In a world where theres that typical couple where the boyfriend doesn't show his affection to his girl. But here's the twist, the girl doesn't give a single damn. Leira doesn't even notice the odd to the point she sometimes forget that she in fact has a boyfriend, Seunwo. Known to a be a cool couple by their friends, she thought nothing would went wrong. To make the story more interesting, a gentleman comes in trying to sway her. Will she get out of the relationship she had with Seunwoo and choose the nicer guy? Is the boyfriend bad in the first place?
"Oh god, finally!" She exclaimed as the psychology class finally dismissed. Her friend chuckled as he helped putting her laptop in her bag while she stretched out her sore limbs.
"Do you have class after this? I'm done with mine."
"Nope, I'm done too but Han Seunwo asked me to accompany him to a party he has to attend every year."
"What party?"
"You know, the young doctors get together with the older doctors. Its stupid if you asked me."
"If all the doctors attending then who would handle things in the hospital?" The male chuckled. She just let out a sigh.
"Exactly what I thought."
"Right ok anyways, Leira I thought we were going to watch movie at my place with the others tonight."
"Shit, I forgot. I already said that I'll be his plus one though. Can't back out now.." Leira said apologetically. He shook his head.
"Sorry Hwiyun."
Walking together, they chatted to the parking lot with other students greeting them. The two friends stood out the most since they were both visually pleasant and aced both academically and sports. Except that Leira can't really do stuff that require physical strength.
Even taking up the stairs made her breath for air.
But that all doesn't make sense when she hike up a mountain.
"Its alright. Just make sure you can join us next weekend, Lei."
"Meh, don't worry. After this party, that boyfriend of mine will ceased from existence until he has a reason to hit me up."
"I still don't understand why are you still going out with him or should I say attached by name to him. You don't even go on a date right?" He sighed. Leira waved him off and unlocked her car.
"He's a doctor, Hwi.. time isn't exactly at our side. Anyways, don't worry bub. I can take care of myself." She smiled softly at him.
You are so nice, its getting in my veins." Hwiyun muttered lowly and close the car door for her. The girl just grinned at him.
Leia hummed to her favorite song as she put light strokes of mascara when she heard the front door shuts.
"Yes, I'll be right there." Leia said as she took a pair of heels and headed downstairs not before checking her outfit in the mirror.
She was clad in a LV plain high neck dress that hugged her body nicely.
Upon arriving to the end of the stairs, there he was sitting on the sofa while on his phone with some matching suit and tie making him look extra sleek.
He never fails to amuse her no matter how many times she looked at him.
"Ready to go?" He said finally looking up from his phone to her. She nodded.
Seunwo stood up and kissed her cheek briefly before heading out to his car. She followed him while replying to texts. Her friends had asked her to ditch and join them instead.
Leia snorted at her friends response making Seunwo turned to her.
"Who are you texting with?"
"The trio."
Seunwo just hummed and started the car.
Then the whole ride filled with silence.
Walking around hand in arm with Seunwo at the formal party, Leira immediately felt out of place as everyone was talking in science if that makes sense.
"I'm gonna go to the beverage section." Leira whispered as she tugged Seunwo's sleeve subtly.
He nodded and continued talking about his recent experience of a patient with a head trauma.
"I think I'm about to have a head trauma from all that." She muttered as she browse through the drinks offered at the bar.
"No open wounds though. Internal?"
"Oh please no more medical talks." Leira groaned as she took a seat at the bar stool. The man chuckled and ordered his drink.
"Call me Kai." He said offering his hand when he sat next to her.
"Judging from your annoyed face, I assumed you're not a doctor."
"Yeah yeah, I don't belong here. Beats me." Lei sighed and took a sip.
"Nah, you seems nice." Kai smiled making her chuckle.
"Right. So whats your specialization, Doctor?"
"I thought you said no medical talks." He teased.
"Its a small talk, Kai. Get over it." Leira made a face at him. He laughed whole heartedly.
"Im an Orthopedic surgeon."
"Oh bones and all that jazz."
"So you know your surgeons." Kai nodded. She shrugged.
"Yeah, not by choice though."
"How about you?"
"I'm a student."
"Oh my god, you're still in high school." Kai said gasping jokingly.
"Sure." She shook her head amused by the male in front of her.
"Its okay though, I could wait to court you. Now is fine too, if thats what you want." He winked.
"Ew what the hell Kai." Leira burst out laughing.
"I'm joking, I'm joking."
"You're something, buddy. Archeology. I'm in my final year." She said wiping her invisible tear. He smiled.
"Well aren't you a charmer?"
Leira felt a hand touched her waist and she immediately turned to him.
"Hey, are we going already?" She asked. Somehow there's a hint of dismay in her tone.
She had finally found someone to talk to here.
"In a bit, I have to go to the office upstairs for some discussion with the BOD. I see you met Kai?"
"Yeah, apparently he fix bones- Oh wait you already know him." She scrunched her nose at Kai to which the latter grinned.
"Yeah we had our residency together but you already met him before, Lei." Seunwo nodded at him. Leira think hard as she tried to recall.
"We don't really talk to each other, I was anti social back in SNU, don't think about it too hard." Kai grinned at her. She plastered a sheepish smile at him.
"Anyways, Kai you are needed there too." Seunwo said to him.
"Aw why? Talking to old men bore me out! Thank god lovely Lei is here." Kai winked at her playfully. She snorted before turning back to her boyfriend.
Which she forgot he's the reason she's here.
"Will it be long? Can I go home first?"
"I think so. Take my car." Seunwo fishes out the key from his pocket but she shook her head.
"No, its okay. Its late, you wont be able to come home if you don't have your car."
"Exactly my point."
"I'll just ask Dohyon to pick me up, Han." Leira assured him to which he finally nodded.
"Well looks like this is our goodbye Miss Lei." Kai sighing as he stood up from the stool, casually stretching out.
"Can I have your phone number though?" He grinned.
"Dude, the boyfriend is here." Leira laughed pointing at Seunwo. Kai just shrugged.
"Oops, sorry man. Alright Woo leggo!" Kai throw his arm around the tall man shoulders.
The latter just sighed.
"See you, Lei."
"Yeaahhhhhhh maybe." Lei said sheepishly as she had plan to sleep over Hwiyun's house. Seunwo raised his eyebrow.
Before he could ask, her phone pings indicating a new text message.
"Dohyon is here. Bye babe. Dr Kai." She said as she kissed Seunwo's cheek and slap Kai's hand before literally running to the entrance.
Running with heels is surely her talent.
Thank god the floor is carpeted.
"She's charming as ever."