
Synthetic Survivor: Machine Age(Alternative)

Disclaimer: Most of the contents in this book doesn't belong to me but from the original author name NaranNarman, the author of the original Synthetic Survivor. The reason I made this book was create a better version of it, because some part of the story isn't good and doesn't make any sense, so I'll rewrite it then. While the original author seems retires and didn't complete the whole story, I might just gonna complete it for him. And also, in this book, the characters and the outcome of the story is similar, I added an extra twist to make the story very thrill. And I change the names from the orginal book cause I felt like it. References: Out of Space, Science/Magic, Doom Eternal, Overlord, Gate, Minecraft, Monster Hunter, etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A man woke with amnesia underneath the shattered remains of a once powerful human civilization. He remembered nothing, his past or the events that happened that caused the world to become as it was. He was no longer purely human, he woke to find himself as a nearly destroyed Android. But amid the radioactive dunes and lifeless expanse of the Earth, a lone machine network survived the disaster. After discovering that he controlled them, he set out on one goal: Rebuild. But how can he fully rebuild? For the Earth once had life but now was barren, not even bacteria survived. But he was not alone, when he awoke, a voice rang in his head, who was it? It was his long friend, a friend from the past with unknown relationship. Although he does not remember her name, he still felt how important she was before even if he has lost all his humanity and memories, her name was Caitlyn. Follow her as she guides him for centuries after he awakes, the both of them will form the most powerful machine leaders who will ever walk in the face of the world. Their story will start 1000 years into his rebuilding, he now controlled a vast network of machines around the planet Earth, all focused in the effort of rebuilding the world towards its former glory, there was only one thing missing, an essential attribute which differentiated Earth from all other known planets: Life. But everything changed when a wormhole opened, a breach within the fabric of space and time, opening a pathway between Earth and a world of fantasy! Follow him as he and his Empire explores this new mystical world full of elves, goblins, orcs, dwarves, ogres, humans, kingdoms, Empires and magic! His goal of restoring life may be within his grasps. But that does not mean there won’t be opposition. There will be battles, wars and calamities, millions will perish in the onslaught that will soon follow. Especially, when he discovers that the new world held the secrets of the past. He will face Deities and powerful foes, will he prevail? New weapons he will smith and countries he shall wipe out. Note: I'm fine with the Critism comments you will sent, because it helps me with my mistake on the story, and don't do it TOO much because I'm a bit emotional.

Artemis099 · Anime und Comics
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185 Chs

Machine vs God

Several minutes has passed, as the Imperial Army continued to march forward towards the Fortress City, the defenders all began to mobilize their defenses.

Right now, the two sides were 4km apart, while the enemy lines weren't going fast enough, they all know there is no need to rush as the people in the city will inevitably lose anyway.

Aside from the city garrisons and the Imperial army, a few hundreds of kilometers from them, somewhere in the middle of the Forest of Death, another fierce battle was happening.

Dozens of kilometers of the forest had been scorched, and traces of destruction could be seen everywhere, as if dozens of nukes bombard all over the forest, this was the result of the battle of two supreme powerhouses.

One of them is a jet black hair man with red eyes that even made the Demon Lord felt anxious and dangerous energy engulfed his entire body like a large whirlpool with the power enough to disintegrated a human in an instant even they are several hundreds of meters from it. He was wielding an energy sword in his hands with heatness that would make the most hottest Star itself more like an embryo, and countless offensive Drones, weapons of energy, both melee and gun like weapons hovered behind him.

Looking at him, it looks like he was some sort of a powerful Dark Angel that went against the Gods themselves.

Right now, he went into his serious state, he increase his guard several times while facing against the man in front of him who has the power almost rivaling his.

The man himself was surrounded by flames. His eyes were like torches that could destroy cities with just a simple glance, and his breath is like fire that could burn souls without leaving a trace. His entire body was made of flames and he held a great firesword in his right hand thst might even cut the Sun into two.


Also known as the Sun God.

For several minutes, they've been fighting and causes destruction all over the forest, and still none of them even went in a disadvantage yet.

[I admire your courage. Not many mortals can stand in front of me without fear.] Gleam stated amusedly.

Artemis did not reply. He just narrowed his eyes as he contemplated how to get rid of the Sun God.

[I'll give you another opportunity, be my subordinate and I promise I'll tell my followers to stand down and spare the people in the city.] 

