

Along Take's way to the Hostess of Fertility lightly jogging through various alleyways he felt a small tingling sensation at the back of his neck, not stopping to find out what it was about he slightly sped up keeping a close eye on his surroundings, it didn't take long for him to make his way up the short steps at the entrance to the Hostess of Fertility as he opened the door with a bit of strength his eyes went wide as a Yelp sounded out from the other side of the door

Time seemed to slow as Take reached his arms out in an attempt to catch the cat-kin who unluckily went to open the door just as he did causing her to trip, as the young women fell into his arms Take out some pressure on her shoulder causing her to spin 180 in the air causing her back to hit against his chest, Take had to pull his head back due to her being slightly taller then he was currently they were standing with one of his arms draped across her shoulders with her neck in the nook of his elbow and the other arm across her midriff once he was sure she was on the ground and balanced he slowly removed his hands making sure not to let his touch wander as he took a step back she twirled around with a red face leading into smack

Although Take could have avoided the smack or he would like to think he could have, he was momentarily distracted his eyes solely focused on her green eyes which accented the deep blush climbing up her face with his mouth slightly agape


Who ever wasn't looking was now as the door to the Hostess of Fertility was still open many looked to see what happened there were a few that saw the whole ordeal but the majority only heard the smack and saw a young boy standing across from their 'Lovely Maiden' with a shocked look holding his red cheek, just as one of the patrons went to stand up fuming with anger a Dwarf spoke out

"Oui OI, Take that ain't no way to treat a lady… Hope you did well in the dungeon your paying"

Seeing that he was saved by Harold he looked towards the slightly blushing Cat-kin seeing her black hair with small tufts of white in her cat-like ears shaking his head stopping his eyes from wandering he lowered his head

"I apologize miss, Didn't know you were on the other side of the door"

Releasing a deep breath causing the once red hue on her face to instantly disappear she took a mischievous smile

"If your truly sorry you'll come back in the morning tomorrow and escort me to the Babel Tower"

Take's face turned serious as his body stiffened slightly earning his a mischievous giggle from the cat-kin despite her trying to hid it with her palm he gave her a deep nod

"If that's the consequences for my actions, Then I'd be more than pleased to accompany you miss?"

Slightly leaning forward one hand behind his back the other slightly out her smile only wided at this sight

"Chloe, Your Take I take it? Your buddies seem to be rooting for you"

Looking over her shoulder he went stiff as he found Gart, Harold, and Joe all with big smiles Gart sending a large thumbs up his way while Lilianna had her knees pulled up to her chest drawing circles on the table with a heavy pout on her face

"Yeah it would seem so… Once again I apologize but I must join them… Your free to join if you like, I'll cover your pay as well as the meal"

Pressing her back up against the edge of the doorway giving Take barely enough room to slip through she rested a hand on his shoulder while leaning forward drawing close to his ear

"Although it sounds like a fun time, I'd have to pass… (slightly tilting her head looking towards the table with Joe, Harold, and company) but it looks like she will take you up on your offer "

Although her voice was soft and quiet in his ear her next action caused him to jump a bit as he looked back at Chloe with a slightly shocked face

"What? Little ole me can't have any fun?~"

Feeling the slight wetness behind his ear a shade of red started to climb his face as Chloe rested her hands against his back leaning into him slightly

"C'mon now Take~ go meet your friends (giving him light push) Oh and make sure to spend lots of money"

Ending her words with a wink and a wide smile causing him to stumble slightly before catching himself looking forward he saw Harold barely holding in a laugh while Joe and Gart gave a hearty chuckle before clinking their mugs together taking a long drink while Lilianna patted the empty seat next to her rather rapidly

Calming his breaths he decided to take Lilianna up on her offer sitting down next to her

"You guys order already?"

Joe shook his head while Harold spoke

"Nope was waiting on you, How'd you do by yourself?"

Ignoring the small cat-kin next to him resting her head on her arm trying to subtly stare at him while lightly tugging on his sleeve slowly adopting a pout

"Did alright managed to take down 220 goblins, What about you guys?"

Turning towards the now deeply pouting Lilianna who quickly turned her head away with a *hmmpf* crossing her arms in front of her, Joe let out a chuckle

"We did alright Lili there ended up getting smacked into the wall by a Minotaur but other then that it went well"

Hearing about her little 'slip-up' she snapped her head towards Joe glaring at him with her cheeks puffed she then slowly turned her head towards Take cheeks slowly losing air when suddenly she lifted her pointer finger taking a slightly deep breath

"What was in that cigarette you gave Harold? Huh? Made me feel weird but good at the same time you know? My pain also went away quick… but it made me hungry…"

Although she seemed full of energy when she started as she neared the end her started to slouched her head drooping as her once erect finger slowly curled before her arm dropped earning a slight chuckle from Take as he rested his hand on her shoulder

"It's a type of medicine, While it can be described as such it is also kind of like alcohol, something you do on occasion… Well the kind that I got is a bit stronger then what you might be able to find it all works the same"

This explanation caused Gart to laugh

"Boy you mean a drug a legal one but a drug you don't have to beat around the bush with her… as childish as she might seem she's got some years on you"

Take just shrugged

"Maybe so but sometimes it's more fun being roundabout"

Chloe approached the table from Take's side letting her Tail brush up against his side

"What can I get you gentlemen… and lady tonight?"

