
System of verglas

currently on hiatus. What would happen if a young man died and his soul was lost? where would it go? while this has never happen before doesn't mean it couldn't happen at all The world had dimmed as dawn rose. He stumbled back against the wall and fell, butt first on to his spruce floor. The window showed no clouds over the sunlight, but it was dark. His heart sped up and he started feeling light, almost pushed out by mere breaths of air. Fell back as the world seemed to span outwards into blackness. Akio was 23 at his time of departure, with a normal and fulfilling life. He was a one sport athlete in school and collage, had a degree in architecture. He had a wife whom he had been dating for 6 years. But that didn’t quite matter anymore. ——-requirements filled—— Akio opened his eyes to darkness, nothing was visible and nothing was heard as the message popped in his mind —-welcome to the system of Verglas—- ——————————————————————————— Chapter frequency: my motivation NOTE, SLOW BURNER UP TO CHAPTER 14, THE FIRST 14 ARE JUST DIALOUGE TO GET FROM POINT A TO POINT B. ACTION,CHARECTOR INTERACTIONS AND MAIN PLOT LINE START AT 15 (pls give it a chance, i will edit the first 14 later on to make it interesting :D)——————————————————————————— *this is a work of FICTION all characters, places and events are not real *cover is not mine, PLEASE tell me if you want it removed and it will be removed immediately

frewdsfagr · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Dealing the Debt

The waiter approached the table once again with the same expression showing little to no emotion as she served the food.

The food was delicious, they ate it without worry . As akio and Milda discussed what to do after they settle the debt. A man in armor walked up in too the table with a smirk

"5 days left to pay off your debt, you know what's going to happen if you don't right?" He leaned forward to reveal his face, it's smug aura with a slight glint of malice pissed Akio off.

"Of course, how much do we owe you?" Akio smiled right back at him.

"You currently owe two gold coins."

'Bullshit, but managable' akio saw the slight annoyance of the man as Akio responded without worry, seemed like he wanted panic.

"Ah, that's no problem. Where can I pay? I've got to pay for this then I can take it on down."

The soldier twitched, he had risen it past the interest rate and they were still confident.

"So?" Akio looked at him with a smile, the knights anger was entertaining for him.

"You can pay it off at the guild under your name, or head down to the town gate and use the knight hall."

"Great, thanks!"

Akio turned back and finished up his meal with a satisfied smile, it tasted even better.

After paying the small fee with an added tip, akio had 75 silvers remaining. Walking out of the store after paying he turned to Milda

"You guys should head on back, I'll be turning a couple of items to the guild." Akio smiled, he was excited to see the look on the guards face when he turned in the money. After which, they will leave for a better city.

'I hate this town, it's depressing how controlled it is by the wrong people.' Looking around him while opening the large door to the town guild. The place was stock full of people as they returned from their journey or whatever. The line to the old man receptionist was quite the wait, but it's better hoping in now than waiting longer for the same line.

After hoping in he just decided to do some searching in his system. Nothing was new but just looking around was an easy way to kill time


Name: Akio Sano

age: 15 years

HP: 100/100




Status points:12





Mana: 7700/7700

Skills: [appraisal], [passive: blessing of Verglas],[passive: Mana absorption] [transformation LVL 1] [Flare LVL 1 (ice)] [lightning control(2nd grade) LVL 1]


It didn't take long for him to reach the counter where he exchanged his harsh meats and pelts for a quite a bit of silver. The common orbs were taken for 40 silver, 5 each. Looking in his bag he totaled 216 silver, just enough to clear his debt. Turning towards the door he saw quite a few surprised gazes looking towards him. Apparently not many people here know how to butcher their catch.

Walking out into the small cobbled street that was stocked with many stands to sell goods he turned towards to the knight hall. The walk didn't take long, the town was not very big after all. Approaching the hall he heard some laughter. He stood in front of the door he knocked on the hilt used to open it.

A than with a well trimmed mustache opened the door and stuck his head out.

"Hello! Are you here to pay your debt!?" He bellowed loudly.

"Yes I am sir, names Akio"

"Alright one second." The man went back into the hall and I heard drawers being shuffled.

"Okay, interest rate plus this and that…" he mumbled opening the door.

"Alright! Your total is 2 gold coins!" He smiled with a little sympathy.

'Looks like there are some good people here' handing him over 200 silvers he crossed out a bunch of things on a small sheet he had picked up.

"You all set, have a nice day young man" he closed the door behind him as he disappeared.

