
Chapter 4

When Akari arrived at the Commander's Tent

"Akari Tsuwajima, reporting in"

"Oh, It's you, the lover boy huh"

Akari upon hearing that, he got red but quickly controls his emotion and stands straight. Seeing how the kid reacted, he laughed for a few minutes before calming down, after calming down he put a map in the table and marked a certain area on it.

"Well with that fiasco aside, you are tasked to reinforce to the Iwa frontlines together with a few group of shinobi as reinforcements, this is to be done immediately, you'll meet the others at the south side of the camp and follow the further orders of you're Platoon Leader"

"Understood" with that reply, Akari went outside the tent and first went to the Armory to buy Shinobi tools such as Paper Bombs, Shurikens, Kunais, Senbons, and Steel Wires. After he finished making his pouches full of supplies, he then went to the place where to meet up.

When he got there, he saw around 30 or 40 Shinobi napping or talking to each other.

"Oh, looks like we got the last guy now everyone" A man wearing a jounin jacket with a sword strapped behind him said in a clear voice for everyone to hear.

When they heard the guy speak, everyone got up and paid attention." Now that everyone is here, listen well, on this mission we are departing immediately to be reinforcements on the Iwa frontline and hold out as long as we can, on this mission we are accompanied by the Iwa Killer himself so be sure to rely on him if things are to get hairy" The leader points out Akari in the group so that the other will know him.

"Oh so that's the Iwa Killer"

"Yeah, I heard that killed around 7 dozen shinobi to save our own shinobi"

"What the!?, he looks so young!?"

"Don't let that fool you, last time the Iwa did, they paid a great price"

"Last time, I heard that he killed around 70 Iwa Shinobi in one attack"

"Eh, 70!?, are you sure about that?"

"Yeah, that's what the others say and I also heard that he assassinated some high ranking Iwa officers before so they call him Iwa Assassin before"

"Yeah, I also heard that he uses his age as a way to let his enemies guard down so that he can kill them quickly"

The other shinobis started to clamor amongst themselves, seeing that the platoon leader shouted causing them to stop.

"Now then is there any questions regarding on the mission"

Seeing that no one is going to ask something, Akari raises his hand and asks the Platoon Leader a question

" What type of schedule do we have when we are expecting supplies?"

"Oh, about that, the supply schedule is still unclear but we are sure to be expecting some supplies to arrive there after 3 days which by then we have already arrived"

"Now then, is there any other questions!?"

Seeing no one answer he orders the men to quickly depart. On the way to the Iwa frontline, the other shinobis were speaking to Akari getting to know him or would be listening to some of the stories he told Koharu. On the way there Akari got to know Touya Matsumoto, a Special Jounin that likes to talk about his family especially about his son and daughter, he looks just about the age 27, he's good at ninjutsu using his Wind and Earth Release. The others that he also got to know was (Male)Sawaya Masaru and (Female)Tanimoto Masaru, a newlywed couple and both looks like at the age of 20-22, Tada Tsumoto, a quickly made Chunin that's fresh out of the academy, he's an 11 year old kid but a big brother of 2 brothers and 3 sisters.

At first the others were a little taken aback when they learned that Akari is 12 years old due to his tall height. Akari found Tada like a little brother due to his clumsy but stubborn nature. While he liked to tease the newlywed couple to be careful that maybe a sound will be let out when they do it, they became friends that could respect each other due to their teasing and clamoring. Lastly he saw Touya like an uncle due to his nature of being jovial but sometimes serious manner and acting like an old man.


Iwa Frontline

When they were near to the Iwa frontline, they could hear all the clashing of metals against each other and jutsus being launched multiple times. This got everyone on the edge and made everyone either nervous or serious.

When they got close enough that some of their long-range sensor units were reacting to some of the chakras being used in the battle, their platoon leader tells them to get ready for any moment now.

Seeing the nervous Tada, Akari talks to him trying to calm him down.

"Tada!" Akari shouts so that Tada can hear him

"Tada!, Answer Me Honestly!, Have You Killed A Person Before!?"

Seeing Tada not answering who still had a complicated gaze, Akari already knew what to do to keep him alive for as much as he can.

