
Syllabus of Infernal

smh will write this synopsis later, go read bois and gals.

chemysttt · Fantasie
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[Reading Content Section...]

[Decrypting Space Seals]

[Initiating Apollo's Audio Log 0x000000B2]

"Is it recording? Oh, uh, Yeah it probably is..."

"Vast emptiness, nothing in sight, where pitch black color existed, With no motions and energy existed. just infinite expanse of emptiness. No units of measurements how vast it is, Nothingness is just the only entity here, This is a Theoretical Space explained in mathematical knowledges, Geometry? Maybe some Applied Mathematics too, But I know for sure that it's Three-Dimensional, The base of all things."

"To address that how did such complicated matter came into view, It is because to understand this heck of a discovery that I, Apollo found out. As I, dove deep into points of things, I found this fundamental properties of two different but both are important, Thanks, Prometheus."

"The fabric of this universe, and Realm foundations all started from some kind of Mathematical Knowledge, A point, or a dot you will say. It have vast meaning in both Practical, Theoretical ways and in Abstract ways. But this basis is in no directions, We just know that it's there, No expanse of anything, It's just there. It's Zero-Dimensional."

"Then there's a Zero-Dimensional point. However, What if there's two points, In a different theoretical positions, and we then connect it together, to form what we call a line, sometimes when we input a unit of measurements, we get a number line. It's One-Dimensional, Two infinite expanse of Directions,"

"Now take that One-Dimensional Line, Make another one, Perpendicular to the original ones, I say then connect it in point zero of both lines. Then we got Four Directions of things, in two variables of things, It's a plane in infinite expanse. Like an infinite surface of paper, Now this is getting a lot of element of mathematics in it, I'll make it easier."

"Then we do the same with the previous procedure, Duplicate and Union. We then got a theoretical Space in mind. a Three-Dimensional Space, Where I said where only entity of nothingness existed. Where there is another duplicate that have the same basis, But something more, That is the Real Space. It's like a parallel realm theory, but with Space."

"Now both Space existed, and are parallel to each others. So there are some fluctuations of both Space transferring matter from different spaces. With different in laws of space, which is different from the laws of parallel realm theory. So these fluctuation made some big things happens, made everything happen, which is..."

"The Massive Fluctuation of Particles, or the "Big Bang". It made us existed, However, These Particles can't go back to their original Space where it originate from anymore. THERE IS NO ENTITIES THAT CAN GO BACK INTO THE THEORETICAL SPACE. However, the incident made particle exists, The particle then compliment each others and form bonds, Creating matters..."

"Oh wait, I forgot something important, Energies are from these particles too, Probably a sub-particle of something. It's like when the matters are formed, it creates it. I don't understand in this part much, So I will note to find those knowledges later."

"Now in this one and only universe, Another form of energies existed that rules above the Energies, And Cooperate and Compliment with Physical Forces and Chemical Forces. It's an energy of Nature, Nobody knows where it's originated from. Then this energy of Nature then have subordinates, It's called the Origin."

"Origin itself is as I said, A subordinate of The Energy of Nature, But the energy of nature is just like a folder of sorts, It isn't one cluster heck of Origin merged together, So Origin is the strongest base of things, unable to be eradicated or negated, and increasing in energy resources every second as more and more particles are coming from the Theoretical Space, and The Real Space is increasing in size."

"Origin can have subordinates too, They can have ones with less potent power in them, or They can merge with other Origins, Or both at the same time. They are called Affinity and Variants, The name is self-explanatory."

"... As Origin is a rule of all laws in this universe, It actually bends some properties of reality when some entities holds the power of Origins, Affinities or Variant, Whether living or not. The living entities holding the Power would be called Entities of Space, With Non-Living Entities however, Would be called Applied Space. Humans holding the Power would be called wizards. Just kidding, Haha, It's pretty stereotypical for me, It's normally called, Umm..."

"It's called Specialist, As Affinities and Variants are pretty uncommon to be the same, Not counting bloodlines and stuff, And people won't walk the same path as each other, So difference in techniques and experiences are the cause of the name."

"Oh, and the important part, They called these power of Affinities and Variants in one word, Space. It's Space, Yes it is. The reason they called it like this is pretty funny, It's cause it affects the real space to a certain degree. It can change the lives of everyday things so it's pretty straight to the point."

"Alright, all my knowledge I got for today is kind of recorded now, I guess? Time to end this Audio Log, Umm... Endword!"

[Recording Ended.]

[Time Elapsed: 3:02]



In some kind of forest and stuff, Middle of the moonlight shining.

A crimson looking arrow pierced throughout the night, If you look nearly, You can see it is blood. A loud Sonic Boom could be heard because of it, And its target is... Some man that was walking down the woods. He looks like no harm, But the arrow pierced through his back and through his chest, stucked.

"SIRIUS! You dare escape my capture! I used an inscription on you so you can't use yo-" Another man appeared out of thin air, Hand covered in his own blood. And later shocked by the man in front of him.

"Y- Your space?" He stutters as flames appeared around him and Starting to form a circle spinning furiously. Making him stopped in his tracks stunned.

"Will we deal with the Ripple of the Realms or will we fight here? Vines?" Sirius says calmly looking at The man in front, Whose have a scar all over his arm visible from his torn lower arm of his windbreaker, And a distorted face with white messy hair.

"Al- Alright, But I just want to ask you... Why are the ripple associated to your energy origin, And where is Zenith?" Vines answered him looking nervous, Scared of Sirius.

"Well, I can't answer the first question, But the second is obvious. He is investigating the source of the Ripple in other realms. You morons are really a hassle, The inscriptions are imperfect and you are nothing but a Middle-End Specialist, So don't find problems from me. Bye." Sirius disappeared out of sight instantly, Leaving a burnt mark on the dirt floor.

It's the beginning boys and girls, We are set anew to unravel these new discoveries. Comment me some nice advice and I will improve my writes. Thanks!

chemystttcreators' thoughts