
Sword God: The Rise of Lancelot

When a sudden Occurrence happened... Planet Earth, In which was still on it's medieval era happened to collide and fuse with another strange world. A world which Different kinds of Species Existed. A massive Earthquake Occured after both worlds joint in one. Humans who ruled Earth, Became the bottom of the Food Chain. For there, The New Stronger species Ruled... The Strong prey on the Weak... That is how the New World works now... But amidst on all the humans who were hiding in the shadows, One human stood at the Top. A human which was titled as the Strongest Man, And was their Liberator. The Human who ended their Suffering, The human who achieved alot of things through any difficulties. His name, Arthur Lionhart. After Arthur made an alliance with the Elves and dwarves, They fought countless battles against the Stronger species. In the End, They finally achieved victory. ... After the Humans finally gained peace, Arthur LionHart, Who emerged as Humanity's New King, Got betrayed and Killed by his Former comrade. ... Then after his sudden death, He eventually got transported in the future and became a ten year old boy who was named Lancelot Valentine. But it wasn't just any ordinary boy, The Former King has now become a Slave. .... Now, Arthur Lionhart as Lancelot Valentine Starts his New Journey on the New World.

AsylumAinz · Fantasie
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8 Chs

4. My First Kill as Lancelot Valentine.

The Atmosphere went cold as I emitted my Ki outwards.

The breezy wind reverted it's direction due to the Aura I was emitting.

The Rage within me had finally blossomed and could not be stopped...

The Will Of Lancelot had taken over my heart, For me to react to such provocations....

Before The guy that whispered could lean back, Droplets of blood flew mid air...

No one could react to what had happened, All they saw was...

The Head of their comrade flying mid air as it splattered blood everywhere...

The blood came over my face and to my shirt, As I looked at the remaining two, the body of the my first murder had dropped on the ground while blood came out from the severed neck.

The two remaining could not understand what had happened, The looks on their eyes....

It was full of shock, Thinking on how did his head fly infront of us...

How could he be killed by the pale thin boy unarmed who was standing infront of him...

Those were the thoughts that were rummaging their minds...

And after circulating those thoughts, Upon seeing the boy who their comrade was talking earlier, The boy who was pale and thin, The boy who was completely unarmed, And the boy who looked totally composed along with a gaze filled with confidence that he could take them out anytime...

Fear is implemented upon those who witnessed...

Seeing the boy covered in blood, Without an ounce of fear towards them...

The two were paralyzed due to shock, Unable to move... As the boy walked slowly towards them...


Death is nearing....

That was the feeling they felt as the boy who looked emotionless walked towards them.

"U-uh! Spare me! I just followed orders! I didn't want to do this!" As one of the remaining two begged for mercy.

"I as well just followed the Boss's orders! I just wanted to live! If I disobeyed the Boss I'll get killed! So please spare me!" As the other one begged and kneeled as tears came out of his eyes.

Sparing would only bring more danger...

As I have already witnessed it before.

At the time when Arthur Lionhart was still at War with Titans.

Arthur who were accompanied by his trained Knights defeated the Titan King, Titanium.

But Titanium begged Arthur to spare him, The Titan King threw away his Pride for the sake of his life.

He promised to work alongside the humans, elves and dwarves that formed an alliance and take care of the Dragons.

Arthur, Who fought closely with the Titan King acknowledge his strength.

And for that, He accepted the Titan King's proposal.

But after two days, When Arthur and Tristan went to check on the Dragon's lair.

Based on the Information that was given by the Titan King who accompanied them and was left at the Temporary camp along with the other Knights.

After they confirmed the Dragon's Lair they immediately went back to the Camp and inform the Knights that they'll be moving out tomorrow early.


But it was all over when they came back...

Blood were spilled at the ground, Corpses of the knights were lying everywhere.

Body parts were torn, Others were completely smashed.

There was no survivor to be found..

And the Titan King was nowhere to be seen.


That's when Arthur Realized, That Mercy was the most dangerous move to do.

"Spare you say? Didn't you want to have a good time with my mother?" As I spoke in an intimidating way.

The two dropped on the ground as their knees were shaking, Unable to move.

They realized, That it was wrong to mess with this person.

An Instinct that every being had....

Look down, Bow down, Beg.

The Instincts that always screams when they are infront of the Strong.

But it was already too late....

"I'll give you all my money! Please spare my life!" As they tried to beg one last time.

I stopped infront of them, And stood their silently for about five seconds.

They slowly lifted their head, In thoughts of me sparing their lives in exchange for money.

But as they saw the boy's face...

All they could see was an emotionless look who had no ounce of even sparing any single one of them.

"I'm sorry, But I'm not that nice." As I said before Cutting their heads of with my bare hands.

Due to the power of Ki, I can transfer and focus all my Ki into one certain part of my body, I can harden that part or sharpen it.

And use it as a Weapon to kill those who dare get in my way....

Their heads flew similar to the first one that had died earlier, Blood rain down and scattered all around the ground.

A move so quick, that even an ounce of sound didn't occur up until the blood's splattering sound and when the heads finally landed unto the ground.

The bodies were lying at the ground headless....

"Ugh, The Blood went on my shirt."

Should I throw their bodies? Ugh it's a pain in the neck to clean them up. Let's just leave them there.

So I turned around, And tried to wipe off the blood in my face.

But as I lifted my head, I saw someone who should have not seen me act like this.

The Person who was standing infront of me, Completely shocked and scared.

My father, Danny.

I got nervous all of the sudden.

"F-father! I can explain!"

"No need. I already heard and saw everything." As he immediately replied.

I was dumbfounded and could not reply to what he had said.

"Just go and change then rest up, I'll clean this mess. We'll talk tomorrow okay?" He said.

I nodded and went back to our house and did what he told me, For the first time I got nervous...

