
Sway With The Wind

"She's awake," a gruff voice said. The voice was unfamiliar, rough and menacing. El felt her heart rate spike, her body trembling with fear. She heard the sound of more footsteps as several figures entered the room. "What do we do with her?" another voice asked. This one was higher-pitched, almost nervous. "Keep her quiet," the first voice replied. "Boss will be here soon." *** Overview: In the heart of a bustling city, amidst the whispers of hidden truths and untold tales, lies the captivating story of "Sway With The Wind." Within its pages, readers will be swept away on a journey of romance and mystery, where the enigmatic El takes center stage. As El navigates the intricate web of relationships that surround her, she finds herself torn between two intriguing figures: a charming college student and a rebellious bad boy. But in matters of the heart, El's desires know no bounds, and she follows her instincts, leading her down a path of unexpected twists and turns. Set against the backdrop of a city steeped in secrets, "Sway With The Wind" explores themes of forgiveness and the enduring power of love. As El confronts the mysteries of her past and uncovers the secrets of the present, she must learn to sway with the winds of change, guided by her heart's truest desires and an unwavering quest for truth. With each revelation, the story unfolds like a delicate dance with the wind, drawing readers deeper into a world where fate and desire collide.

DaoistoUXK8X · Urban
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36 Chs

Unforeseen Alliances


The sun bathed the world in a warm, golden light as spring arrived in full bloom. Vibrant flowers painted the meadows in brilliant hues, their petals gently swaying in the breeze. Trees, once bare, now flourished with fresh green leaves, and the sweet scent of blossoms filled the air. The sky was a clear, endless blue, inviting everyone to bask in the joy of the season. It was a perfect day, where the promise of new beginnings and the warmth of the sun made everything seem possible. Whatever troubles clouded her mind, the 20-minute walk to college, surrounded by such beauty, was the medicine El needed. The air was alive with the scent of lilac, and the dew-kissed grass filled her heart with tranquillity. El always found sanctuary in nature; even the little things, like the birds chirping, brought warmth to her soul.


A sudden beep jolted El's wandering mind back to the present. She glanced at her phone and saw a text message from Ash.


"El, where are you?"


"On my way to class, why?" she quickly replied.


"I need your economics notes from last week. I heard from Brayden that we'll have an assignment based on them."


El's fingers hesitated over the screen for a moment. Ash had been distant over the past few weeks, ever since the fallout with Nia. He'd even missed the first week of the term. El missed hanging out with him; he was a trustworthy friend, and his absence had left a void in her daily routine.


With a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips, she typed, "I'll be in the broadcasting room in 10. Meet you there."


"Roger that!" came Ash's prompt response.


As she pocketed her phone, El couldn't help but feel a spark of hope. Maybe this was a sign that things were starting to get back to normal.


Twenty minutes had passed, and El was seated in the middle row of her Business Analytics class, her notes and laptop spread out before her. As she glanced up, she saw Pip approaching. He took the seat next to her, his presence a stark reminder of the tense encounter with Carl. Today, however, he seemed different. For someone who had been so agitated and volatile that day, he now appeared calm and collected.


Pip didn't say a word—not even a hello. He didn't look at her, not even a fleeting glance. El had seen various sides of him: cold, aloof, angry, cool, funny. But today, he was none of those. His demeanour was more like someone waiting for a scheme to set in motion, which scared her more than any outburst could.


Her pulse quickened as she tried to focus on the lecture, but the unease gnawed at her. What was he planning? Why was he here, sitting so silently beside her? The questions swirled in her mind, making it hard to concentrate. El could only hope that whatever was brewing beneath Pip's composed exterior wouldn't erupt during their class.


"You know you're staring a hole in my face," Pip said without even looking at her. "Do you have something to say to me?" He finally turned and stared back, his eyes locking onto hers.


El scoffed before asking, "What are you scheming?"


He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "I think you owe me an explanation," he said, clicking his tongue in mild irritation.


"Eh! You stole my line. And no, I don't," El retorted sharply.


Hearing her defiant response, Pip took a deep breath, trying to compose himself. His attempt to look cold faltered. "About that, I was only trying to protect you from—" he began, but was abruptly cut off by an incoming call on her phone. Naturally, El's attention diverted, and she answered the call.


"Girl, I've been waiting for you here for 15 minutes. When are you getting here?" An impatient voice stormed out of her mobile phone.


Pip's face paled upon hearing a man's voice casually talking to her. He couldn't see the caller's name from the corner of his eye, but his fingers tapping nervously on his thigh gave away his agitation.


"Hang in there, I'll be there in a few minutes," El replied before ending the call.


"Where are you going? Our class is about to start," Pip couldn't rein in his curiosity.


El packed her phone into her bag, getting ready for class. "Nowhere!" she replied curtly, making the situation more confusing. Pip decided not to pry further, and just as he had predicted, the professor entered the classroom, signalling the start of the lecture.




The sound of the doorknob turning made Ash stand up from his seat, his frustration ready to spill over. "Do you know how long—" His words faltered, frozen mid-sentence as he saw who stood before him. It wasn't El, but an auburn-haired goddess. Ash's heart lurched, his resolve wavering. For the past few weeks, he had purposefully avoided meeting her, knowing all too well the chaos it would bring.


"Can we talk, please, Ash?" Nia's voice was a soft plea, her eyes mirroring the pain he felt inside. His heart pounded so loudly he feared she might hear it.


Ash wanted to say no, to turn and walk away, but his body betrayed him. He stood rooted to the spot, as if glued to the floor.


"How long are you planning to run away from me? Did you think you could just abandon me like that?" Her words cut through him like a sharp, icy blade.