"That still a no,"

[Stop fucking with me. Do you really believe you can stop me?] Gleam stated, and his gaze turned cold.

"I do,"

[Foolish mortal.] The Sun God laughed, but his eyes only showed more rage. [Just a metallic structure with a fake soul. It seems that unreal soul of yours makes you very ignorant.] 

Hearing his words, Artemis' brows twitched.

It was not surprising that the Sun God notice Artemis' uniqueness. He did not think he could hide it from the Sun God in the first place. 

But he definitely hated it when he called him a metallic structure.

Metal Puppets Metal Beings Metal Men Metal Demons Metallic Structure

He is sick of tired calling by these names, it kinda sounds offensive, insulting, and mostly racist.

[Last chance, metal puppet. Surrender now or you will face my wrath.]

"Fuck you,"

[...If you wanted to anger me, congrats dipshit you have succeeded.]

Saying this, Gleam then shouted, casting his Divine Magic.


In the next instant, a domain of flames appeared with the Sun God as the center.

Flames blankeded kilometres of forest, creating a fiery inferno that could kill anyone below Demigod in less than one second.

{Domain} is a skill that includes mortals, it is an ability to control the area around the user according to their will.

Demigods could also use that skill, and compared to non-demigods, their domain ability is on top of another level, able to overpower their opponent more easily.

But as for Gleam, he was a god, using {Domain} can be far more overkill.

With this, the level of power could rival—


It is a level of power above Super Tier spells and World Items.

Back to the battle, Artemis' scans notice the heat is increasing and his expression turn more serious. The temperature climbed to 10,000 °C in each seconds, and it continued increasing at a frightening rate.

While seem too dangerous, it is not enough to danger him 

[It looks like I need to show you the power of a God before you submit.]

With a dignified expression, the Sun god dashed towards Artemis at a speed gaster than light itself!

'So fast' 

For the first time coming to this world, Artemis faced against something nearly fast as him.

The next thing, the Sun God appeares in front of Artemis in an instant. His sword of flames burned brightly as it descended towards the Man in Black.

Artemis' expression hardened. He barely managed to raise his Energy Sword to receive the sword of flames.


The clash between weapons beyond the level of Divine-classes created a massive whirlpool of fire that consumed Artemis. One instant later, he was thrown back by the force of the impact.

Nevertheless, Artemis was also uninjured. Thanks to his Primelium layer of armor allowing him to defend himself against the attack.

But he still had a grave expression on his face. Instinctively, he ordered all of his weapons and drones behind him to open fire as thousands upon thousands of Primelium bullets was fired.

In the next second, Gleam jumped out of the whirlpool of flames. He brandished his sword, creating multiple wave of fire that swept both the bullets and every one of Artemis' weapons away at the same time. Next, he extended his hand towards Artemis' direction and shoot a massive fire beam towards him, the massive fire beam is about several times stronger than Project: Marauder's 100% of its power.

Noticing this, Artemis uses some of the Argent Energy he contain in his body, manipulating it to encircle his entire body, creating a massive whirlpool of energy blocking the fire beam.

At the same time, dozens of baseball size Drones materialize behind him, shooting back dozens of energy beams.

The Sun God easily evoided them. His flaming body flew through the sky unimpeded and closed on Artemis while countless projectiles of fire were shot from his body.

The Man in Black immediately created a powerful shockwave from his body, creating a surge of energy that clashed against the fire projectiles. He then flew backwards as he tried to distance himself from the Deity.

Unfortunately, the Sun God won't have that and teleported himself in front of Artemis and swung his fire greatsword with the intention to cut both of the man in black's legs which was one of the thrusters location were.

However, Artemis' reflexes allowed him to avoid the attack. His body spun aside as he swung his Energy Sword towards the Sun God's neck.

But Gleam just extended his hand, grabbing his Energy Sword.

Seeing this, Artemis' eyes opened for a small fraction of a split second.

But that is still enough for the Sun God.

In the next instant—


The crash Artemis landed created a large city size crater that spread dozens of kilometers long.

'Damn… I definitely got caught off guard'

Artemis stood up still unscathed by the attack. 

And he got to say, it kinda felt he just faced the Goddess once again.