Walking back towards the inn was boring, the sky was a bright misty blue as I opened the door to the in. It's lighting was still the same as its orange tint reflected the wood. I arrived at Mildas room and knocked. Opening the door Milda directed me inside, where I sat down on the couch.

"I just payed off the debt we owe to the city, I think we should just leave immediately too the capital." I said after picking up the map Milda brought. The capital was a decent bit away maybe 1700 miles away.

"But by foot it would take us weeks! We have to keep it at Nell's pace unless one of us carries her. If we run it would take me about a week of constant running." She looked at him as if he were crazy.

"My dexterity is 70 and it would take me over 8 weeks by myself to run there"

'70? I thought it would be higher than that' I looked at her with a confused gaze and she saw that.

"I know right two years in the world and I'm already 2nd grade with 70 dex! Although it's been around a year for you and your 2nd grade as well" she trailed off looking at me with jealousy.

"I thought my status was great for being this young"

I looked at her and pondered for a while.

"Well, I think I could carry both of you if we don't have any baggage my dexterity is a lot higher than yours." Looking towards her she was shocked but nodded slowly. She clearly didn't expect me to have a higher dexterity than her.

The item storage I have is now empty and I don't have enough to buy a ring if there even was one in this city. I looked over to her and she nodded, understanding what was needed. She turned to look behind where I was sitting.

"Nell, grab everything you need. We are leaving for a better town tomorrow morning." She said taking the map to get an idea where it was.

"Why don't we just take the transporter?" She asked. Nell was stuffing some of the comfy blankets the hotel provided into a small bag. Not able to get it inside.

"Well, I heard that they cost quite the bit of money. I can try and hunt for a trip down." Transporters we're basically very fast mounts like horses, just on steroids. They cost quite a bit of money to use as they eat a lot and are usually very intelligent animals. They come in a wide range of animals as they a raised for this job.

"That might be a good idea, you can try and go out for a while but don't stay out too late. Don't risk anything even if it may be worth it." She looked back at me with a very charming smile.

'I could get used to that' I smiled back and stood up walking towards the inns exit once again. Taking out the bloodied chest plate and equipment, putting it on as I cross the town gate. But I took a sharp turn towards a different far away forest.

'Nope, not going back there. 'I ran full speed towards the far away forest. The grass around me blurred like a leaf blowing in a hurricane. The trees closed in as I entered the forest. I saw a large elk with engravings on the side of his body.

'Holy shit, that looks sick'


Race: ash elk

3rd status

age: 32 years






Mana: ?????

Condition: normal


'Why is it 3rd status and not grade'

[you're asking that if all things before combat?]

[because their first 7 levels is about equivalent to 4th grade people. Their limit has not been found. The highest on found has been 12th status.]

'Didn't you say that was the limit?'

[not really, but you should really be careful with this one. Maybe don't fight this]

I ignored that message, looking at how powerful this elk is wouldn't it be great if I could chop its head off? Maybe this could be the only fight I'll need to take.

I took out my dagger and took one last look at my status to check my spells


Name: Akio Sano

age: 15 years

HP: 100/100




Status points:12





Mana: 7700/7700

Skills: [appraisal], [passive: blessing of Verglas],[passive: Mana absorption] [transformation LVL 1] [Flare LVL 1 (ice)] [lightning control(2nd grade) LVL 1]


I looked at my weapon in wonder. I started charging lightning control on the blade of my dagger. It vibrated in my hand, pulsating light blue sparks.


I bolted towards the large elk at full speed, I was faster after all. Twisting my shoulders to do a full stroke slice. I drove the dagger sideways as I felt it meet resistance, it's pelt was thick as I had too push to cut the side of its neck.


The elk screamed as its neck was being sliced open. It turned slowly towards me as I pivoted around it. The engravings on the side of its body turned black as the grass outbound it evaporated. I Dover In for another slice but once I got close my hand started to melt

" GAH WHAT THE HELL!" I jumped backwards.

The elk looked at me and started running.

"Fuck" I jumped back and looked at the elk who was stopped to turn. It's wound was bleeding out into its fur and the blood boiled.

'Looks like he's immune to heat. I can't get close too him either.' I wanted to end this quickly as possible.

I thought of a solution as quickly as possible as I veered left of the elks charge. The only one I thought of was too throw the dagger directly at the heart of the elk.

After dodging the elk on last time I raised my dagger and put a ball of lighting on top off it. Like a blue tomato on a kitchen knife. Throwing it as hard as I could toward the approaching elk. It's rampage stopped as the dagger pierced through its rib cage and the lightning exploded.