
Chapter - 5: A Wish Granted, A Day Yearned For. (4/4)

The cool lakeside breeze was blowing through the trees and shrubs. The sight of the of the sun setting in the lake would be a sight to behold. But that would not be possible, not with the sight of these three irritating bastards and their smug grins.

"Stay behind me, Cecille. Right now, let me deal with the problem this time."

"Even if you say that, it's not like I can do anything, huh."

Cecille was weakly leaning on Caleb, who was holding her shoulders whilst supporting her back with one arm. Careful not to cause her any discomfort.

These bastards really know how to pick timing, just when the lake started sucking mana. Is what Cecille is feeling right now because of it? He didn't know.

He, who knew Cecille the most, even more than the sisters at the orphanage, knew exactly where to find here. Out of all the places they had explored in Alkmard, there was only one which she would go to when she wanted to be alone.

The White Lake, also known as the Setting Sun Lake. They had gone to the hill there at night once, and she had repeatedly asked to visit again. He had refused her every time because of various reasons, and also because she felt strangely weak the day after they went to the lake. She had to be taken to the infirmary.

Just like right now, only, this was much worse. She was at the point of passing out.

Wait!? Had she already passed out? He nudged her but she showed no response. But after that, she no longer showed signs of feeling pain or weakness, maybe because she fainted. Her brows were no longer furrowed and she had a peaceful expression, like a child who wanted to sleep.

All he wished to do right now was let her sleep peacefully, but whether that was possible or not would depend on him and on what happened next.

"Give me a moment, please. Even you wouldn't want her to be involved in this." Would they accept the proposal, Caleb already knew the answer.

"Of crouse. We all know you ain't running away, since what we want ish that gu'rl in your arms. Dammit, 'M getting jealous already. Move it 'n lay her someplace or something. 'M really itching to give ye' a whacking."

"Yeea, thu bossis itching."

"Yeaa, the boss is itching."

"Hm!? Wat wuss that, Cut two?"

"uI mean, thus bossis itching."

"Hahaha!" The one in the middle gave a loud laugh. He was smaller than both of his lackeys by a head yet they still treated him with such respect. Idiots would always respect someone more idiotic than them.

His name was... Caleb couldn't recall. Was it Robert or Rogg or Revelt? Let's go with Level.

His two lackeys regarded him so highly, they had their hair cut short, just like him.

Level was, as Caleb would describe, a scumbag. He was a typical gangster you could find on the street. The difference being he was a gangster with noble blood. Caleb didn't hate Level because he was noble, it was because of the way he faulted his nobility. Even when he wore clothes that matched his status, his repulsive 'scumbag' nature would never fail to 'soil' his image.

In fact, Caleb wouldn't care to remember nor even interact with him if it weren't for the idiot who wanted to 'make friends' with everyone. He couldn't help but curse Cecille in his mind. But he knew deep down that he would never prevent her from doing that, it was just Cecille being herself, and what was wrong with that?

It was this idiot who was standing with his lackeys like some wall that blocked them. That tried to come in between them, bar them, separate them. For that, he was going to pay.

Yet he couldn't help but blame the behind all this a little, the one who was sleeping so peacefully he actually wanted to stare at it for a long while. She had no fault but if she didn't try to make friends with literally everyone she met, then they wouldn't continue to pester here when they weren't exactly 'friendly. That way, he wouldn't have to deal with it, wouldn't need to get physical with them, or more correctly, wouldn't need to get magical with them.

And so what happened was, girl goes to introduce herself to everyone on the entrance day, an idiot with a smooth head comes with all those flashy clothes. The girl had always wanted to befriend a noble, went to shake hands with him. It went all smooth until someone tripped her and she spilt the drink on his clothes. Guy, started to pressure her so she comes running to Caleb. And to top it all off, the girl could have just ended him then and there. But till date, she didn't know that was a setup. Since then, the smooth-headed guy was even more determined, with a new grudge against Caleb and even more desire to possess the girl. fueling him.

But to think it would go to this extent.

He laid her down gently on the grass and leaned her against the trunk. He gently slid his hands along her hair then turned around.

"It seems you've already forgotten about that day."

"Ya think!?" Caleb's words so easily made Level full of rage, but that was only natural.

"Aye remeber it liek t'was yesturday! Aye'll never foget, nev'a ever forget, until aye beat ya up and send ya back to ur mommy. 'N while 'Im ad'it, I'l send ye a letter for ya to bring to the gurl's mommy too."

"For what you just said, only breaking your nose and your incisors like before won't be enough."

Level's accent was even more muddled the more he got mad. This time, Caleb wasn't going to let them off so easily.

"Last chance fo y'a. Aye mite be marrciful if ye kneel n gruvel before me."

"Sorry, but there won't be any chances for you."

"Ye think ye can take me on."

"Does your face still hurt when you say that?"

"Tch! Now I ain't alune, get 'im bouys."

