like that. It's hard to answer. But I guess my answer to that is just because we like you.

Ben: Yeah, I just want to be friends with you. Nothing wrong with that.

Jones: I guess but I just want to know why.

Gary: I'm sure we'll find the answer to that sooner or later.

That was probably one of the first few times I've decided to question our friendships out in the open like that. The conversation was driven into a different direction right after that reply leaving me to my own breakfast again. Compared to them, my life feels like it's not going anywhere in particular. Gary would probably become a famous influencer with his growing popularity while Ben would probably become some kind of business owner. I don't see myself moving forward compared to them. Or maybe they just didn't care about how deep this conversation actually is to me. I stood up then left with the excuse that I was going to go use the bathroom. They were just in a different league than me and I just didn't feel like I've earned a spot to be part of their circle. With nothing to offer, I was just moving by the motions. I wasn't going to lie to myself that I felt like I was going to cry because of how unsure I am about everything. The cuffs of my long purple sleeves were starting to get too stretched out because of my constant use of it to wipe my tears. If they ever found out that I was this emotional then I wouldn't be too sure what they would do. I don't want them to worry about me especially when they have their own lives to worry about. From a small walk, I sprinted towards my room to close the door shut then fell down onto the floor with my back against the door. This felt like my own personal hell for some reason. Why was I so bothered by this? Why do I feel like I'm not good enough. Other people have it rough but why am I feeling sad like this? There were only a few things that would probably calm me down but both of those were just unavailable right now. I swore to myself that I was going to stop doing marijuana but it was just something to help stop my thoughts from eating me. Another is to eat or watch some dog videos. I didn't want to do any of those. It didn't make sense to feel so stumped over something like this.

After a couple of minutes, I was able to calm down. I was starting to feel like myself again. I don't know how that surge of randomness came from but that was something. Looking around my room, I was able to feel better. This room had probably seen its share of weird people like me or situations. Who knows? Maybe some people have had sex in this room already but I wouldn't know. It's a good thing that I've requested to change the mattress before settling in. The room wasn't lacking in space that's for sure. This was my first time having a room to myself too. My family usually made me share a room with my little brother who I'll see again when I get back home. A packed suitcase was already prepared on the bed. I was already packed to leave in a couple days to finally have a break from this place. Though, I'm sure I'll miss a lot of things despite just being away for a month. I sat on the bed just to make sure I remember what it felt like because I was just going to go back to my old bed soon. However, one thing that hasn't changed was my privacy. I may have a room to myself in Norbern, the door to my room was a bit broken with it sometimes unlocking by itself. It scares me from time to time whenever the guys come in without knocking. Speaking of which, my phone was starting to vibrate quite the amount. They're probably looking for me now. Wouldn't be surprised if they came busting the door open to see if I was alright. Some people are even starting to notice this weird special treatment I'm getting from those two. I just hope they don't think badly of me. Those two need to start thinking that their actions have weird reactions from everyone around them. They are quite popular after all. Both are also being ogled by the girls in my class. These girls also think that I don't appreciate them enough. I wish they could just hangout with those girls instead. As if like clockwork, there was a knocking on the door. Guess they already know where I would be. I should just answer the door now before they just open it anyway. But before I could get up from the bed, the door opened! It was them. These guys have no idea what privacy is. Gary looked like he was excited for something while Ben was a bit anxious.

Ben: Are you okay? We couldn't find you anywhere in the common room.

Jones: No need to be so concerned Ben. I was just checking to see about my luggage. But both y'all should start knocking and waiting. I could've been doing something important.

Gary: I straight up thought you were doing weed.

Jones: Hey! I said I would stop already. It's bad enough that I almost got caught by one of the servants.

Gary: Well tell me if you have any. Just saying now, you might have some later. Who knows.

Ben: You shouldn't be encouraging Jones to break a bad habit. It's good that Jones wants to stop. It's a bad habit anyway.

Jones: Are both of you even listening? You two shouldn't just come barging in my room like this.

Ben: We're sorry but we knew that you were leaving today. We just wanted to give you something.

Jones: What? I'm not leaving for good. I'm just going to go home for the holiday break.

Gary: Yeah but it seemed like a good time especially since you felt a bit strange earlier. We just wanted you to know we care.

Jones: A bit creepy don't you think.

