
Chapter 2

Some where on a place where everything is white

"What the!?, where the hell am I?"A voice of a young man in what appears to be 20 years old is seen to be looking around trying to figure out what was happening around him.

{("Oh, It looks like you're awake now huh"})

"what the!?, who are you and where the hell is this place?, did you kidnap me

wait no ,that's wrong I was... on my way home when a car drove unto me?"

{("Seems like you're memory is returning now huh"})

'what the hell ... my name is Shousuke Yuuta , a college student

I was supposed to be going home when...I saw a van taking some girls on a weird place...and a-and...I called the cops and ended up saving 50 kidnapped girls...that was i-involved in s-s-sex trafficking!!??'

then after a few weeks...it was shown tha-that there was a large scale international drug s-sm-smuggling and Human trafficking s-syndiCATE!??

What the Hell!!,So that's maybe the reason I was being followed around all day by a car then ultimately driving over me"

{("So, now that you remembered what you did, do you now know where you are?"})

Yuuta looks over the man in white robes lying down over a cloud comfortably

"Yeah I think I get the gist of it...so what am I supposed to do now?"

{("Well here's how it works, so listen up, when an entity dies it's soul goes to us and is judged upon if he/she or it is worthy to be given wishes or just straightaway tossed to it's next reincarnation

To be given or granted some wishes, you must have an appropriate amount of Karma that will act as the quotient for you're wish. In this way the soul will be rewarded due to his/her good amount of Karma that he/she amassed when they were alive. For the wishes, it can be any kind of wish but will have some restrictions due to the reason of having an unplanned course for the souls will disrupt the balance of the Life and Death Reincarnation Concept. That is all so any questions?"})

"Hmmmm...so basically when a soul makes good life decisions and ends up making a bunch of good Karma will then help the soul make its life better in its next life" Yuuta said in a serious tone

{("Yep, you're right about that one...that's basically it"})

"Hmmmm...then how much Karma do I have that will then in turn make my wishes"

{("Let's see ...you have about enough Karma that will be sufficient enough so that you can make 5 wishes"})

"Hmm, okay well I have a Question "

{("Speak you're mind then"})

"Well, if its only 5 wishes ,would that mean that I can only really make 5 literal wishes?"

{("Ho ho, You're quite cautious , but yes that's true that you only really make 5 wishes with no additional quirks"})


(:(means that he can only wish what he trully wished for, think of it when alladin had to wish carefully when he confronted the genie):)


"(Breaths in relief)...Glad that I asked a question or else I would have wasted my wishes"

{("So what now child , hurry up and tell me what you want"})

After pondering for a few minutes, Yuuta finally said what he wanted

"Well here's my wish

1-Perfect male warriors body

2-Reincarnated in Naruto's original timeline

3-The skills and knowledge of Souei and all the Hashira on Demon Slayer

4-Born in 15 years before the start of the 3rd Shinobi World War

5-Born in Konoha

Well there's my wish"

{("Very well you have chosen your wishes but I shall remind you that your some of your previous memories will be gone so that your mind won't be overloaded at such a young age"})

"That's fine with me, in fact you can just seal all of my experiences in this world not erase it but seal it, I don't want to lose such precious experience and memories. That's why maybe just make the knowledge of my technological world clearer and easier to remember"

{("That's fine with me but some of your Karma maybe reduced making some of your wishes not up to par to what they originally are or you would have a bit of difficulty but clearly feasible when you work hard upon it"})

"That's okay with me so do your best"

{("Well then I have given you're wishes and requests, may you have great life on this reincarnation of yours young man"})

"Thank you very much for you're work, Well then goodbye Random Omnipotent Being"

After that a blinding light enveloped Yuuta and he quickly fell asleep

After that, Yuuta was born as Akira Tsuwajimi in Konohagakure and was bought up by his parents until the age of 7 due to his parents dying on a mission.

When his parents died he felt lonely because they were the ones who took care of him and the ones who gave life to him in this new world.

