
Meeting of The 7 Warlords and Beggining of Marineford War

Marine ford: 

Rayon along with Yamato was now walking through the halls of marineford and Rayon had to say he was on edge even with Yamato here he knew she was his most unstable factor given what could go down inside of the meeting room. 

Rayon turned around and told Yamato one more time "Do not I repeat do not say anything that will get us killed do you understand". Rayon told her he couldn't stress that fact honestly Yamato hearing this couldn't help but frown but didn't want to argue so she just nodded. 

With that thte two continued on walking towards where they were being led to by a low caliber Marine who seemed quite afraid of both Rayon and Yamato "Ok you two this is the room as ordered by the Fleet Admiral please refrain from combating each other". The Marine said as he hurried away. 

Rayon just sighed as he opened the door and walked in and when he did, he realized just how much the anime sat on these characters.

'System what the fuck'. Rayon asked as he looked at two people.

{Host don't be so surprised Blackbeard of course would be powerful and Mihawk of course would be stronger} The system said. 

'Sys show me my status'.

{Very Well}

{Name: Chaos D Rayon

Race: Human

Title: Prince Of Chaos

Bounty: 600 Million

Battle Power: Mid Admiral Level

Skills: Observation Basic, Aramement Basic, Conqueors Haki Basic, Red Lightning. 

Weapon: Gumbai, Sword}

'Not bad how about Yamato and the others just give me there battle powers'.

{Yamato Battle Power: Mid Admiral Level she is still slightly stronger than you though.

Doflamingo Battle Power: Mid Admiral Level

Mihawak Battle Power: Yonko Level High

BlackBeard Battle Power: Yonko Level Low

Boa Battle Power: Mid Admiral Level

Kuma Battle Power: Mid Admiral Level}

{Would you like to see the Marines side as well along with the whitebeard side} The system asked.

'Yeah Why Not'.

{Garp Yonko Level High

Sengoku Yonko Level Mid

Akainu Yonko Level Low

Aokiji Yonko Level Low

Kizaru Yonko Level Low

Whitebeard Yonko Level Peak

Marco Admiral Level Peak

Jozu Admiral Level mid

Vista Admiral Level mid

Izou Admiral Leve Low}

Rayon looked at the battle powers and sighed he didn't mind that he wasn't as strong as Yamato he just realized that the show severely downplayed Blackbeard like what if I was dumb enough to go after him. 

The others kind of make sense surprising though that he is surprised that Whitebeard was still so strong his power level must drop as the war goes on.

Rayon just shook his head as he finally walked into the room when he did, he got stares right on him he just grinned at them and sat down on one of the open seats and Yamato sat next to him. 

"ZeHahahahahahaha Chaos D Rayon right you seem like my kind of guy joining the marines with your name what are you planning no why don't we work together Zehahahaha". Blackbeard laughed as he spoke to Rayon. 

Yamato on the other hand responded, "Hey shut up I should kill you here and now in the name of Kozuki Oden for starting such a war". Yamato said raising her Kanabou. 

Blackbeard just grinned as he looked at Yamato he couldn't help to "Kaido has a kid". With that said Yamato was going to attack Blackbeard until Rayon stood up. 

"Ok ok Yamato calm down". Rayon told her they already went over meeting Blackbeard and the both of them almost got into a fight every time he brought him up during their journey to marine ford. 

Yamato just sat down and crossed her arms, but the anger was rolling off of her. 'I know that he told me not to, but I just can't help it especially when I know he is the reason for Ace's situation'. Yamato thought to herself. 

Rayon on the other hand just sat back down with a sigh as he couldn't help but be a bit happy that a fight didn't breakout. 

"Blackbeard, I don't mind what you did honestly since this gave me a chance to gain something I want so I don't have any problem with you". Rayon told him shrugging Blackbeard just nodded and sat back down in his chair eating a pie. 

"Hehahaha this war is going to be great so many powerful people showed up even new members of the enemies of God have showed themselves this is just too exciting". Doflamingo said to himself with a smile that really couldn't leave his face as he looked at Rayon and Blackbeard. 

Mihawk just looked at Rayon, Yamato and Blackbeard with intrigue he knew Blackbeard from shanks, Yamato on the other hand being related to Kaido he wanted to see her power and Rayon he could tell the boy had potential given how strong he was now. 

Boa on the other hand was looking at them for another reason she didn't want to get involved but for Luffy she would she did get slightly distracted while looking at Yamato though. 