"Tada!, You Don't Need To Kill!, Just Follow Me And Support Like I Told You Before Okay!?"

Tada not answering cause he was thinking of either killing or running away when he has the chance to do so. Seeing Tada still have a complicated face, Akari slaps his back and then firmly hold his shoulder.

When he was slapped in the back by Akari he was pulled out of his thought then felt a hand in his shoulder.

"Don't Worry About A Thing So Just Trust Me And Follow Me Okay!!" Akari had to shout loudly for Tada to hear due to the explosions and rumbling on the other side, unknown to Akari's knowledge Tada was not the only one broken out of stupor and reassured but also the the others who were still nervous.

"Everyone Get Ready We're Coming Now!" The Platoon Leader shouts in a clear voice for everyone to hear.

When they got across the ridgeline, they all saw the carnage of the battlefield and was quickly scared out of their wits but the more experienced ones quickly helped the others.

They quickly ran to the trenches and took cover from the battle.

"Ok here's the plan so listen up!, I want you Iwa killer to act as the vanguard with a few other shinobi confident in surviving the initial charge while the others will support you from the back"

"Cause at this point we can't really identify who's who now, so we need to charge directly to the battle so that the others who see us will join us and hopefully makes a proper strategy, understood?"

Everyone" Understood"

With the plan finalized, Akari with a few other join him in the charge

"CHHAARRGEE!!" The shinobi behind Akari shout


Akari Pov

I charge out into the battlefield and quickly made 8 clones which attacks with a Cooperation Jutsu

4X Fire Release: Great Fire Ball Technique

4X Wind Release: Vacuum Great Sphere

Poof!Poof!Poof!Poof!Poof!Poof!Poof!Poof! The clones disappear after doing the jutsu and gives back the

I see the fire gets sucked in to the large spheres of compressed air causing the flames to burn up even more causing it to become blue colored spreading towards the Iwa Shinobi

The 4 huge spheres of blue fire quickly travels to the Iwa Shinobis direction causing great damage and large numbers of death just by being passed though by the jutsu then finally exploding in the distance killing dozens upon dozen of Iwa Shinobi. The whole battlefield shakes due to the sudden explosion causing great shock to both sides while I hear the Konoha shinobi shout in joy while I see the Iwa Shinobi charges to try and tip the battle in their favor.

The few Iwa-nin that were lucky enough to encase themselves in time with earth jutsu was quickly killed by the charging Konoha-nin supporting me from behind.

I see the Iwa-nin trying to re-organize their troops, so I picked up my speed using Swift Release and boosted my strength using Boil Release: Unrivalled Strength in tandem with my Mist Breathing Style appropriate for it and use the Chakra Sabre Technique on both of my ninjato, expanding both of it into sharp 3 meter chakra swords.

Before I left, I made 2 clones that will go help the others and as also a way to be able to protect Tada and Touya who were both together and the newlywed couple Sawaya and Tanimoto who were fighting as a 2 man team.

With me assured that they will be able to live. I charged at the enemy lines, but some Iwa-nin saw me and attack with Earth Release: Rock Gun Technique, hurling huge boulders in my way.

I dodge the oncoming boulders and continue speeding to their way as my clones destroy the boulders in the distance.

"FWOOONNGG!!" I actively use Swift Release to move at high-speeds so that the enemy can only see me as a blur.

"Boooomm!!" my initial charge caused an explosion of dust due to the sheer impact, I see the panicking Iwa-nin cause they can't see me because of my speed.

"Swingg!!~Tiisshkk!!Bliishhkk!Tiirrksshh! I swing both of my ninjato on one swing killing three at the same time, then I quickly change my target to kill them and then to the next, and to the next, and to the next until I stopped for a moment to rest my body due to the recoil of using different kinds of jutsu.

When I stopped, my body was dyed red due to the blood, as I stopped moving to recover my self for a bit. The Iwa-nin noticed me as I see visible fear, anger, and resolve in their eyes.

They attacked me from the distance, hurling huge boulders with a few fire release coming my way.

Just as the boulders and flames were to reach me, I quickly made hand signs for the jutsu that will synchronize with my breathing style, stopping some of the boulders then I dash forward and do my breathing style synchronizing with the residual elements in the air.