But he did not let that stop him and carried their wishes that he shall live proud with dignity and have a humble peaceful life until the end

After that sad past, Akari went on to train hard knowing that a war was possibly coming again after remembering some pieces of memories that he just suddenly knew while he was either training or sleeping.

After a year he graduates from being a genin and performed D-Rank missions just concerning about some household cleaning or community service.

But after some he noticed that the same D-Rank missions now have changed into missions concerning about supply runs and info gathering signaling the possible start of a new war.

Months later , he was supposed to deliver some ninja supplies that was to be delivered to some Konoha encampment with the rest of his teammates and adviser, when they were ambushed by enemy Iwa Shinobi.

Due to the initial ambush, their adviser was quickly killed leaving them on their own.

they were surprised and didn't move well due to fear

No.1 Iwa Shinobi: Well well well, looks like we only have to kill some brats now huh?

No.2 Iwa Shinobi: Hurry up and kill them, we don't have much time here and the enemy must be close by now

No.3 Iwa Shinobi: Come on man ,let's play with them a little bit

No.2 Iwa Shinobi: No!!, we have strict orders to only intercept enemy supply lines and steal their own supplies

No.4 Iwa Shinobi: Yeesh~ Come on man, look there's a girl there, maybe you can play with her a little bit when we capture her

No.5: Yeah!!, That's right we can have some fun for a while if we take her with us

Akari PoV

While they were bickering against each other about what to about my teammate, scaring her in the process.

I quickly racked my brain on what to do.' Am I to risk fighting or escaping??

Come on brain, now is a good time to be thoughtful ain't it!!

Oh, now I have some idea on what to do, but I need to tell my teammate about it'

While they were bickering I tried to move close to my teammates but was suddenly thrown at by multiple kunais

I quickly drew my Tanto to make an iaido slash to deflect all the projectile on one go


Surprised that I deflected all of that on one go made them wary of me then suddenly dashed towards me with kunais in hand.' Damn it!, I have to do this now!'

While they were approaching me , I did the hand seal for shadow clone jutsu to make 4 clones to have 3 of them buy us time while the left clone and me will be telling my plan to my teammates while throwing all of my smoke bombs around us.

Iwa Shinobi PoV

When the Iwa shinobi finished dealing with the clones they suddenly noticed that the surrounding area was filled with ...'Smoke?'

No.1 Iwa Shinobi:" Shit!, Hurry up and kill them before they relay any kind of information!"

No.2 Iwa Shinobi:" Fuck! I can't see anything at all!"

No.3 Iwa Shinobi:" Damn it then, Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!"

No.2 Iwa Shinobi:" Dumbass!! Do---"


The wind blows through the smoke clearing the way but the wind picks up the smoke up to the sky visible for anyone to see it.

when the smoke cleared up, Akari can be seen running towards them cocking back his arm to try and punch one of them

but they easily subdue him and pin him on the ground

No.2 Iwa Shinobi:" You Fucking Dumbass!!!!!"

He punches the guy who used the jutsu in the face

No.3 Iwa Shinobi" Youu!!, Why the hell did you do that for!!?"

No.1 Iwa Shinobi:" Oi you guys!!, stop it an-~ BOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM~~~"

The Iwa shinobi that was pinning Akari on the ground was suddenly cut off when he noticed numerous Paper Bombs beneath his clothes then suddenly exploding

The explosion loudly echoes through the forest leaving 2 dead and 3 injured by the explosion


Dust settles down and the surrounding area is seen to be destroyed, leaving scarred grounds and broken trees around them.

No.5 Iwa Shinobi:" Cough-Cough~, Shit they got us!"

No.3 Iwa Shinobi:" They killed the new guy and leader"

No.1 Iwa Shinobi:" First off let's try to get out of here, the enemy must have heard that by now"

No.5 Iwa Shinobi:" Nah Hell no!!, Were gonna find those brats first to kill them then take their supplies!'

No.1 Iwa Shinobi:" Are you kidding me!??, Were gonna end up getting killed or captured by the enemy by then!?"

