
Synthetic Survivor: Machine Age(Alternative)

Disclaimer: Most of the contents in this book doesn't belong to me but from the original author name NaranNarman, the author of the original Synthetic Survivor. The reason I made this book was create a better version of it, because some part of the story isn't good and doesn't make any sense, so I'll rewrite it then. While the original author seems retires and didn't complete the whole story, I might just gonna complete it for him. And also, in this book, the characters and the outcome of the story is similar, I added an extra twist to make the story very thrill. And I change the names from the orginal book cause I felt like it. References: Out of Space, Science/Magic, Doom Eternal, Overlord, Gate, Minecraft, Monster Hunter, etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A man woke with amnesia underneath the shattered remains of a once powerful human civilization. He remembered nothing, his past or the events that happened that caused the world to become as it was. He was no longer purely human, he woke to find himself as a nearly destroyed Android. But amid the radioactive dunes and lifeless expanse of the Earth, a lone machine network survived the disaster. After discovering that he controlled them, he set out on one goal: Rebuild. But how can he fully rebuild? For the Earth once had life but now was barren, not even bacteria survived. But he was not alone, when he awoke, a voice rang in his head, who was it? It was his long friend, a friend from the past with unknown relationship. Although he does not remember her name, he still felt how important she was before even if he has lost all his humanity and memories, her name was Caitlyn. Follow her as she guides him for centuries after he awakes, the both of them will form the most powerful machine leaders who will ever walk in the face of the world. Their story will start 1000 years into his rebuilding, he now controlled a vast network of machines around the planet Earth, all focused in the effort of rebuilding the world towards its former glory, there was only one thing missing, an essential attribute which differentiated Earth from all other known planets: Life. But everything changed when a wormhole opened, a breach within the fabric of space and time, opening a pathway between Earth and a world of fantasy! Follow him as he and his Empire explores this new mystical world full of elves, goblins, orcs, dwarves, ogres, humans, kingdoms, Empires and magic! His goal of restoring life may be within his grasps. But that does not mean there won’t be opposition. There will be battles, wars and calamities, millions will perish in the onslaught that will soon follow. Especially, when he discovers that the new world held the secrets of the past. He will face Deities and powerful foes, will he prevail? New weapons he will smith and countries he shall wipe out. Note: I'm fine with the Critism comments you will sent, because it helps me with my mistake on the story, and don't do it TOO much because I'm a bit emotional.

Artemis099 · Anime und Comics
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185 Chs

Infiltration 1/5

=Eastern Region, Senadate Theocracy, 30,000 Feet from Ground Level,.50km West from the Nearest City=

[Mission Objectives]

[Steal Information, Set Stage For Invasion]

[Mission Objectives Set By Central Strategic AI Command. Success Needed For Initiation Of Invasion]

[Failure will not be accepted]

The land was dark, a thick layer of clouds completely blocked out the light from the moons. It was about to rain and the people of the Senadate Theocracy went into their homes. The Senadate Army maintained its garrison on the walls of their cities as Airships floated through the Senadate Airspace. The rain then poured and only the sounds of thunder and the rain could be heard.

30,000 feet into the sky, several transport planes were flying with engines silenced as much as possible. The rain bounced off their hulls as the vessels tore through the clouds towards the designated drop zones. They were to infiltrate every major cities of the Theocracy.


On one of the particular transport, inside were Android Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, and Echo. Mobile Task Force are in specialized in smaller groups and do dangerous task without question like assassination, infiltration, rescue missions, etc. Their figure were more human and much more lightweight compared to their past design allowing them to sneak past the primitive defenses. They are faster, stronger, stealthier and more powerful than regular Android Soldiers.

They are strong between an Android Soldier and an Elite Android.


[1 kilometer to drop zone, attitude 31,323 feet, E.T.A. 30 seconds]

A voice rang through their heads. The drones then stood up from their positions and headed towards the exit of the plane.

The exit door slid open and the whirling winds and heavy rain went inside the compartment, wetting the Androids but they stood their ground. The clock finally ticked and the Androids dropped off one by one.