Caleb was the first to start. He rushed towards Level with his right hand behind his back. Only after he had crossed half of the distance between them did the two lackeys react. He remembered the one to his left was lackey one, and the other, two.

Level was by no means a weakling. He might not be training diligently, but with the blood inherited from his family, he could beat the average people easily. Not to mention twice the effect for the little amount he did.

Caleb ignored the two goons and went straight for Level. He paid no heed to them even though they were trying to, were going to try to flank him from his sides.

Level stood where he was. Showing no change as he watched Caleb rushing to him.

When Caleb reached the midway, the two goons were about two metres from him. Suddenly they jumped back and raised their arms, pointing their hands to him, probably trying to strike him with magic.

Level still had that same grin on his face, though now it was wider than before. Until he realised Caleb had no change in his expression.

Of course he wouldn't, after all, hadn't he expected all of it? It was easy to know what they were planning, the last thing a mage wanted was a fist fight.

Fully knowing what they were planning, Caleb still continued chasing for the guy who now had a schocked expression on his face. Paying no heed to the two goons who were ready to unleash whatever they could on him.

But then, it was not meant to be. The goons cast their magic, only to find out they couldn't. They didn't even have control over their own or the surrounding mana. If they didn't have their mana then what were they going to do? Thinking about the plan they had they turned to look at their boss.

Then they saw it clearly. Caleb had reached their boss, who, for some reason, didn't resist at all as he planted a fist in his face.

Just as they were about to rush to Caleb, they too had shocked expressions on their faces. Both of them. Their knees gave out and they passed out, lying on the ground.

This was a blessing for Caleb. This kept him from being exhausted, if he was too tired then he was worried he wouldn't be able to take care of Cecille. Not to mention he might really have lost.

He didn't even have time to wonder what exactly happened.

He walked with paced steps towards the tree, evidently wearier than before. These short steps seemed to span for so long, he couldn't think straight. He was worried. When was the last time he was this worried? Felt this fear? This apprehension? If possible he would rather run away then face the truth.

But his fears' didn't bear fruit.

He didn't know when, but his feet had dragged him to the place. There, he saw her face, how she leaned against the tree, how her legs were rested on the grass.

He gave a huge sigh of relief. Thankfully, there was nothing that changed for the worse.

And while he was prepared to rest a bit, he heard the rustling sounds the bushes were making. He went fully alert, ready to pounce at whatever was coming.

Then when his focus reached its peaked, he saw it.

A branch extending from its hair with a few leaves stuck in it. How did it even get that branch in its ear? It's clothes were torn were tattered and torn. It was amazing how it managed to keep its pants in one piece.

That was what he thought until he could get a better view of it's back. There were no pant 'parts' covering the thighs up to the spine.

Awkwardly scratching the back of its head, it spoke with an embarrassed tone.

"Since you're done already, could you help me get some clothes?"

Caleb felt really glad that it was 'him' and not some other person he had to beat up. On second thought, how could he actually be glad that he was 'found' by a guy who was half-unclothed in a different sense?

He couldn't help but meet his forehead with his palm.

"I'll be there in a minute." Hesitantly, he went to help the half-clothless Ashwaal.


"Damn! I'm hurting all over here! Stupid old man, I bet he could go 'deal with' the landing if he really wanted to." I couldn't help but curse.

Was that old man senile? He literally threw me in a forest packed with things that I knew nothing of. What if I hit a boulder and broke my head? What if some leaves slice me up? What if there were magical beasts ready to pounce on me at any moment? I might have been quite high in the sky but that wasn't any safety moat when it really came to it.

"So the only thing I have to do is inject my mana into my clothes and they'll mend themselves, right?"

"Though it's more or less regenerate... Yeah, they'll do that." Caleb replied.

I couldn't even tell how many cuts were on my clothes. I guess this is what you get for sliding down a tree without stopping. I could coat my hands with my mana but I had to use all I had just to stick to the trunk, and even with that, my hands were aching from the pain.

As soon as I stood firm on the ground, not wanting to waste the adrenaline, I ran straight for where I remembered they were. Then passing through all sorts of vines and bushes, with branches swinging out of nowhere and all, I finally reached the hill.

What greeted me Caleb staring at me like a wild beast. Honestly, it made me realise just how frightening he could be. Then again, who wasn't a vicious beast when it came to protecting their loved ones?

And so here we were. Caleb telling me of the auto-mend or auto-regeneration function of the clothes. If at least 30% of the clothes were intact then they could literally grow out the rest if they were supplied with mana.

Doing so, my clothes looked brand new. But it couldn't alleviate the pain I was feeling right now. On closer inspection, I could hardly feel my legs. It was amazing how the adrenaline worked to help bring me here. My legs... They didn't feel right at all. They were loose or felt like they weren't in the right place.

My hands didn't have marks on them, but that didn't mean the insides weren't strained. They still felt like they were burning even now.

Paying no heed to the three people currently sprawled on the floor. I turned to look at Caleb and Cecille.