"Enhanced Misty Beast Breathing Style: Explosive Rush of the Sea of Clouds and Haze"


The ground I was stepping at explodes due to my explosive charge at the Iwa-nin in blurring speed as I attack them with a flurry of high speed chakra slashes attributed with boil release

~No! no! n-Slash~Tisshh ~Agh!-Slash~Tisshh ~Wai!-Slash~Tisshh ~Diee!-Slash~Tisshh

~You Basta-Slash~Tisshh ~Kill Hi!-Slash~Tissh ~Mons!-Slash~Tisshh

~Run!-Slash~Tisshh ~Get Awa!-Slash~Tisshh








Blood splatters into the ground everytime a Iwa shinobi dies, the barren ground from before that was a scarred and destroyed from the previous battles was now full of pools with blood from the craters made from before and lightly flooded with puddles filled with pieces of bodies with visible signs of being melted.

Akari continued to cut, slash, chop, or slice apart any Iwa he sees for about 20 whole minutes, taxing his mind a bit due to the recoil endured by his body.


'I slash and slash everytime I see a shinobi in Iwa clothing, I could not think of anything but cut apart the next Iwa I see. Every time I take a glance back to what I did, I could only see the ground lightly flooding from sea of red.

My head is hurting from all the noise I hear from them...

I Don't Like It!


I just want to go home now and lay on my bed Slash

Or maybe I could talk with Koharu again Slash Slash

I want to see her face Slash Slash Chop

She's quite beautiful when she smiles Slash Chop Slash Slash

It kinda makes me want to hold her in my arms Slash Slash Cut Slash Cut

Maybe we could go outside to eat dinner Slash Slice Slash Chop Slash Slash

Hmm.... Slice Chop Slash Slash Cut Slash Slash

I wanna see her Slash Slash Cut Slash Cut Slash Chop Slash


3rd Person PoV

While Akari was busy in his thoughts, and his body was acting on it's own killing dozens upon dozens of Iwa-nin.

The other Konoha shinobi was having lesser and lesser enemies to deal with

Konoha-nin-" Wind Release: Great Breakthrough"

Konoha-nin-" Fire Release: Flame Bullet"

BOOOMMM!!! a group of Iwa exploded from the cooperated attack

"We did it... now we just need to go help the others(pant~pant)"

"Yeah, we just need to..."

Not knowing why the shinobi stopped speaking, he peeks to look at him

"What, why what's the prob...lem"

The Konoha shinobi pauses as he watches how a person paints the ground red with the Iwa Shinobis blood. He was not the only person to stop because of being mesmerized of the brutal yet somewhat pleasing scene they look upon.

"He-hey, ain't he killing all of them now?"

"I can't even see him, all I see is a blur of red"

"He's too fast for me"

"The area where he's at is basically flooded by a sea of red'

"Guess they weren't kidding when he has killed many Iwa before"

Touya and Tada side

When the clone of Akari decided that Tada and Touya doesn't need his help anymore, the Akari clone decides to go further into enemy lines and assist the other Konoha Shinobi causing more havoc tipping the battle in favor of Konoha.

Random Konoha Shinobi "Glad that he's on our side"

Tada "Akari-san is so strong"

Touya "Yeah...he's strong ain't he Tada"


Iwa Shinobi Side

"Run for your life!!"


"Go away it's a monster!!'

" Oi!, stay on your position"

"Don't run, we are the proud shinobi of the Iwa Village"

Some veteran Iwa shinobi tries to raise the falling morale of the scared shinobis

"That's right, we are the immovable rock of our Village"

"Yeah that's right!"

"Don't Retreat!, He's just one man!"

"That's right, he just managed to surprise us!'



Successful that the veteran Iwa Shinobis encouraged the others, recovering the morale of others. They once again charges against Akari, launching huge boulders to him which Akari dodges most of them but cuts apart some boulders that almost hit him due to the sheer amount of them.

This did not stop Akari's approach to them but slowed him down a bit. On that moment, the Iwa Shinobi took advantage of it and did multiple cooperated jutsu.