Pushing his thoughts the the back of his head Take looked up at her

"A slice of shepherd's pie and a water for me, A salad in the side as well"

"Ah Ah hmm (resting her chin on her hand) Ah, Fried Fish and a glass of orange juice for me" (Lilianna)

"Same as Take but with a mug of your finest missy" (Harold)

"Let me get a...uh… well...a… um… Chicken? Nah…(Rubbing the back of his head awkwardly) Can I get some pasta with an Ale" (Gart)

"And just a Salad and an Ale for me" (Joe)

Quickly writing each order down finishing with a nod Chloe slide the pen?(They got those? pencil maybe?) and notepad into the front pocket of her apron

"Very well your food will be out shortly"

She left the same way she came allowing her tail which was previously laying on Take's leg to elegantly sway behind her tempting Take to follow with his eyes a *Hmmpf* from the side caught his attention looking over he saw a pouting Lilianna and the 3 across from him sitting with a smile on their face as Harold spoke

"Boy what did I tell you last time… You did better but come on now it can't be that interesting to you, I doubt you've even dropped yet"

Joe and Gart both snorted at this as they attempted to hold in their laughs while Take slightly tilted his head confusion visible on his face to which Harold just shook his head, meanwhile Lilianna poked his side and motioned for him to come closer with her finger before whispering something in his ear

It wasn't loud enough for them to hear but they could guess what it was about just from Take's cough, wide eyes, and deep red face, While Take slowly calmed himself causing the blush to slowly fade the food came brought by a green haired elf who simply place the food at the table before leaving looking down at his food Take heaved a sigh before digging in

When Take was near finished with his meal a man approached their table with small stumbles and the smell of alcohol rolling off of him

"Oi OUI… You (Arm fully extended pointing at Take) ...Who do you think you are? (Slightly losing his balance catching himself on the backrest of the booth putting his face right in front of Take's) HUH? Who do you think you are laying your filthy hands on that little angel?! HUH?!"

A frown forming in his face as he saw that nobody at his Table was going to help him, he suddenly felt a slight tingling at the same time a glint reached his eyes as they went wide… The drunk bastard pulled a knife… Harold shot up from his seat causing the whole Tavern to watch the majority seeing the knife heading towards the boy's chest the man obviously putting his all into it, Harold darted forward attempting to tackle the man before he could finish his movement but it was already too late...

Take brought his hands in front of him shoving his palm onto the tip of the blade forcing it the stab through his hand as he gripped the man's hand with all his strength as the pain coiled up his arm Take's frown deepened until his face was marred with a deep scowl as he brought his free hand to connect with the man's jaw he let out an angry growl as he violently twisted yanking the knife from the man's hand fueling the momentum into his descending fist, as it connected with the man's jaw an audible crack resounded followed by the sound of the man's limp body hitting the floor

With a scowl still on his face Take brought his leg up ready to drop his foot on top of the man's head in hopes of flattening it but Harold got to him before he could bring his foot down pushing him into the booth

"CALM… Down, No reason to go killing the guy when you already changed his diet… You sit right there and don't move I'll be back"

Harold lifted the man up onto his shoulder and left the Hostess of Fertility, although the Tavern remained quiet it wasn't silent as murmurs started to pick up some even reaching Take's ears but he tuned them out as he focused on slowing his breaths and calming his nerves… That's the first time he really lost himself like that he didn't know how to react he looked up to see that other then Lilianna nobody at his Table really seemed to mind Lilianna looked a bit worried but as he looked around the Tavern the majority was staring at him some with looks of respect, some with looks of contempt, others with indifference just simply sending a nod his way before returning to whatever they were doing

Looking down at the knife sticking through his hand he let out a sigh as he stood up looking towards the back of the Tavern he saw a larger women in a blue slightly longer than knee length dress and white apron looking at him turning towards the door leading to the street he began walking before a sense of lightheadedness assaulted him midstep his vision blurred before going to black… he didn't even feel falling flat on his face

I need chants and spells... Would like ones related to Wind, Darkness, Light... Drop them in the comment alongside a description of what the spell is supposed to do THANKS

Oofdiditagaincreators' thoughts
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