The girl was still in her resting position. Caleb standing guard near her. Seeing her pleasant sleeping face, he only wanted her to sleep peacefully, yet also feared she wouldn't wake up. He just stood there gazing at her intently.

Was it because they still hadn't 'actually' made up yet? Though having met them only today, I could tell that he didn't show his 'intent' as much as yesterday on any other days. I could understand how he felt, how it felt to lose someone before you could even speak your last words to them. Or I could at least pretend.

If they were going to stay like that when I wasn't going to be polite. The sun was almost setting. I had to make the most of this 1st day of mine. So I went to take a closer look at the three people lying on the floor.

"You wouldn't mind if I took these three for a little spin right?" I turned my head.

Caleb didn't even turn his head. Taking that as approval, I proceeded to drag the two who were lying one atop the other by their legs. With some effort, I was barely able to drag them to the one who passed out with his eyes wide open. Without even having to think I could already tell why.

'Since the goons are not important. I might as well only take this guy.'

I carried the guy on my shoulder. He was heavier than he looked. With my unsteady feet, it was hard to reach a place that was far enough. The cliff was steep. A straight fall and one would drop to the lake. I finally reached a point where a rock wall blocked the path. Thinking this was far enough I dropped the guy to the floor.

I had to be quick with this or I might get suspected, though the chance was miniscule. I placed my hand on the 'now' smooth head. No sooner than that, he quickly woke up and stared at me with dread.

Maybe he realised I wasn't Caleb, his eyes were quickly filled with anger and embarrassment. I could already see him trying to take it out on me. He brushed off my hand and stood up.

"Aye dun't need yu'r ha'lp."

I couldn't even hear him speak clearly. I really didn't have time for this.

"Save that for the next time we meet. Lets quickly get to the point, then I'll release you."

He showed a mocking grin and said, "Ruh-leash mee? Who.."

"I told you I don't have time for this." I quickly followed up with a choke with my right hand.

He, not knowing how to resist, or how to react, could only barely make out, "Ohh.." which I took for a yes.

"Now, look at me closely and tell me if you recognise me."

He now obediently did as he was instructed and answered, "No." His voice was now timid and strangely easy to hear rather than the other strange accent. It was good news that he didn't recognise me. Then there was no harm in letting him walk out free. But to me, that meant...

"Here, stuff this in your mouth for a moment." A black spherical blob the side of a thumb was formed in my hand, which I shoved inside his mouth. Immediately, I covered his mouth, giving no chance to spit it out.

Foam was leaking from his mouth the moment the blob went down his throat. The black fluid was flowing out from his ears and his nose. He passed out again.

The black blob was a contract spell, a personal one. Personal meaning I was the one who made it. For contract spells, though not the best, self-created ones were the most suitable since, as the creator, they were tailor-made ourselves. Naturally, spells had their own restrictions, which were a result of the spell-makers' intent or side effect to balance the spell. It was unreasonable to create an overpowered contract spell having no restrictions.

Instead, the more restrictive casting the spell or getting the spell to work was, the stronger the spell got. And restrictions could be of various types.

Here, the restriction was that the spell would only work 'IF' the blob was swallowed. Naturally, that was restrictive enough. Though there were easier contract spells that could be used, this one suited me the most.

I could just leave him here and he would wake up soon and not remember anything that happened, which was just what I wanted. He would be under my direct control when I desired. But he would never realise it.

With all regards, I had just gained a slave who didn't know he was one.

The spasm was an after effect that couldn't be avoided. So I just left him there and returned to where the rest of them were.

Caleb was no longer standing. Contently resting with his chest to the ground, like a horizontal pole. Only, his head was on a certain someone's lap, who had her hand rested on his head for some reason.

It was strange that I couldn't feel any jealousy nor envy, desire nor hope. Wasn't it a normal 'male' reaction when one would see such things? I didn't think much on that topic.

Suddenly there was a bright blue glow then everything went dark. Had the sun finally set? I turned back and saw that it hadn't. It, however, had almost lost all of its colour. The lake too showed visible changes. Now all silver or white in colour. It was clear lake water with a bright white glow. Pure and untainted. It was definitely one of the most beautiful things I had seen in my short years.

It would've been perfect, if it didn't make my instincts scream at me, forcing me to not get absorbed staring at it. It kept me from falling into a trance. Like someone was shouting, 'That's Dangerous' at the back of my head.

But all this lasted for only a moment. I couldn't even tell if I was hallucinating or not. It all happened so sudden and went as quick.

Did that really happen? What was that bright light? No, what about the lake, why was it all white? Am I sane right now? Is this some sort of magic on me? I couldn't really think straight right now.

"Oi! What're you kids doing here!?" A low husky voice cleared my mind. I turned to see the 'commander' standing there all wet with the 'now' smooth headed guy on his shoulder. How did this guy end up here?

I could only weakly reply,

"We were just having a picnic."

His grumpy look said that he didn't believe me one bit.

I couldn't believe it myself. This was too much for the 1st day.


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