[Interesting, the properties in your sword are completely different than anything we Deities ever see. I think that's why I couldn't manipulate its temperature even though it is insanely hot. But no matter what, it is still useless against me as I am the Heat itself. Now… are you ready to submit to your new master?] Gleam, the Sun God asked indifferently.

In response, Artemis just sneered and held his energy sword firmly.

But just at that moment, Artemis noticed something.

Curious, he looked at the sky before looking at the Sun God again.

'What a timing'

Artemis thought before he started to fly away.

He knows very hot temperatures are completely useless against the Sun God, so left no choice, he has to distance himself and think about another plan.

[Do you think you can escape!?] The Sun God sneered and condensed his fire domain around Artemis, turned into a fire cage to stop Artemis from escaping.

"Get your bitch ass motherfucking fire out of my face! I'm thinking for a moment!!" In anger, Artemis swung his Energy Sword as his real human emotions kicked in.

As Artemis swung his weapon, to Gleam's shocked, the energy sword broke through the cage of flames with ease, allowing Artemis to escape the Sun God's domain.

[WHAT?! IMPOSSIBLE!!] The Sun God exclaimed in disbelief.

He was a god, in terms of strength, he was in the upper tier among gods of this world. His domain was not something that demigods could even escape from.

Only other Gods could escape from it, no mortals could escape from a Gods domain.

Unless that mortal reaches SSS-rank.


Thinking about it, he realizes he's an idiot.

He forgot the Man in Black in front of him is also at the level of an SSS-rank.

Now he knows why he is struggling to deal with him.

SSS-ranks are at the level that could rival Gods. It has been 1000 years since he saw one which resulted in him thinking they are all extinct and the curse upon their world causes the mana density in the world depleting to less than 50%, the reason why everyone could only reach SS-rank.

[Sigh… how unfortunate this is.] 

Having enough, in the next instant, he disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was behind Artemis.

Sensing the deity right behind him. Instinctively, Artemis swung his energy sword towards him, but the Sun God grabbed it with his bare hands easily.

[It's time to stop playing around.] He said indifferently.

The next instant, Artemis felt a strong impact in his stomach.

The impact sent him against the ground. But that was just the start. Next, the Sun God simply waved his hand, creating dozens of fire words that descended towards Artemis.

Artemis, feeling annoyed, immediately materializes an energy barrier that is able to withstand orbital strikes to defend against the fire swords, but when the fire words hit the forcefield, they explode.


The powerful explosions created balls of flames that could be seen from kilometres in the distance.

A split second later, Artemis jumped out of the explosions unscathed, but only to see the Sun God extend his hand in his direction.

The next second, the same beam of fire strong as Project Marauder was shot towards him.


Facing the beam of fire, Artemis could only receive the attack while trying to reach Gleam.

The next second, Artemis was able to get through the fire beam but that was also part of Gleam's plan as he channelled most of his power onto his fist, and as Artemis made it out from his attack, he immediately struck his fist into Artemis who blocks it, creating a powerful shockwave that flattened the wasteland below, only for Artemis to flung away.

Both the fire beam and Gleam's ultimate attack incinerated some of Artemis' artificial tissue, but only for it to immediately get regenerated instantly by his construction nanites. In a few seconds, he is completely built as if the battle didn't even begin.

[Do you now submit?]

Artemis just glared at him with cold eyes with questionable emotions within it.

Gleam frowned.

Extending his hand forward, he clenched it. 

{Divine Boost}

{Nuclear Blast}

{Star Bomb}

Immediately, several balls of flames around Artemis before exploding.


The explosions are so strong that they are several times higher than Earth's strongest nukes.

The reason is that {Divine Boost} only boosted the Deity 1% more into their power, but comparing it to mortals, it boosted 1000% for them.

{Nuclear Blast} is a 9th tier spell that destroys a miles of area with the destructive power similar to the Nuke that dropped on Hiroshima.

{Star Bomb} is a super tier spell, similar to {Nuclear Blast}, it is way higher as its destructive power has the same level or several times than Tsar Bomba.

But with {Divine Boost} made those spells' attack potency dozens of times stronger.

{Divine Boost}

{Nuclear Blast}

{Star Bomb}

{Divine Boost}

{Nuclear Blast}

{Star Bomb}

{Divine Boost}

{Nuclear Blast}

{Star Bomb}




Gleam kept spamming those three spells, bombarding Artemis with nuclear-type spells to the point enough to destroy a world, but thanks to his {Domain}, he was able to prevent it from affecting the outside world.