And it was about how I got caught. Haha!

But the side effect of using Sharpening Ki without cleansing the impurities within this body really took a toll on me.

The aching pain all over my body is bearable, But I guess this will last for more than half a day.

So after that, I went to sleep....


What's this place?

Is this a dream?

Why is it so dark in here...

As I looked around, I couldn't see a thing, Even myself, My arms, feet and body were nowhere to be seen due to the darkness of the place.

Where Am I?

"Arthur, Thankyou." As a male's voice appeared out of nowhere.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Please take care of my family from now on..." As the voice spoke and faded away.

One thing I was certain after what he had said, I'm sure he was the Lancelot Valentine which was the owner of this body.

And suddenly, I finally woke up.

The bright sunlight came at my eyes as the tent door was opened and sunlight emitted inside.

I looked around and saw everyone who were preparing.

"Son, You're awake. Go wash your face and We'll eat together." My mother said.

"Bro, Go now. I'm really hungry." As my brother said in a desperate tone.

It seems that we always eat together, And doesn't let anyone touch the meal before everyone is there.

What a nice family...

So I went out and washed my face at the back of our house, And I noticed that my father followed me.

"Lance, Can we talk?" He asked.

I guess I'll be needing an explanation about the incident last night. Since everyone would really be shocked upon seeing someone who can cut other people's heads with just their bare hands.

"Sure father, If it's about yesterday.. I'll try to answer your questions." I replied while I was washing my face on the barrel that had water inside.

"I heard everything what you've been talking ever since you came out and sneaked at them, I don't regret you for doing those things, If it weren't for you we'd probably been dead by now. But I just want to ask you, What did you do back there? It was too dark and all I could see were their heads flying quickly." He said.

Good thing he didn't saw me use my hands, I guess it was pretty dark to clearly see what was happening.

"Um, When the guy approached me and whispered in my ear, I saw a knife that was placed at his waist. So I immediately grabbed it and cut their head off in an instant. I'm pretty confident in my agility that's why...." As I explained with an anxious face in hopes that he would believe me.

"But After you walk towards the two, I was certain that you didn't have any weapons with you." He said.

"U-um! You see! I hid it in my shirt so that the two won't try to get it from me, Since All I can do is surprise attack them, I can't take them head on." As I explained again.

Father believed what I had said, Since there's no way a little guy like me would be able to fight two adults head on.

"I'll keep this a secret to Lionel and your mother, Let's go back inside and eat. Since we got work to do later." He said with a smile and went back inside.

So I went back and ate breakfast with them, It was a relaxing feeling...

Eating with your family, I had almost forgotten how relaxing it could be..

Then several hours later we went to work and headed towards the Northern forest.

As time passed, I heard rumors that the three guys from last night that had went missing where the talk of the village.

"It seems they finally went crazy and ran away."

The slaves were all talking on how the three ran away.

Since they were the usual ones that always complained on how boring being a slave was.

Then at the afternoon, A sudden visitor came.

"Everyone! The Governor had returned, Please go to the Village Entrance and Greet the Governor." As the Chief announced.

"Who came back?"

"Was it the Dwarf Governor? Is their a new slave that they will be leaving?"


"No, I think it was about that time before."

"Oh you mean the one before?"

"Yeah, Let's go and check what happened."


The talk of the slaves made me uncomfortable...

My brother immediately went back home to hide my mother at the forest.

My father and I went to the Village Entrance to check who was the Governor that had a sudden visit.

As we walked through the crowds of slaves that were gathered at the Entrance, I noticed the flag of the Carriage.

The Crest of the Devon Empire...

It seems that the annoying Prince came back.

"We greet the Governor!" As the slaves bowed their heads infront of the Carriage.

The carriage door opened, Then the Guy in robe came out.

Followed by a large bag that seems to have a body inside.

And it was placed on the ground...

"Huh!? She came back a corpse!?"

"How could the Third prince do such a thing again!?"

"I pity that girl..."

"Hey make sure you hide your daughters!"

As I heard the conversations of the slaves, I got the gist of what was happening.

As the Prince came out of the Carriage, The Guy in Robe carefully removed a part of the bag to show what was inside.

Inside the large bag, Was a woman who has her face brutally beaten, Severed marks were shown in every side of her face.

The woman's eyes were opened, It seemed she died while her eyes were opened.

Then suddenly a slave from the crowd ran towards the Dead corpse and screamed.

"Diana! How!?" As the slave cried out of despair.

The third prince smirked at the Crying slave.

"Governor! You said you'd make my wife a maid in your castle. How could she die like this!? My wife!" As the Slave cried endlessly, Tears of regrets for letting her love one be taken from him.

The Prince did not reply and went back inside the Carriage.

The Guy in a robe handed the Slave a bag filled with fifty silver and said.

"She had been given the task of being a maid towards the Third Prince. She was doing her job properly until she announced that she was pregnant."

Then the Guy in a robe went back inside the carriage.

The Carriage and the Escorts left, While the slave who cried endlessly for his dead wife was completely shocked upon hearing what the Guy in a Robe said.

"Did you hear that?"

"The guy in robe said that Diana was pregnant."

"She was taken here three years ago. Don't tell me."

As the slaves who were gathered gossiped.

One thing I saw, Was that the Slave that cried over and over again had stopped and gave off a look that was filled with anger.

The third prince who took her wife, Played with her body and threw away after getting pregnant in an unfortunate accident caused by the Third Prince.

The Anger that the Slave felt can't be compared to any anger that anyone was feeling right now.

It was like a Volcano that was about to Erupt.

At that moment I walked along the road among the crowd, As I heard the slaves talking on how this wasn't the first time that had happened.

I knew that somebody had to change this absurdity or It will keep on going.

This Era needs to be finished....

Chapter End.