
System Transmigrated Me Into the Grims World

Frey lived her life having the chance to be happy and get all that she wanted. She was a badass! Yet, when she's on her near death, a System transmigrated her soul into another body having a mission of escorting six vengeful spirits into the afterlife. She has no choice but to become a Grim Reaper. She has to choose; Live back or Die in pain. Frey woke up being a low-ranked grim reaper named Celestine. She was transmitted into a body she doesn't want to. And to escape, or should we say be back to life . . . She needs to fill up her second life meter. The system will give her different skills and abilities she can unlock on her journey. And while doing so the task, Frey will find out the reality and importance of every life. But will she be able to be reborn back? Will she know how she died? Is it an accident or there is a foul play? Or will she just choose to rotten her soul in the dark Hell underground? All Rights Reserved April 2023 Date started: April 20, 20233 Date Finished: Status: On-going

ImMissYouKnowWho · Fantasie
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Andreus mumbled. He began to move his hand, secondly, his full arm regaining his senses. Andreus had been starved for almost three days after he was kidnapped. Well, starvation is part of the Demon's process for manipulation. 

The young man was found unconscious in an abandoned building, tied up on a chair with a curse signage around his chair. He was saved by his fellow reaper from being bound to the Demonn princess. 

Processing his recovery on his mind, Andreus then open his eyes. The white-painted Hospital room greeted his eyes. It was fully furnished, having that one beautiful window on the East side, His blurry eyes are causing too much inconvenience to him.

"A-anybody there?" He began to call for someone's attention."I want to pee," he added.

No one dared to answer back at him, but a rushing sound of footsteps that had entered the room suddenly came across his ears. It was Frey, with food in her hand.