After doing that several times, he stopped, looking down to see if he injured the Metal Demon.

And it confirms his expectations, he saw the Metal Demon's clothes and flesh were mostly gone, exposing the metallic skin of his behind the unnatural flesh he wears.

[Now, do you submit?]

"Fuck no,"

[Stubborn Mortal] Annoyed, the Sun God created dozens of fire chains that tangled Artemis' limbs.

The chains then lifted him in front of him as his flaming eyes stared at Artemis' red and unnatural eyes coldly.

[Now, submit. If you don't, I will burn your soul while I'll keep you alive until to the point that makes you wish that you were never awakened.]

"Fuck you."

Seeing the metal demon's ignorant attitude, it irritates him even more.

[Tch, I can't believe I've wasted much of my precious time and energy on this. Fuck this…]

Summoning an object from thin air, Gleam held the object revealing to be a collar.

[I guess I can't get my betting payment.]

Showing the object before Artemis, Gleam explained.

[You know what's this? This is a Cosmicatic Collar. It is an extremely powerful artifact that could make anyone and anything to be the person's slave, even it could make a deity into a slave. Not even a mere World Item or immunity could defend the magic effects from it. And it is extremely unbreakable that even dozens of Supernovas couldn't break it. Only the user itself could unchain the collar. Hope you learn fast from the little lecture.]

"I understand and it's very interesting to hear. I wonder how you get these." Artemis said, suddenly Gleam caught a glimpse of him smiling and he got the feeling something was up. 

Couldn't help but ask, he questioned the Metal Demon himself.

[Strange, are you that calm as usual, even in a helpless situation, you don't seem to feel panic. Isn't that you and your kind's nature.]


[Then why are you smiling?] The Sun God asked cautiously.

"I'm glad you asked. Because the things are according to my calculation."

With these words, at that moment, a sudden change occured.

The intense hot atmosphere around them suddenly decreased, even more to the point it became cold as Antarctica.


"Behold," Saying this, Artemis easily breaks the fire chains and immediately jumps back, distancing himself from the Sun God.

[Hey! I said—

Before he could react, everything around lightened in a blinding blue light, engulfing the Sun God whole.

Not just that, in seconds, the entire wasteland area was frozen into ice, becoming into an icy land the more of the giant blue ray from the sky continues.

Artemis immediately knew there is one of the machines above the atmosphere because he could sense it, and when he uses his psychic link and entered the systems for a small fraction of a second, he knew what it is and what it does.

And he knows it is built from Caitlyn.

A Project named 'Prime'.

And the since it was first built, Artemis used its one of its abilities of the satellite.

An ability to shoot a powerful ray of energy utilizing magic stones his Drones found, manipulate the magic into different types of attributes to create different types of elemental magic it produce.

And the one he used on Gleam is Ice Magic.

Since Argent Energy or any hot elements couldn't hurt Gleam, who is the Heat itself, Artemis used the opposite of the element.

But Artemis needs one minute in order to release the attack, that's why he kept the Sun God at bay.

And it works.

But only works he managed to hit the Deity, what failed is to kill him, however, he expected that outcome.

"As expected, it is still not enough to kill him," Artemis said.

Not before long, in the icy cold environment, a small ice hill suddenly melted at a fast rate until an explosion happened, what came out was the angered God of the Sun.

[I'll kill you.] Gleam growled at Artemis with eyes full of killing intent. Compared to before, he looks very injured, as if he was run over by a truck several times, but he is definitely very VERY mad.

Not in his entire existence he felt the most painful thing he ever felt. Of course he felt immense physical pain before but nothing compared to this.

Before, he also got struck by a Super Tier Ice Magic spell on him, but being a God, it only does little damage, however, this time, he felt something that he never felt in his existence.


In anger, the Sun God shouted as he pulled out his fire greatsword.

In a matter of seconds, his fire greatsword grew in size, growing until it reached outside the Planet's atmosphere and destroyed Project Prime in its orbit!

Not only that, the heat it produces is so hot that it melts the entire icy environment around them, killing millions upon millions of Monsters and Magic Beasts in an instant, incinerating 90% of the entire Forest of Death, and destroying tens of nearby villages and towns.

