
Synthetic Survivor: Machine Age(Alternative)

Disclaimer: Most of the contents in this book doesn't belong to me but from the original author name NaranNarman, the author of the original Synthetic Survivor. The reason I made this book was create a better version of it, because some part of the story isn't good and doesn't make any sense, so I'll rewrite it then. While the original author seems retires and didn't complete the whole story, I might just gonna complete it for him. And also, in this book, the characters and the outcome of the story is similar, I added an extra twist to make the story very thrill. And I change the names from the orginal book cause I felt like it. References: Out of Space, Science/Magic, Doom Eternal, Overlord, Gate, Minecraft, Monster Hunter, etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A man woke with amnesia underneath the shattered remains of a once powerful human civilization. He remembered nothing, his past or the events that happened that caused the world to become as it was. He was no longer purely human, he woke to find himself as a nearly destroyed Android. But amid the radioactive dunes and lifeless expanse of the Earth, a lone machine network survived the disaster. After discovering that he controlled them, he set out on one goal: Rebuild. But how can he fully rebuild? For the Earth once had life but now was barren, not even bacteria survived. But he was not alone, when he awoke, a voice rang in his head, who was it? It was his long friend, a friend from the past with unknown relationship. Although he does not remember her name, he still felt how important she was before even if he has lost all his humanity and memories, her name was Caitlyn. Follow her as she guides him for centuries after he awakes, the both of them will form the most powerful machine leaders who will ever walk in the face of the world. Their story will start 1000 years into his rebuilding, he now controlled a vast network of machines around the planet Earth, all focused in the effort of rebuilding the world towards its former glory, there was only one thing missing, an essential attribute which differentiated Earth from all other known planets: Life. But everything changed when a wormhole opened, a breach within the fabric of space and time, opening a pathway between Earth and a world of fantasy! Follow him as he and his Empire explores this new mystical world full of elves, goblins, orcs, dwarves, ogres, humans, kingdoms, Empires and magic! His goal of restoring life may be within his grasps. But that does not mean there won’t be opposition. There will be battles, wars and calamities, millions will perish in the onslaught that will soon follow. Especially, when he discovers that the new world held the secrets of the past. He will face Deities and powerful foes, will he prevail? New weapons he will smith and countries he shall wipe out. Note: I'm fine with the Critism comments you will sent, because it helps me with my mistake on the story, and don't do it TOO much because I'm a bit emotional.

Artemis099 · Anime und Comics
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185 Chs

Revelations and an Invitation

Back where the previous chapter went.

Crow, still alive and well, stood in front of Artemis that remained quiet until now.

"Well, we meet once again. That is quite an entertainment, Metal demon…

…or did I just talk to another person besides the person I fought with?"

The entity inside Artemis wasn't surprised that Crow knew another entity controlling Artemis but the only thing surprising him/her was how Crow lived.

"How are you alive? I saw Artemis vaporize you just a while ago."

When the entity talked through Artemis, Crow knew it might be female.

"Oh, you know my abilities, Ms. Even if my atoms were destroyed, I can still live unless my soul is destroyed."

"Hm… clever, and interesting. Secondly, it's Mrs."

Silent began to consume the room once again until Artemis spoke.

"Are you gonna attack, round two?"

"Why should I?" Crow shrugged his shoulders. "Did you forget that Lord Rism died, means I have no purpose for undercovering anymore."

Crow chuckles.

"So you're a spy just like Silvanna?"

"That's correct. Same people we worked for. But I am still not answering more questions, it's classified in my opinion."

"Oh, I see. So… you're the one who freed Pandora, am I right?" Artemis guesses.

Crow instantly frowned.

"Sometimes I can't stop being surprised by your words. Of course, you're correct. I did free her, the ones who tried to harness the power of the Blight like the Church of the Rising Sun and Lord Rism were fools who underestimated them. The one who is the most foolish is those people in the Organization who first establish these tasks. They should've known the full capabilities of these creatures, and now look what got in."

"But why didn't you stop it? While you fought Artemis, you should have a slight chance to prevent it from escaping."

"Well, I was about to, but that power on that guy you called Artemis has a great power, and I knew he would beat the Blight. As for its escape, that was on purpose in order to just to show Lord Rism about the consequences he was about to faced, he was a very naive bastard, no different from the current Emperor."

With these words, the entity that controls Artemis has enough questions and answers for the day as he/she walks past Crow.

"Be careful, ten more Airship frigates are about to be in your position, and they will open fire in this Airship."

But the blue eye Android ignored him and walked away.

Before he/she lost sight of him, Crow made one last question.

"You're a very strong being. Even beating one of the strongest Gods, and defeating a Blight like you have fought one before. What are you? I'm just curious. Not the man I fought but the one I am talking to, what ARE you?"

Hearing his words, the entity controlling Artemis turns around before leaving, and she opens her mouth one last time.

"Project Alpha. You can just call me Mrs. Synder instead."