These guys are so weird. This is the special treatment that I want to fix. Guess some other time. They both seem excited to give me something anyway and I won't be able to see them for an entire month. Ben produced a box from his back then handed it to me with a gentle smile. It wasn't anything big, it was just a small box that looked like some kind of small jewelry box. I opened it while those two were staring intently. However, I could feel that sensation coming back again. It was something similar to earlier but even stronger. My fingers felt weird touching the box but I had to open it. These guys can't have pranked me or something. I lifted the top but it was just a small silver metallic feather ring inside. It was fully metal so it had some weight to it. This was definitely one of the strangest gifts I've received.

Gary: It's a feather ring. It's a bit weird giving a feather ring but we were all supposed to get them.

Ben: I was going to get copper while Gary was going to get an onyx.

Jones: Don't you guys get it? This is the kind of stuff that people are talking about. This is just weird. You don't just randomly gift someone a ring. Didn't that feel a bit off to you?

Gary: Well to be fair there was supposed to be one for each of us.

Jones: Still don't get it. But I appreciate it. I really do. I'll wear it now but are you sure it's nothing weird? This isn't some kind of prank is it?

Ben: We promise. I'm sure you'll take my word for it. It's just a feather ring we found around the art's division during that event there a long time ago. We figured we would have something like this for the three of us.

Jones: That's sweet. I think. Anyway, I really do appreciate it guys.

I took the ring out of the box. However, when I touched the metal, I felt a strong surge of waves inside of my body. My head was starting to spin for a split second then back to normal again. This day just gets weirder and weirder. For a split second, I thought the world just turned black and blue! Ben and Gary looked happy as I wore the ring. After a few more responses, I kicked them out of my room then finally prepared to go back home.

A few days have passed from that day. I haven't taken off the ring yet because I was actually starting to miss everyone. The only times that I've removed it was when I took my baths or if I was going to sleep. But I wished I could miss them properly, these punks were still trying to message me everyday that I was starting to get creeped out. Don't both y'all have lives or something! Talk to somebody else! It was just another day in my house when I started to get bored. Afternoons like these are quite boring especially for me. Maybe I should get a hobby or something like those two. I know that Ben has a stamp collection while Gary has his deck of cards collection. Gary also has multiple things like his twitter to manage or his other platforms. Ben is a lot more disciplined when it comes to choosing what to do. On the other hand, I don't have much to care about, much less a hobby. I could always take up dancing but it's a little bit too late to start dancing at my age. It's a bit embarrassing to start now. I guess this is just another chill afternoon again. The winds were pretty cool at this time of day especially since my house would shade me pretty well from the sun. This quiet afternoon is just not my style. Sometimes I wished that Gary would invite me out to those parties he goes to or the soirees that Ben's friends would brag about. Instead all they do is just eat lunch with me. Guess I'm just too average to invite to parties or activities. Who'd want to bring me to those things anyway. I mean I don't always want to go to those things. Though once or twice would be fun. Yet, they've never really invited me to their private lives have they? I'm just their school friend after all. I was in my backyard using the swing while I was fiddling with the weird feather design of my ring. Something about it felt like I was special.

Unknown voice: That's because you are!


I turned my back to see who it was but there was no one there. That voice, it sounded familiar. A part of me was scared if it was those two visiting my house without me telling them my address. My skin started to feel a bit cold from the thought of that actually happening. I need to calm down and look for that voice.

Unknown voice: Lookie here! Up here Jonesie!

My head shot up to see something startling! It was a flying teenage boy! He had gray hair that went all the way down the middle of his neck and purple eyes. He was just floating in the air looking like he was resting on an air bed. I wanted to wet myself because this was completely unnatural! In times like these, my hands were starting to sweat while clutching the chains of my swing. How did he get here?! How is he flying?! What the hell is happening?! Before I could say anything else. My baby brother came to me looking like he wanted to play. But the strange thing is that even if he was 7 years old he would've noticed the goddamn floating guy right in front of me! He looked excited and completely ignored the guy just floating right on top of us! As he reached me, he gave me a bit of a sad smile. I knew exactly what was happening. It's happening again. I have to be here for my little bub or no one will.

Brother: Let's play! I want to play tag! I want to play hide and seek! Mom and dad are busy in their room talking. They said to play with you but I wanted to play with them.

Jones: Oh. It's one of those days. I'm sorry about that little bub. Come here.

Brother: I wished they didn't do those things. I want to spend more time with them.

Jones: It's alright. You got me. I'm always here for you so it's alright right? They can have their talk then we'll talk to them okay?

Floating guy: Sounds pretty serious.

Jones: It's none of your business! What the heck are you?!

