


Take watched as the chienthrope(we will call him Jim) darted forward swinging his sword in a wide arc Take brought his sword up to parry but the man redirected the sword downwards quickly forcing Take to jump back seeing this Jim darted forward preforming a forward thrust Take just twisted on his heel to the side and kicked off the ground channeling Ki into his legs landing his shoulder against Jim's side forcing him to stumble Take slashed upwards diagonally forcing Jim to lean back as the tip of the short sword created sparks as it glided across his chest plate

Take didn't let up kicking off the ground once against in a forward thrust stopping just short of the mans throat the proctor called the fight in Take's favor she told him to sit and wait until the next phase starts so he made his way over to Ghost and sat down as he wiped the sweat from his brow

"You got some skills alongside some speed it's hard to believe you've never had Falna before, I think I know why the Oni were so feared"

"I can't speak for the rest of my race Finn but most of my strength has come from my own efforts, could you fill me in on the next Phase?"

Thinking for a minute Finn replied

"Yea I can, so the next Phase will be duels against some of our higher level members to see how you react when your pushed into a corner with a low chance to come out on top I'm pretty sure your the most unlucky out of the bunch you pulled the Sword Princess Ais Wallenstein, every time we do this every one that went up against her was sent home so don't beat your self up if you aren't interviewed"

"She pretty strong?"

"Very... and one of few words, pretty much if you impress her your almost guaranteed a spot in the familia"

Nodding as Take replied

"Thanks for the heads up... Watch over Ghost for me he tends to get tense in situations like this... I'll make sure he doesn't interfere but I'd rather not have him ruining his fur from nervously digging"

Getting a slight chuckle from Finn

"Nah don't worry about it he seems pretty well behaved... I didn't know snow wolfs could grow this big"

"Oh snow wolf huh.. never knew that I ended up finding him all alone in the mountains to the north east of here about a year and a half ago ever since then we've always been together"

"You don't plan to take him into the dungeon right?"

"I don't see why not he can handle a group of bears on his own don't even get me started on them little green fucks... Goblins I think their called, he hates them will literally tear them to shreds every time he gets ahold of them always makes a mess"

Finn nervously chuckled at that as he watched Take pull some dried meat from a bag and tossed a piece towards Ghost and offered one to Finn

"You hungry? I don't want to be rude and eat infront of you I got some rolls too if you like"

"Know what sure... Thanks"

Handing over a roll too they began eating the moment Finn sank his teeth into the meat he was surprised unlike normal dried meat the meat was still slightly tender falling apart in his mouth as the taste filled his mouth before he knew it the meat was gone

"If you want more just let me know I keep a lot on me just in case Ghost ever gets hungry or for a snack"

Finn eagerly agreed


Meanwhile up in the mountains the old man Take gave the meat too was attempting to find the cabin with a group of his friends they all were donned in light armor and wielded their respective weapons

"What the hell I swear it was around here... wait didn't we pass this tree already?"

"That's the 20th time we passed by that tree I don't think you know what your talking about old man if you don't want to tell us where you found the meat just say something we've been on a wild goose chase for the last 4 hours I'm tired of this"

"No I swear it was somewhere around here near the face of the mountain on a ledge it was a fucking log cabin how can't we find it"


Since Finn said impressing Ais was need pretty much a needed thing if he wanted a chance to move onto the next phase which was interviews with Loki here self so he decided to use anything he had to come out on top currently he is trying to get used to incorporating Ki into Shunshin only moving and inch at 5 different points unless looking closely while standing close to him it looked like he was doing a weird thing with his hand (Hand Seal) and standing still but in reality he was constantly body flickering slowly using more and more Ki mixed with the Chakra

This continued till Finn started calling the remaining people together

"The next phase will consist of duels with some of the higher level familia members so they can gauge you level of skill we have people capable of healing close by so feel free to let loose, If you would go to one of the proctors to find out who your going to be paired up with"

After awhile everyone was were they were supposed to be there were some complaining about their match up being unfair but Take was standing across from Ais who was about 162cm tall favorable features with long golden hair running down her back, gold eyes, and a slender body, currently wearing a white piece dress with black leggings, low boots, and a chest plate reaching up to mid neck with a slight angle facing outwards

She too looked him over but mainly noticed the black and white (one black one white) horns placed about halfway up his forehead situated short of his temples and then her attention was drawn to his eyes


His eyes were something she's never seen she felt as if she was drawn into these eyes giving her a sense of comfort, Meanwhile Take was tense staring at Ais' slender frame unconsciously channeling chakra into his eyes as he studied her body waiting for a single muscle to twitch seeing her unmoving he made a single hand seal body flickering infront of her with his body slightly twisted using the momentum for Shunshin to fuel a snap kick to her ribs the moment his figure blurred from Ais' sight she saw him appear in front of as she noticed the kick and moved to block it with her rapier like sword Take shunshin'd again violently twisting as he slightly lifted off the ground channeling Ki to his foot as he was close to complete his rotation he kicked out and upon impact he felt something bend when suddenly the resistance was gone as he attempted to slow his rotation he pulled a hide bag from under his shirt and tossed it up quickly following with a shard of obsidian at this point he noticed Ais quickly approaching him just as the shard cut the bag a white powder(acorn flour) blocked their vision with a slight smirk on his face he channeled some Mana 'Fire Spark'

