
Taiga's Divine Chronicle

20 Years ago, The very first portal opened up in Earth. People started to awaken due to the energy that people called Mana. In the 20 Years time that has pass... People has started to take the Portal as their income source... 18 Years old, Taiga Amanex. Is a wannabe Hunter. Training days and nights in the hope when he awaken... He can be the greatest him possible. But... Things started to take turn to the worse when the school that he's in... Suddenly caught in a dungeon break. It was then, the wheel of fate of Taiga, rotates.

Bobbayee · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Chapter 20: Divine Demon Descension.

I raise both of my hand. Blue Sword made from my energy appear behind me... Tons of them... There's 34 Predator, so I made 68 of them... Divine Demon Descension is a technique that let me to use Energy that way past my limit... Essentially, it's a limit break.

It break the speed limit, strength limit and of course, your brain limit... Everything were upgraded when you use Divine Demon Descension...

Truly a terrifying technique. Especially when you combine it with Unquenchable Thirst... Because in this form. All I want to do is just... Fight...

"Hooollyyyy Shittt!!! That's some next level transformation! Go Taiga! GO GO GO!!!"

I make another two sword from my Energy and grip it tight... I pointed my right sword toward the Predator that is whimpering... They look like a cute doggo... But not really... They're terrifying monster that will kill you. They only care about their own race. Naturally...

I disappear from everyone sight without any trace... I reappear right behind all of the predators with my arm crossed...

Second Style: Glorious Blaze!

I swung both blade diagonally and a massive flame wheel sliced through their defenses... And all of the swords that I made previously, shoots down like a heavy rain... Without any mercy... Attack after attack were thrown by me toward the Predator...

And eventually... My Swords disappears... Not because I don't have enough energy. I'm still fine. It's just... All of the predator had died...

"Pheew... That felt good!"

My arms feel light as feathers... I swing it like crazy and there's no resistance can be felt by anything I cut through...

"Damn Taiga... You are strong as heck! What the hell with that power? Even I can't see your movement!"

As I thought, My speed is faster than Uni... But that's pretty understandable. Because my movement is very VERY good... 

"You like it Uni? You want to test this at spar tomorrow?"

"You piece of beautiful bastard. Of course. Tomorrow morning!"

"Sure! For now... Let's finish this dungeon."

"Let's go! We have more than enough time to finish this dungeon!"

Uni dashed... Even though I'm confident with my speed... She keep up with me really fucking easy... It's like she can go even faster than normal... It's like... She's been holding back to not make me feel like I'm weak...

She smiled at me and then grip her sword. She flew by without any resistance... She was so fast that I need to get serious... Electricity is coming out from my body... That's how fast I'm going... My Thunder Energy is leaking out to keep me going faster...

And eventually... We reach the Boss Gate on time...

"Is this the boss gate?"

"Yes Uni. It is."

The boss gate is ominous... I can feel the cold aura coming out from the gate... Uni eyes says to me that she's serious... She read the room pretty quickly... And then... She put her hand close to the gate... I can see her hand slowly being engulfed by this light mist... And then, it started to freeze her hand...

This criteria... Is that of a Lich... I see... So it's lich... Lich is one of the smartest undead in the undead category... Because they're a strong grand mage in the past... To think that we encounter a Lich in this Dungeon... Means that he's not that strong... At least, not as strong as normal Lich. Because Lich usually appear in the Upper S Rank gate...

"Hey Taiga. Do you want to know what my true talent is?"

"... What is it?"

"It's called Resonance. Do you want to see it?"

"Resonance? Do you mean... You can Resonance with someone you chose?"

"Yup! I never use it in my life. But I don't mind using it with you. You want to try the Resonance?"

Resonance... If I'm not mistaken... It's essentially an ability that regulate two person energy... I don't think it's a bad idea to use it on me. Because with that... She can feel the massive energy that I can give her...

"Let's do it Uni. I will let you use Resonance on me!"

"Okay. This Resonance... Won't be the greatest resonance... I can only do a low level Resonance with you for now. Because... You know. My own circumstances. So, hold my hand."


I hold Uni hand and then she close her eyes... I close mine as well so that I can feel the flow of her energy meeting with mine on our hand... My overwhelming, infinite like energy... Flow over to her... She twitches when she feel the energy... I take a glance on her... And her hair started to turn White... And then her eyes turn Red. Just like mine...

It seems like... So she also get the Energy I gain from Unquenchable Thirst... If she use this to the point where she can 100% Resonant with me... Then we're going to be an unstoppable duo... I don't want to know how strong we are... But we will be the strongest...

Because the combination of Unquenchable Thirst and Divine Demon Descension is too strong for normal S Ranker to handle... But Uni... She seems different... She can rival me even when I combine those two technique...

After a couple of minutes of hand holding... She let go of my hand and then open her eyes... She snapped her finger and then make an Aura sword just like how I did it...

"Resonance seems to be finished without any hitch. Thank you Taiga. Our compatibility is 100%."

"Really? Then we should use it more often when we raid such dangerous dungeon."

"Sure~ If you want to, I can give you the best Resonance experience~ If you don't mind doing it with me."

What does that supposed to mean? You're going to take all of my energy? That's literally impossible. I have unlimited of them for now... Anyway... We don't really have much time to fight the Lich. But since we have resonance... It shouldn't be too hard...

"Let's go Uni. Let's talk about this again later."

"Alright. Let's enjoy the show for now. Two of us, Resonance with each other... It shouldn't be too hard of a dungeon to clear."

We slam the door open and there the lich are... Sitting on the frozen throne of his... That damn skeleton... Chuckle creepily.

"Kekekekek! Welcome Lady and Gentleman. To the Frosthaven."