No.3 Iwa Shinobi:" No, we need to actually do that or were ending up punished if they find out that we got two of us killed while we got no supplies to bring back "

No.1 Iwa Shinobi:" Are you insane!!, Were gonna end up killed then!!"

No.5 Iwa Shinobi:" Don't worry about it, they're just brats anyway, we can catch up to them in no time then kill them successfully now"

No.1 Iwa Shinobi:" yeah they're just brats, But! They Managed To Kill Two Of US!!!"

No.3 Iwa Shinobi:" Oi!!,were proud shinobi of the hidden in the stone, so are you with us or you're betraying us?"

Finding no way to convince them,No.1 ended up agreeing that they give chase to the kids to kill them and then take whatever they can salvage.

An Encampment Somewhere

"Sir there's rising smoke on the east side of the forest sir!!"

Shinobi Commander:" Hmmm... the east huh...that's where the supply teams usually goes to...send a a team of 1 Jounin and 3 chunin to go investigate the area"

"Yes si-BOOOOOOOOMM-~~~"

Shinobi Commander:" Belay that order!!, Send a Squad mostly consisting of our chunin with a bit of Jounin to go check that area quickly!!"

"Yes sir!"


Akaro PoV

'Looks like the plan worked, this way the other will be alerted and we will have head start against them if they decide to chase us'

"Ne Ne, Akari do you think they're gonna catch up to us?"

"Don't worry Aoi, if they decide to chase us, Akari and I will protect you"

"oi oi oi, who's gonna protect who now?, you do know that you almost shat yourself back there Rouchi-kun"

"AHHHh!! shut up! shut up! Shut up!,I did not do that I was shocked so shut up!"

The two teammates continued to tease and insult each other like there was no war happening, until their teammate Aoi laughs from seeing the both of them

hearing Aoi laugh the two looked at each other for a few seconds before smiling looking like they just planned what happened. A few minutes later Akari sensed that the Iwa shinobi were chasing after them quickly.

"Aoi, Rouchi, get ready I just sensed that they're chasing after us in very quickly"

"How long would it take for them to reach us Akari-san"

"Maximum 20-15 seconds"

"Eh they're that close already!!, Shit!!, Aoi you run up ahead Akari and I will try to fight them"

"No!!, I Don't want that!, I'm not leaving you guys!"

Aoi started to tear up

"Don't worry about it ,Rouchi and I are strong so we can hold out until you find some reinforcements to help us"

"Yeah! listen to Akari, Were gonna be fine so go on ahead ok"


"5 seconds then their unto us"

Akari and Rouchi landed on a tree

"Aoi go on ahead we'll take care of this!"

"Sniff Sniff, you guys better not die on me!"

Rouchi and Akari smiles warmly then became serious. Akari drew out his tanto, makes 2 shadow clones and breathes in air deeply and lets it out slowly while Rouchi puts his hands up in a stance.

A while later , a large number of shurikens and kunais were thrown at them followed by two large boulders closing on them very fast.

Akari goes beside Rouchi ,While Rouchi hides behind him and gets ready for any incoming attacks

"Water Release: Water Trumpet!" the two clones attack at the same time launching huge amounts of water jetting it towards Akari

"Enhanced Water Breathing Style-6th Form: Whirlpool Flow"

Akari synchronizes his movement with the incoming huge amount of water and deflects all projectiles coming towards him and Rouchi.



Seeing the incoming two huge boulders toward him and Rouchi

He connects his movement with another form

"Enhanced Water Breathing Style-2nd Form- Enhanced Lateral Water Wheel"

Akari does a horizontal spin, tanto in hand cuts the two incoming boulders in half with an expanded water blade .




the two boulder cutted in half falls down on the ground and makes the ground quake a bit due to the impact.

Right after Akari cut the two Boulders 2 Iwa Shinobi sprang up to both of his side while the other one attacks them from above. The three Iwa shinobi attacks in the same time

"Earth Release: Rock Gun Technique"

bullet-sized bits of rock are expelled from the Iwa's mouth with great speed and force then suddenly enlarging into huge boulders.
