
Am I not the strongest

silence , engulfed Logan, as he waited for his laptop to update. He as the leader of all things television had a hectic time at work but Was worth it as he paved the way for a lot of youth who could have ended up being murderers and all thing in-between.

He would usually be online but today was the weirdest day as he happened to click a link which happened to "update" his laptop but God knows what happened.


"user has been scanned to see your compatability with The Supreme Alpha Tailed Beast (A.K .A The strongest Beast in the Naruto Verse who escaped All eyes)".

"affirmed, you truly have the originators blood in you which can only mean that out of the insignificant amount of 'ants' of this world, you are the only one who has the chance to become a true "Jinjuriki ".

As the mysterious voice finally stopped it's mumbling Logan suddenly felt a skull splitting pain impede his mind as he slowly realised that everything around him was warping into irregularities to the extent that he seemed to fall into darkness.

"Where the hell am I" he roared but for naught, as he stayed trapped in the emptiness of his emotions however what took him as a surprise was the alleviation of darkness he felt a comfortable gush of fluids embrace him.

"crap, AM I IN A FRICKING WOMB" he cried not realising everything was answered with the wailing of a baby.

~Sigh ~

As he opened his eyes for the first time , he saw what he couldn't as he happened to see the clarity and quality of all things.

He saw his loving mother who smiled with her heart but to a disappointment that his father was no where to be seen.


He could further go into depth and could feel the chakra which encompassed him with strength outside the laws of physics but

the best thing he could have ever wished for was for him to have a mother as he never met his as he was an orphan. He was currently 8 years old which slowly allowed him to adapt to his strength.if he was to estimate how strong he currently was , it would be about the power level of 50 strong men. How Op was he.

Fortunately , he was not clueless to why he could do this as he knew that his tailed Beast awakened not long after he turned 8 explaining to him about the truth behind his new acquired powers and blood line abilities that it came with for example, Logan , currently had the uchiha and uzumaki bloodlines which boosted his practice however , what shocked him the most, was that he was in the world of ... TEEN WOLF

"Damn this means I need to up my game as I can easily be defeated by the average were- wolf which means that until I fully awaken my powers, I will not have the chance to shine."