With just one answer, Crow smiled which it didn't show because of his uniform's large collar.

"That other name is strange but I don't care. I have no other words left. I guess we'll see each other in the upcoming future, Mrs. Synder." While taking off his hat and giving a bow like a gentleman, not before long, his body emitted a blinding red light.

But before he disappears, Crow looks at Artemis for the last time before saying.

"Before I left, I got a message from our Leader in the Church of the Midnight Kairos, she said you have to meet her at the International Arcane University. The details are self-explanatory, I should be going now, nunc vale, miss.

Saying his last words, the Demon of Sloth himself vanished instantly, out of Artemis' sight.

With just the entity inside Artemis was the only left inside the Airship, it went back to the decks.

As it made it, what it first sees is literally 10 large Airships surrounding his/her position.


In the bridge on one of the Airships, a messenger ran towards the captain who was viewing Lord Rism's Airship, he couldn't see Artemis because the airship is massive.

"Report! The monster is on the ship's deck, requesting open fire, Captain Mathias?"

"What about the survivors, anything?"

"No, Captain. We didn't have any message from the crews in there. Some reports said that they were all dead because a man in black clothing killed all of the mages, knights, and Paladins inside."

"Damn! Fine, requesting immediate fire at the airship, I want that monster to die. If it's still alive, I want all Airships to open fire on all of their weapons in the airship, I don't care what happens to the ship, ready the magic homing cannons!"


As the messenger left, captain Mathias went back to viewing the airship, he used a binocular and saw a figure in the decks.

"Enemy has been spotted! Requesting open fire, General Mathias?" One of the people who piloted the airship asked.

"You have my permission!"

With the word out of his mouth, the frigate opened fire with homing magical missiles at Artemis, a new prototype weapon created from the Empire, Imperial Dwarves and mages created these device in their airship to grow their military power, even to surpass the Theocracy's technological advancements.

Dozens of magical missiles directly hit Artemis in the ship's decks but they are not sure if they killed it or not.

As the dust was nearly cleared, what they saw the man still lives, with no damage even many of them were a direct hit.

"S-Sir, requesting another—"

"Yes! Ready the cannons, magics, all of the weapons available and send the message to the other Airships to open fire on the ship!"

The mariner nodded.

As the message was sent, all of the Airships were readying their weapons to destroy the airship that the monster was inside.

The reason that the entity controlling Artemis didn't move at all was that it wanted to observe how the imperial Airships capabilities were, he/she was just curious. The weapons of these airships seem to be non threatening to Artemis.

As the weapons were set, captains in each airship opened their mouths ready to order their men to open fire.




"Fire at will!"




"Light em up!!"


"All airship navies, engaged!"

Enchanted cannon balls, magic missiles, and other buttloads of projectiles hitting the massive airship non-stop. It only took a few seconds to get through its magic barrier, when the airship's magic barrier was destroyed, the airship was immediately ravaged in all directions.

Few minutes after non-stop firing, it finally ended, most of the Airship's ammunition ran dry but some still had remains.

The massive airship however, was defiled, its magic was gone, resulting in it falling to the ground.

"Did we kill it?"

It was silent between the airships, the silent, they believe it might be over.

The crews in the bridge celebrated and cheered their victory, even the other people in the other airships celebrated. However, only one person wasn't, Captain Mathias.

"Captain, why aren't you celebrating"

"My guts told me this isn't over yet" When the captain said that, the person besides dropped his excitement. For years being his captain's assistant, he trusts his captain's guts and every time his guts tells him in a bad situation, it is always right.

Like his guts told them so, a figure flew out of the wreckage below, the figure now went in the same altitude as the airships, it was Artemis.

Nanites did its job to recreate some of the destroyed living tissue on Artemis and now finally returning his/her usual appearance.

All of the crews in the bridge and the ship's deck saw this, they immediately went from excitement to fear.

"A Demigod?"

"Shit shit shit, we all gonna die!"

"Ready the weapons again!" Captain Mathias ordered.

"We can't , captain. We already on low ammunition because of your previous command, captain"

"Damn it, ready the mages!"

"Too late, captain, it's engaging!"

The entity controlling Artemis has already observed the test, so he'll/she'll destroy all of the Airship without leaving any survivors.

He/She then raises his/her upper wrist in the air, then it opens revealing a laser pointer. It looks harmless but when Artemis activates it through his/her mind, like opening an umbrella, the laser shoots vertically in every direction, the laser beams instantly pierced through their magic barrier and the entire airships exploded.

Artemis looks down at the airships crash landed towards the ground.

"Probably the weapons I made are too overpowered, should I delete some... nah, maybe I'll add more in the body. I'll just rest in the middle of the wreckages and wait for someone to find me."

It was a long battle Artemis had faced that the entity observed. Demigod Lincoln, the Sun God Gleam, 120,000 of the Imperial Army, Crow, and then a Devourer. It was long, and a troublesome adventure.