
Chapter 1 ~ After 6 months

A warm, mid-summer wind passed over Kingston Church as Adriana Raines, a fully grown fair young lady, with ocean blue eyes whose depths currently unknown and a large smile that never seemed to wear off her face, walked down the aisle, her arms tucked on either side of her body. She was walking hand in hand with her two best friends, Cassian Sky and Scarlett Brian, towards the centre of the path where he stood patiently, precisely the love of her life, Ben Olsen. Yes, indeed, she was there to take her wedding vows.

Just as they were about to reach her destination, Scarlett gave a small tuck to her dress sleeve as she bent to her side to have a quick little pep talk with her friend. She brought her mouth closer to her friend's ears and whispered, "Go gorgeous, your man is waiting for you…" With this said she quickly pulled away, and so did Cassian. Their actions were not at all surprising. After all being married for 6 months has its effects.

Adriana took in a deep breath as she realised it was just 6 months earlier that Ben and she were arch-rivals and look at them now. No one would believe that love could blossom between two people who hated each other from their heart's core.

She quickly surveyed her surroundings just to be sure this wasn't one of her lucid dreams. As she was running her train of thoughts, a familiar voice reached her ears, as soft as silk. "Adriana, are you still here?" Her thoughts ran away as quickly as they came. It was his voice, her sweet, doting husband - to - be's voice.

She glanced at him who was giving her a worried look. She replied, mustering up all the courage she could, " Just nervous..." He looked a bit relieved and gave her a reassuring smile, a smile that hurriedly pushed all her second thoughts away. He gave her his hand, as he saw that she was having trouble climbing the raised platform because of her enormous gown.

Though she looked beautiful in that peach regalia decorated by the most intricate embroidery that complimented her blue jewel like eyes, Ben thought that she would look perfect in the pair of tanks and jeans she wore everyday. At last he came to the conclusion that she would look alluring in anything she wears.

He was snapped back to the present when Adriana took his hand and climbed to the platform. They looked into each other's eyes and smiled at each other. The couple were recaptured in the present by a small coughing sound. They turned to the other side of the altar and saw a third person standing there. He was their marriage officiant.

He asked them coldly, "If we are done with these small intimate moments, can we proceed to the agenda today? If I am not wrong, the agenda today is your marriage? Shall we start then?"

They both looked at the official in awe and nodded their heads so as to permit him to start.

And finally their vows started. (I'll not burden you with the heavy words recited by the officiant, so we'll just come to the very end.)

'Forasmuch as BRIDE and GROOM have consented together in holy matrimony, and have pledged their love and loyalty to each other, and have declared the same by the joining and the giving of rings, by the power vested in me, and as witnessed by friends and family, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride now', were the last words uttered by the officiant before Ben's lips landed on Adriana's and both were lost in the world of bliss.

It seemed like a lifetime before both of them parted but when they did they both were out of breath and were panting.

Cassian and Scarlett rushed up to the stage and hugged their respective friends followed by their parents. Everyone assembled in the church's courtyard were clapping to see this entanglement of two hearts.

Scarlett exclaimed , "Girl you are finally married!" followed by a high pitched squeal of the two girls. The boys on the other hand got down to business. Cassian asked Ben as to where he was taking Adriana for their honeymoon. Ben smirked and replied in a calm tone, "You'll see..." He turned around and went straight to his wife, Adriana Raines Olsen and put one hand on her shoulder and asked, "Are you ready for the surprise?"

Adriana was confused but she had full faith in her husband, so she replied in a enthusiastic tone, "Yep..." And it was this consent that Ben needed. He slid his hands under her knees and neck and carried her to the other end of the hall. She struggled a bit first but then she started enjoying it. She could feel his toned muscles under his tuxedo. She could hear his strong heartbeat. She relaxed a bit in his warm hug.

After taking a few long strides, Ben reached the other end of the courtyard. He slowly closed Adriana's eyes and asked her to wait for a few minutes. While Adriana was waiting with her eyes covered, she could hear some shuffling on the other side. She decided to ask Ben about it. "Hey Ben?"

He looked at Adriana with loving eyes and replied, "Yes Anna. Do you want to ask anything? "

"What's this shuffling? Is something happening? I can hear screeching sounds." She asked questioningly.

Ben smiled and brought his face closer to her neck. He dropped his voice to a whisper so that only she could hear it. "What's the rush darling? You can check for yourself ..." His warm breath on her neck gave her goosebumps. She thought to herself "If this is the case now, what will happen in the near future?" And blood rushed up to her cheeks.

He slowly removed his palm and the scene that Adriana saw brought tears to her eyes. In front of her stood her friends,  Scarlett and Cassian dressed as the newly wed duo but the difference was that they were not in their attire but the attire Anna and Ben wore six months ago when they first met each other.

Author's note ~ Hey readers! If you have understood this chapter well and good and if not you'll realise it in the next.

(Hint:We're travelling back in time to six months ago.)