"Earth Release: Moving Earth Core"

"Earth Release: Bottomless Swamp"

"Earth Release: Rock Pillar Prison Technique"

"Earth Release: Earth Corridor"

"Earth Release: Rock Lodging Destruction"

The first jutsu caused the ground to lower which makes a hole in the surrounding area entrapping Akari in the hole, Akari tries to move but his body was immobilized by deep mud but he resisted making the mud only reach until his legs, the third jutsu makes use of the earth walls surrounding Akari with rock pillars that limits his movements. Akari knew that he was in deep trouble because he had already woke up from his thoughts before when he was attacked by the huge boulders coming to him. Akari, who rid of useless thought now, focused on his problems right now, he saw the rock pillars limiting his movements and already thought of a jutsu he can use.

Akari sheathes both of his ninjato , removes one of the sword on his back with its sheathe and puts it in his waist. As he does this, the fourth jutsu already caused the surrounding earth to rise up, forming a cavern around him.

Akari doesn't hurry and sucks in all the remaining limited oxygen around him and slowly breathes out activating his breathing style.

The final jutsu was done, causing the destruction of the cavern, causing a cave in from where Akari is standing. As the rocks was about to fall down, Akari finishes the activation of his breathing technique.

"Misty Lightning Breathing Style: Shifting Flow of Lightning Heat Slash"

Akari does a quick Iaido slash upwards in a single, focused slash causing the appearance of a burning lightning ray surrounded by mist.


Akari's attack explodes, making a way for him to go through and pushes away everything surrounding him.

After the attack, Akari jumps outside of the cavern in the lowered ground.

As he landed, he sees the Iwa immediately attacking him



The Iwa tries to get close to him and kill him, but Akari simply uses half of his remaining chakra to use Swift Release, allowing him to move at blurring speeds and cutting them with his ninjato.


"Tisshh Tisshh Tisshh"

Blood splatters around him, as he continues to overwhelm the enemy with speed and kill them with his chakra blade on his ninjato.

This continues for at least 2 minutes until the other Konoha Shinobi arrive at where he is and assist him.

Booom!! Chop! Tisshh! Cling! Thud! BBZZZ!!

AGHH!! Fwooo!! Clang! Swing!

Whoooshh!! Clang!! Thunk! Thunk! Thunk! AHHH-!

BZZZz!! Swing! Tisshh! Whoosh! AHHHH!!

Chaos and mayhem continued in the battle. Kunai and shuriken were thrown at each other covering the lands with them, Jutsus were launched or made making the lands full of destroyed earth or mud wall and ground full of craters, men killed each other in cold blood to survive, they would burn, cut, stab, or bury them alive.

Both sides not giving up for a long time, exhausting their chakra or supplies to kill as many as possible while surviving. The death toll increased for both sides, decreasing some of the jutsu thrown at each other.

Whoooshh!! Clang!! Thunk! Thunk! Thunk! AHHH-! SWIINGG!!

BZZZz!! Swing! Tisshh! BBZZZ!! Whoosh! AHHHH!!

Slice! Chop!! AGHH!! Slash Booom!! Chop!

Fwooo!! Clang! BOOOMMM!! Swing! WHoosshh!!

Whoooshh!! Clang!!

The battle continued for an hour until the Iwa retreated and Konoha won the battle.


"WE WON!!"



Konoha celebrates as they defended against the Iwa who was at least double their troops.

But the celebration quickly ended when they had to pick up the corpses of their comrades and had to help the wounded. The others that had chakra was tasked on creating traps or walls for defence.

Day 1

The reinforcements arrived at the perfect time to defend at the Iwa Frontline

Konoha won the battle that lasted for 5 hours and managed to repel the Iwa offensive.

Akari Tsuwajima otherwise known as "Iwa Killer" or "Blurred Death", helped greatly on defending from the Iwa offensive with unconfirmed kills numbering around 350 and confirmed kills numbering around 798.



Deployed Troops-




58-Special Jounin






19-Special Jounin




Combat Read Troops-903


Deployed 4,000



367-Special Jounin





Hello guys it's 4Reader here

I just made Ch 4 so please tell me as usual if there's any mistakes that I should fix or improve upon.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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