Brother: Who are you talking to? Are you talking about me?

Jones: Oh no! I'm not talking about you little bub. I'm just talking to the guy floating up there.

Brother: The who?

Jones: Wait? You can't see him? He's right there! He's just flying like he's on a magic mattress!

Brother: Are you okay? You don't seem to have a fever. Oh is this a game? I want to play this game!

I see, so this is my hallucination then. I'm finally going to stop smoking weed now. This is just a different type of high even for me. Gotta make sure I never buy from that guy ever again. These side effects are too strong.

Floating guy: Nope it's not a hallucination. But I'm glad that you're quick to assume that only you can see me. This makes things a little bit easier.

After playing a bit with my little bother then tucking him into bed. I went straight to the attic. This is usually the place I'd sleep when the weather was cold. The breeze the window gave during this season felt great. All this happened while my hallucination was floating around me. Not going to lie, it's starting to scare me that he might be a ghost. I placed down the mattress I set aside from the night earlier then took the load off. The attic was pretty small but it was enough to feel comfy and have some privacy especially when mom and dad had their fights.

Floating guy: You seem to have it rough Jonesie.

Jones: I'm finally starting to lose it huh. I didn't think I'd go to the deep end.

Floating guy: I'm not a hallucination Jonesie. I'm an anomaly from the ring.

Jones: What?

Floating guy: Seems like you really don't know what's going on.

Jones: I really need to stop smoking weed. I'm talking to myself now.

Floating guy: Hmmm. How do I convince you that I'm real?

Jones: What the hell even are you?

Floating guy: Let's start with a name. I've been given many but feel free to give me one.

Jones: You came from this feather ring? Hmmm. Feather huh? I'll call you Icarus.

Icarus: An apt name. I shall be Isaac from now on then. Isaac at your service.

Jones: Now tell me what are you? And please tell me I'm not losing my mind! I've got so many questions. Am I dreaming?! This is just too crazy! I know I'll just wake up in my room in Norbern anytime now. Get me away from here.

Icarus: You aren't crazy Jones. What you were given was an anomaly. Though I'm sure the ones who gave it to you didn't know it was.

Jones: An anomaly?

Icarus: Well that's what humans call it. I'm an anomaly. An entity from the ring.

Jones: Stop. One by one please! What the hell is an anomaly.

Icarus: It's an abnormality that came into this world. We are many but each is special. I am special.

Jones: Special?

Icarus: Each anomaly is given to those who need it. We're drawn into a person. Something your kind sometimes calls destiny.

Jones: Sounds like a load of crap. Who cares about stuff like destiny anyway. It can't change the way things are. It just means I'm bound to something.

Icarus: You're talking about your parents aren't you?

Jones: It's none of your business. Don't come talking about it.

Icarus: But I know everything now. I'm bound to you Jones. Aren't you interested in why I'm here?

Jones: Not really. I just want to go to sleep to be honest. Maybe this is just some kind of post weed stuff or something.

Icarus: I've taken a liking to you already.

Jones: You're going to have to wait in line. Two others are already interested in being super friends with me.

Icarus: Ben and Gary huh. If you're just going to sit there then you might as well listen to what I have to say then.

Jones: Fair but don't expect much. I could just be high right now. Just talk all you want.

Icarus: As I've said before I'm an anomaly. I'm not from this world. But I'm an even more unique anomaly. An anomaly that can manifest into this form. Though I'm not sure why I turned into such a weird amalgamation. Wonder what could this form mean.

Jones: Beats me Icarus. You don't look like someone I know either.

Icarus: Strange. Anyway, I have only one thing that I think you'd want to know. My power.

Jones: Power? Like a super power?

Icarus: Yes! Something like that! I have the power to change destinations but for a cost.

Jones: Destination?

Icarus: Yes! The route of people's lives! I can change how a person's life can become. My previous owners from lifetimes ago have also called me the fates too. Though I'm not sure about the validity of whether I am the origin of such stories.

Jones: You mean you're telling me you can change destiny?

Icarus: In a sense, yes!

Jones: There's a catch isn't there. You said for a price.

Icarus: The price is simple to pay for. It simply costs changing someone's future but that's obvious isn't it? You change route. You change the future. Now tell me Jones, what path will you take?

Jones: Okay I'm way too fucking high right now.

The style is a bit different because it doesn't spoon feed character reactions but I like it this way. You can have your own idea on how each character can sound like in your head or how they say certain dialogues.

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