
A Chance Encounter

"Magicis Distractis" - Magical Disruption

The magical field that surrounded the area by the library was disrupted as an individual who had cast a spell, returned his wand into his jacket. Entering the library, he walked through the hidden entrance which "common people" are unaware of.

Upon entering he was greeted by a librarian who smiled and asked, What can I get you today, young man?

I want to take a look at the 16th century magical artifacts, if you please!

A look of fright came over the librarian as he realized that a random individual would not have knowledge of such things and that this situation had just escalated. Before he could react, the stranger pulled out a wand, and a gust of wind blew the librarian unto the ground.

The stranger then walked up to the librarian and said "now I know, I have your attention!"


'A loud explosion rocks the library on King's Road.'


The traffic had come to a complete halt on King's Road as the taxi which carried the Touring family also got caught in it.

This caused Derrick to become a bit agitated as there was no other way for the taxi to get out of it. Turning to Rachael he said, I am going to see what is happening up the road. He opened the taxi door and began to navigate through the vehicles that had also been caught in the traffic.

Before Rachael could assure Amelia that her uncle would be back, Amelia also exited the taxi and headed behind her uncle.


Derrick made a path through the onlookers and made his way to a police barrier that had been placed to temporary halt the traffic.


The barrier showed, "London Police Barricade on it, written in white on a blue background. They had blocked the road because of a minor incident which happened at the library, said the officer who was standing at the barrier.

Don't worry he assured, traffic will begin to move very soon. You can return to your vehicles.

While he spoke, another officer walked up to him. He was a well dressed gentleman who introduced himself as Mr Aiden.

"All will be well, he assured the nearby citizens. Please return to your vehicles!"

OK and thank you for your response, Derrick politely told the officer. As Derrick was turning to leave, Amelia who stood next to him, asked , Uncle, what does 'Magicis Distractis' mean?

I don't know, Derrick answered with a humorous tone and I have always told you that you can call me Derrick he said to her as he ushered her back to the taxi.

Aiden who had been listened attentively to the words of the girl was curious about the question that she just asked. How does she know that word, he thought to himself. Then his mind raced on the possibility that that spell was cast by the witch or wizard who had done damage to the library.

Under his breath, Aiden whispered a spell.

"Togae Sequeris" which meant 'Follow the Civilian'.

Suddenly the shadow of a black butterfly left his presence and followed behind the girl and her uncle as they returned to the taxi.

When a path was cleared and traffic began to move, the magical butterfly rested on the taxi, as they made their way towards their intended destination.

Common people or Common Folk refers to anyone without magical lineage or who are unaware of the existence of magic and are unable to cast any type of spell.

Kerron_Masterscreators' thoughts
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