"This is Alpha, commencing drop," Alpha jumped first, immediately in a diving position with the other Androids behind him.

The red lights of the Android's little four eyes were the only visible parts of the Androids as they made their way down to the ground.

"E.T.A. 121 seconds before touchdown," Alpha reported back to Central Command.

As the strike group got nearer and nearer to the ground, the faint lights of the Border city of Freed became visible, it is one of the Theocracy's major and largest cities on their lands. Their first objective was to infiltrate the city and gather any information regarding the city's mages, garrison, and the entire theocracy while also taking into account any information regarding their secrets and forgotten knowledge as a whole.

It began to rain heavily, the Androids were in for a rough landing if they don't activate their thrusters before reaching the ground.

The Androids were 10 seconds from the ground.

"Activate Thrusters,"

The thrusters on their palms and feet activated and slowed them down. The Androids then struck the ground at half the force of their dive. Dirt flew on all directions as the Androids impacted the wet ground, creating a small crater.

The Androids were only 20 meters from the gate. Alpha and Bravo led the group through the tall grass and hid behind a few boulders scattered about.

Alpha then scanned the gate and the two towers beside it. A total of 10 soldiers were present, two on each tower while the rest were on top and inside of the gate. The Androids quickly strutted on the wet grass which separated the gate and the tall grass. The rain accompanied by the darkness of the night concealed them from the garrison on the towers.

The Androids then spread out to five positions, Alpha and Bravo were leaning against the gates themselves while Charlie, Delta, and Echo positioned themselves against the wallas a couple of feet apart.

Charlie, Delta, and Echo were to climb over the walls and dispatch the garrison on the gate and the towers to avoid setting off alarms while Alpha and Bravo were to carve an opening on the metal gates using small heat rays and take out the guards inside.


The three Androids began to climb over the walls using magnetic pads on their palms which they placed. Alpha and Bravo began to carve their opening. The three Androids jumped from the side of the walls and on the walls themselves. The guards there were stunned as three unknown 'men' moved at fast speeds and chopped their heads off before they could react, the guards could dodge their inhuman speed but they are just C-ranks and the MTF Androids are much faster, resulting their deaths.

Charlie and Delta were on the right side while Echo was on the left. They then proceeded to the towers.

Charlie and Delta kicked down the wooden door in the right tower and scurried in. A soldier was coming down the stairs as he heard some noises outside but before he react, the two Androids breached the door and immediately shot him with their suppressor pistols, his body fell to the floor but was instantly caught by Delta, however his helmet fall off his head to the floor, sounding a loud metallic thump. The last soldier on the top of the tower heard the thump and opened the door to the stairs only to be shot immediately by the two Androids.

Echo, on the other hand, had a different approach, the Android slowly climbed the tower from the outside. The two guards were staring into the dark tall grass and noticed small crater with their enhanced eyesight, the two guards then went to the side of the tower to shout at the garrison below.

The guards were greeted with the dead bodies of the garrison.

Echo emerged from east side of the tower, drenched and ominous. Its red eyes struck fear into the hearts of the two guards who quickly drew their swords. Echo menacingly dashed towards the two guards and sliced them in half using its twin blades. Killing them instantly.

The remaining guards inside the gates were oblivious to the massacre that happened just above them.

The four guards were playing a game similar to solitaire.

"Hm, the rains pouring like the Dark Lord since the sun went down," One of the guards retorted.

"The God of Water is blessing us, the fields will bare a good harvest after a few days if this keeps us,"


The gates suddenly exploded, flinging the four guards to the ground. Alpha and Bravo quickly went and shot the four who were unable to react as the Androids were too fast.

The torches inside the gate were blown out by the strong winds, the gate has been secured.

[Initiate Main Objectives]

A voice rang through their heads once more, the Android's eyes lit up a light reddish color before they disappeared into the deserted streets of the city.



SCP Foundation: -Mobile Task Force

Similar to the original.

Well, onto the next chapter...

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