Seeing the white powder clouding her vision she didn't think much of it and moved to charge right through it she heard this kid was a Falna-less so she highly doubted he had any chance against a level 6 like herself but then a spark appeared in the powder causing a small fiery explosion to enclose her robbing her of her momentum and burning her dress although she felt the heat it was bearable as she broke through the explosion she was meet with an ice spike meeting it with her rapier like sword (I don't know what to call it) there was one following in it's shadow quickly meeting it with the flat of her sword slowing her down slightly Take flickered infront of her mid thrust fueling the speed and penetrative power seeing this Ais twirled out of the way as her hair danced in the air she brought her sword down towards his neck as he ducked and shunshined backwards then started circling her so fast afterimages started to appear before they slowly started to dwindle going from 6 to 2 as both afterimages closed in Ais chose one and drew an arc with her blade forcing Take to block causing sparks as he flew back

Attempting to land on his feet proved more difficult then he thought as he tumbled a few meters before rolling backwards and planting the front of his feet into the ground and pouring a lot of Ki into his Shunshin as he kicked off the ground shooting forward like a bullet as he streaked across the distance as drawing an arc with his blade pouring mana into the strike molding two mana blades to cut off Ais' exits as he thrusted his blade forward Ais' eyes slightly widened as he blocked his sword with the side of her blade

Take went wide eyed as the blade of his sword just shattered launching his body into Ais who as she saw this brought her knees up dropping her sword as they connected they both fly for a few feet before tumbling for a few meters Ais was the first to their feet quickly appearing above Take pointing a dagger at him for a second before nodding and sheathing the dagger, picking up her blade, then walking over to Finn and standing there with the same stoic face she held throughout the whole fight except for the almost imperceivable smile

Take laid on the ground for a minute with a layer of sweat covering his body his extensive use of Ki placed a burden on his body making him slightly exhausted, sending a pulse out as he slowly caught his breath soon enough Ghost arrived next to him with his bag opening it he grabs a couple pieces of dried meat and a few rolls tossing a few pieces of meat towards Ghost he bite into a roll as he closed his eyes focused on what he learned from his fight with Ais

It didn't take long for the remaining fights to finish almost all of the people there were staring at Take as he tossed pieces of meat up into the air and Ghost jumping high into the air to catch them only to repeat this process until Finn started listing off names


















The list was longer then he expected about 50 people when he heard his name he was internally ecstatic struggling not to let it show to much despite this he did a quick fist pump earning himself a chuckle from Finn when he saw it everyone whose name wasn't called grumbled on their way out some loudly complaining about how a 'Falna-less scrub passed but a stupidly strong adventurer like him couldn't' and things similar but they were quickly ushered out by the various members of the Loki Familia

One by one they was pulled into an office for an Interview with Loki after a few minutes they would exit the room and return to their seats eventually Take got pulled into the room upon facing Loki he bowed

"A pleasure to meet you Loki-sama"

With a slight chuckle/giggle she motioned him to sit down as she near instantly adopted a serious face

"Tell me Take are you the last Oni?"

"As far as I know"

"How old are you?"

"I don't know"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I woke up in a forest about a year and half ago"

"What have you done this past year and a half?" Slightly leaning in as her eyes narrowed

"Lived in a valley not far from her starting out in a cave eventually building a log cabin and raising my companion Ghost"

"The snow wolf that was with you?"


"How did you come across him?"

"My first night in the cave I cooked some pheasant that I caught ended up falling asleep with some in my hand woke up with him curled up next to me covered in blood and mud with matted fur as a little pup... history since then"

"He's only a year and a half old?! What the hell do you feed him?"

"Mainly boar steak but he really enjoys pheas-"

Sighing as she spoke "You didn't have to answer that one... why did you choose my familia?"

"First one that I was told about by my advisor I am new to this city and don't know much about it let alone the world just yesterday I learned that there were gods walking among mortals, Falna, Gods blessings and so on"

"Wait so you didn't go into this knowing that your trying not join one of the top 3 Familias?"

Take went wide eyed at this "What... no no I had no idea I heard around town that your familia was good but I didn't know anything like that"

Seeing the shocked Take, Loki couldn't help but laugh after attempting and failing to catch her breath a few time she wiped a tear from her eye

"Alright alright, *phew* thank you please wait out side with the others Finn will let you know if you are accepted" bowing as he left the room he returned to his seat

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