"Are you really going to throw away our 13 years of friendship just because I didn't feel the same way you did? You mean more to me than any boyfriend ever could. You've never left me during an argument before, why now?" Her words pierced his defenses, tearing away his cold shell.


"I didn't run away, I needed time. Just like how I can't change the way you feel, I can't turn off my feelings like a switch. Staying away was the only way I knew to fix myself," Ash said, his voice a strained whisper. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his emotions. "I'm sorry," he added, his gaze fixed on her hands as they fidgeted.


"Don't be! You did nothing wrong. There's no right or wrong when it comes to matters of the heart. I understand that, but I don't want to lose my best mate." Nia smiled, a beautiful, genuine smile that lifted the weight from his shoulders.


"Partner in crime?" she asked, extending her pinky finger. Ash hooked his own pinky with hers, sealing their friendship once more. Though their time apart had been long and painful, it had shown them what truly mattered in their relationship.


"Gosh, I'm going to be late for class. What about you?" Ash asked, checking his watch and hurriedly grabbing his bag.


"You go ahead, I'll wait for El. She asked me to come here," Nia replied, glancing at her phone.


"You fool, she set us up. We'll deal with her later. Let's go now," Ash said, taking her wrist and dragging her out the door.




The class was winding down when the professor spoke up, capturing everyone's attention. "Students, you will need to do a group project on Sales Forecasting for E-commerce Retailers Using Time Series Analysis," he announced. "Choose an e-commerce retailer of your choice. The report must be submitted in eight weeks, and your individual score, based on both the report and presentation, will be included in your finals." Groans and sighs rippled through the room. Projects so early in the term were never welcomed, but the professor, known for his leniency, had at least given them a generous eight weeks to complete it.


Until the class dismissed, Pip didn't utter a word. From past encounters with El, he had learned the hard way to keep his composure and not let his impulses overrule his sense. He silently observed El as she pulled out her phone to check her messages. Pip's curiosity burned within him, desperate to know what had made El smile at the sight of a text. But he knew better than to cross that line, no matter how much he yearned to.


As El hastily packed her bag, her mind buzzed with thoughts of the text Ash had sent her. With a flicker of hope, she replayed the message, praying that her little trick had worked in reuniting her friends. Determination set her steps in motion as she headed out of the classroom, eager to find her companions and mend the fractures that had formed between them.


Unbeknownst to her, another set of footsteps mirrored her own, shadowing her every move. She sensed the presence behind her, a familiar presence she had anticipated, yet she pushed it to the back of her mind, focusing solely on her mission.


But her purposeful stride was abruptly halted as Pip suddenly leaped in front of her, blocking her path. Instinctively, she tried to evade him, but his firm grasp on her shoulders anchored her in place.


He stared at her intently, frustration evident in his gaze as he recalled the memory of her warm smile at someone else's message. "I want to do it with you," Pip blurted out, his words loud enough to draw the attention of everyone nearby.


El's heart hammered against her ribcage, each beat echoing in her ears like a deafening drumroll. Pulse racing, she locked eyes with Pip, his gaze unwavering and intense. Flustered by the sudden attention, she could feel the heat rising to her cheeks, painting them a rosy hue. A shiver of uncertainty danced down her spine, causing her to tremble involuntarily. "Do wh...what with me?" she managed to stammer, her words barely audible over the thunderous thudding of her heart. Her mind spun with a whirlwind of confusion and anxiety, desperately seeking clarity amidst the chaos of emotions swirling within her.


As Pip observed El's flustered response, a wave of realization crashed over him. He hadn't considered how his words might come across without context, and now, seeing the confusion written plainly on El's face, he felt a flush of embarrassment creep up his neck. Desperately trying to contain his rising discomfort, he bit down on his bottom lip, hoping to conceal the awkwardness threatening to spill over. With a dry throat, he swallowed hard, as if the action could somehow erase the unintended implications of his earlier statement.


For El, the sight of Pip's flushed cheeks and the subtle movement of his Adam's apple sent a jolt of unexpected attraction coursing through her veins. She had never seen this vulnerable side of him before, and despite herself, she couldn't help but notice how captivating he looked in that moment. His raw emotion and genuine vulnerability stirred something deep within her, awakening feelings she had never dared to acknowledge. But as the murmurs of their classmates reached her ears, El realized with a sinking feeling that once again, Pip had unwittingly thrust her into an uncomfortable spotlight.


With a sudden surge of determination, El shook off Pip's grip and made to flee, desperate to escape the embarrassment that threatened to consume her. But before she could make her getaway, Pip's delayed words pierced the tense atmosphere, finally clarifying the situation.


"I meant the group project," he explained, his voice laced with relief and apology. "I wanted to do it together with you."


El stopped in her tracks, her cheeks still burning with embarrassment. She turned to face Pip, her expression a mix of surprise and relief. "Oh," was all she managed to say, the tension in her body slowly easing.


El's tension eased slightly, though her heart still pounded in her chest. She glanced around, noticing the curious stares of their classmates. "You scared me, Pip," she said, her voice softer but still shaky.


Pip let out a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry, I didn't mean to... I just... saw your smile earlier, and I thought... never mind," he mumbled, his eyes avoiding hers.


El felt a mixture of relief and confusion. As Pip's words sank in, El felt a flicker of determination ignite within her. Maybe, just maybe, this unexpected turn of events could work in her favor. With a newfound sense of resolve, she met Pip's gaze and made a decision. "Okay, let's do the project together," she agreed, her voice regaining some steadiness. "But next time, maybe don't shout it out like that."


Pip nodded, still looking sheepish. "Yeah, I'll work on that," he said, a small, embarrassed smile tugging at his lips. Little did he know the plans El had in store for him, or the unexpected twist their partnership soon take.