It is Gleam's ultimate trump card, a large sword that is hot at the level of Absolute Hot, thanks to his {Domain} continue to activate, the heat radiation would have continued to affect the outside world and destroy everything entirely.

It is a power beyond World-class. A high level balance-breaking power.

Artemis slightly smiled, quite an interesting spell, perhaps he did underestimate magic in this world, it could tear off his entire machine army just an instant.

Gleam held his blade as though it was nothing and smiled elegantly.

[Any last words before I'll strike you down?] Gleam said with eyes filled with rage and hatred, he doesn't care about his current mission, he just want to get rid of the pest and calm his anger down.

In response, Artemis replied.

"To be honest, what I have witnessed in our long battle, having that kind of power you have doesn't make you call yourself the God of the Sun…











…It just makes you the God of Thermodynamics…"



[Fuck off]


Then, the energy blade was swung down.


With the massive sword strike at Artemis, the impact creates a massive shockwave pushing the air.

It is so powerful that it even pushed everyone in the fortress city and the Imperial army several meters even though the two battles were a few hundreds of kilometers apart.

Gleam smiled, he finally beat the man in black. The Sword of his was a balance-breaking spell, if he is at his 100% power, with one swoop, he could destroy the entire world if he wants to.

As the cloud of dust cleared, Gleam expected nothingness in the air but what he saw widened his eyes in fear.

His large sword was able to reach Artemis and it did damage his Primelium armor, but…

It only cuts 2 millimeter deep inside of it.

"All that just a 2mm cut,"

Then, Artemis' next action causes Gleam to be slightly frightened, Artemis pushes the massive blade with his two fingers and absorbs the sword entirely into his body in a few seconds!

Witnessing it, Gleam breathed heavily, for the first time ever since he existed in the universe, he felt...


The Metal Demon in front of him is not somewhere in this world, he absorbed his powerful magic spell at terrifying speed with little damage he gave him, he is a devil incarnate!

He needs to escape now before the Metal Demon could—

Suddenly, he lost sight of him.

[Where are yo—!]

Before the Sun God could know, Artemis teleported behind Gleam with immense energy inside him like he was about to explode in any second.

"Just a quick note before you leave the mortal realm, Mr. Sun God. I hold back my entire strength a little bit, just so I can feel how annoying a Deity will be in a fight." Artemis said, extending one finger pointing at Gleam's head before turning it to the opposite temperature then firing.


The concentrated cold wave blasted out at the Sun God like a railgun, only millions of times stronger and colder. It was too fast to react to, and even the ruler of fire had no choice but to take it on.

The sky shook and the ground broke apart, further destroying the landscape as if a Multitude 10 earthquake took place in it.

And its not the only thing the attack hits, it also reach onw of the two moons and creates a large hole at the middle.

In the sky where Gleam had taken on that blast. A thick smokescreen had formed, and little by little, it was coming undone.

It was only a matter of seconds before it was revealed if that attack had worked or not.


Before him, it was Gleam but his sorry state has gotten worse than before.

[Haa… haaaa.. I.. won't…. give up.]

"Just how tough are you, Gods?" Artemis asked, irritating on how hard to kill a god is. Killing the Blue Goddess was quite easy because they are in his mind of course but in real life can be a pain in the ass.

Ignoring his question, Gleam uses his remaining strength to summon flames in his body and is about to attack.

[I… will not.. LOSE!]

"Screw this, I'm enough playing games,"


Having enough, before the Sun God could move any further, Artemis, at FTL speed, literally bitch slapped Gleam in the face using 51% of his strength.

With just one hit, it instantly obliterated Lincoln's body into a pile of crushed meat causing the deity inside automatically leaves the mortal body.

Like a Hypersonic missile, the now body of Lincoln struck like a rocket, breaking the sound barrier countless times, travelling here back to the Fortress city heading to the first 30,000 imperial army.

"What the? What Is that—" One of the Generals of the first army, with his enhanced eyesight, he could see the incoming human projectile, but before they could react the Demigod made impact at the center between the 1st and 2nd army, and in the next instant, the entire landscape exploded into a literal nuclear explosion killing both two armies. Killing the Demigod and 80,000 in an instant.


So? What do you think about the fight between him and one of the most powerful Gods of Fordalt? Comment and let me know if there is some if you want to ask or hated.

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