Rayon on the other hand stared at Boa Hancock he had to say damn she was fine. 

"Hey Pirate Empress, would you like me to be the emperor of Amazon Lilly". Rayon asked with a grin he couldn't help himself. 

Everyone who heard that looked on with amusement Hancock turned to Rayon shocked at his audacity "Do you have no shame you filthy man to speak to an empress in such a way". Boa said with disgust in her voice. 

Rayon shrugged "I am but a 14-year-old boy my empress that has been enthralled by your beauty it would be a shame and a question to my manhood if I did not go after you in such a manner". Rayon said getting up and walking to bow before her. 

Looking at him a small smile appeared but it was quickly replaced by the hatred she felt for men and her new love for Luffy Rayon just grinned to himself 'With the system I will just delete the mark' Rayon thought to himself.

"I saw it you just smiled that means I got a chance right". Rayon said excitedly making her blush a bit as she got angry, she tried to kick him Rayon just ran red lightning through his body and appeared back on to his chair. 

"My Empress I think it's almost time but do not worry I will make sure to continue our moment when the war is over will you wait for me my love". Rayon told her dramatically. 

"Tch". She just turned back to the outside the amusement on the faces of everyone in the room was clear even Yamato was less angry seeing her captain be so silly. 

"Warlords it's time". The door opened and showed a vice admiral that walked away right away seeing him everyone stood and began walking straight towards the door as they knew it was time for the war to begin. 


30 Minutes Later:

Right now, Rayon and Yamato stood with the rest of the warlords along with the admirals, Sengoku Garp and Ace who had been brought out on the execution platform Blackbeard also came with his crew and the members he took from impel down. 

Yamato stood next to Rayon she wanted to yell at Ace to save him something, but Rayon stopped her and sensing all the powerful people here she knew it was a bad idea. 

"Yamato calm down". Rayon told her in her ear Yamato forcibly calmed herself she knew things would get bad to the point of not winning if she decided to try and save Ace. 

Rayon sighed he was stressed out after having to calm Yamato down so many times. 

Things then began to progress like in the anime as Ace's father was revealed shocking everyone around the world who watched the broadcasted battle. 

Whitebeard and his ships finally appeared from underwater "Whitebeard is Here!" That was all Rayon could here as he watched Whitebeard step on to the deck of his ship and he had to say he looked cool. 

Yamato thought the same thing 'Just like in the journal is he going to use that power to'. Yamato thought to herself excitedly as it was like seeing the book come to life. 

"Gurarararara". Using the Quake fruit, the whole of marine ford was shaking and the sea was getting ready to drop Rayon couldn't hide his excitement watching Whitebeard in action Aokiji stepped up and froze the water with ease though. 

The battle from there continued with Mihawk throwing a slash Jozu blocking it Rayon then watches as everyone gets involved whitebeard commanders, Admirals and even Doflamingo and Kuma who stopped Oras and Hancock who was beating pirate and marine no discrimination.

Rayon just continued to watch not making any moves just like Blackbeard.

Time passed and Luffy made his entrance and to Rayon's annoyance he had to stop Yamato from jumping and helping Luffy who was yelling at Whitebeard and now running to the execution platform to save Ace. 

Sengoku announced Luffy's father shocking the world again Ace and Luffy had another dramatic moment. 

Whitebeard ordered Marco that no harm should come to Luffy with that Marco began protecting Luffy while advancing to the execution platform. 

Seeing this Sengoku was going to send Akainu but didn't he looked over and decided to use the warlords. 

"Chaos D Rayon you have not contributed to the war time for you to do something keep Marco in check until Monkey D Luffy is eliminated". Sengoku commanded. 

Hearing this Rayon sighed he knew he wasn't as strong as Marco so he knew he could probably go for a few minutes before being defeated. 

Rayon looked at Yamato and realized that getting her wouldn't be a good idea. Rayon stood walked closer to the edge and turned around "Yamato do anything at all just watch and I mean nothing understood". Yamato knew not to and nodded since she could tell Rayon was going to give his all today and even if she wanted to help Ace and Luffy she felt there would be a better time. 

With that said Rayon sucked his teeth at Sengoku and jumped off the platform. 

Watching Rayon fall the people were really interested everyone was from admiral to Commander why because Rayon was said to have a good mastery of all three types at the age of 14 and wanted to see him in action. 

Whitebeard watched in interest as he realized another one with the 'D'. in their name was becoming the center of the war but he was not worried as Marco was his 1st commander. 

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