
Chapter 1

<p>The Third Shinobi World War<br/>A war where all the great shinobi villages were thrown into war due to the decline of national power,where the reign of the 5 Great Shinobi Countries were crumbling.Along side the borders of each of these countries were skirmishes with smaller nations that broke out all the time to acquire more resources for their own needs.These prolonged conflicts gradually spread their flames far and wide,until it developed into a full blown war between the Great Shinobi Countries.<br/>In this war Konohagakure,'the village hidden in the leaves',was fighting Iwagakure,'the village hidden in the stones',in Kusagakure due to the latter infiltrating it in order to lay siege in the border of the Land of the Fire.<br/>Iwagakure was also known to have been fighting Kumogakure,'the village hidden in the clouds',due to having repeated skirmishes.Sunagakure,'the village hidden in the sand' was also known to be fighting Iwagakure due to them being close proximity.In this war Kirigakure,'the village hidden in the mist' also partook in fighting Konoha,while Kumogakure was also skirmishing or clashing with Konoha.<br/>In Kusagakure,'the village hidden in the grass'.A small number of Konoha shinobi numbering 34 is seen to be fighting a large number of Iwa shinobi numbering around a 200.<br/>The platoon of Konoha shinobi is seen to be retreating due to the losing fight but is unable to do so because of the Iwa shinobi on their tail.<br/>A boy in the age of 14 with a brownish dark hair is seen wearing a torn or battered mesh chainmail armor with black arm braces and grieves for his shin with visible cuts due to multiple clashes, was seen to be fighting multiple Iwa shinobi.<br/>The Boy: "pant pant,fucking hell they are way too many,at this rate we are all gonna die without passing the information pant pant"<br/>the boy seeing a jutsu launched on to him, quickly used body flicker to dodge the attack and used a shadow clone to attack the enemy which fails but succeeded on exploding claiming the life of 7 genin and 3 chunin which distracted the other Iwa shinobi to stop on their tracks while the boy takes advantage of the pause in battle and uses his ninjato to coat it with Chakra Sabre Technique to make the chakra blade longer and sharper to cut the distracted Iwa Shinobi to pieces.<br/>the Iwa shinobi seeing the boy kill multiple of their own decided to attack him.<br/>The Boy:" Fuck!! they're unto me again "<br/>The boy seeing the Iwa shinobi going to attack him ,quickly uses shadow clone jutsu to make 5 clones to fight the incoming enemies, while he activates his self made jutsu.<br/>The boy is seen to be inhaling a lot of air and exhaling it turning into mist in his mouth. While he's activating the jutsu , the 5 clones is seen fighting the Iwa shinobi launching jutsu after jutsu at them while sometimes decapitating or slashing them with his ninjato.<br/>Seeing the clones killing at least 13 chunins and 24 genins of their own, they decided to attack them at the same time. Launching Powerful Jutsus and throwing projectiles like shurikens, kunai, or senbons at them.<br/>while the clones were strong they were quickly overpowered and stabbed by the enemies multiple times. After the clones were stabbed multiple times by the enemy, the clones suddenly detonates, creating a large explosion claiming the lives of at least 6 jounin, 12 chunin, and 27 genins.<br/>The explosion shook the ground, a large amount of dust was covering the area and was seen by both Iwa and Konoha Shinobi. The fighting stopped a bit before continuing but a large number of Iwa Jounin and Chunin was seen approaching the dust covered area.<br/>While the large amount of Iwa shinobi were approaching the area, a voice of a kid was heard "Mist Lightning Beast Breathing Style- 6th Form: Whirling Eight Layered Thunder Swarm!!!".After the voice of the boy was heard he was seen exiting the dust covered area covered in light blue lightning with mist surrounding his body, then suddenly turning into a blur and unleashing large swarms of multiple lightning slashes on top of each other done in a quick circular motion with both of his ninjato covered in Chakra making the blade longer and bursting more chakra.<br/>The large amount of Iwa shinobi were surprised by the sudden attack and the ones close by was quickly cut shredded into multiple pieces by a large number of slashing lightning swarms passing through them while the ones in the distance were either cut apart or was fried inside out due to the lightning. The large amount of Iwa shinobi were instantly turned into a couple of shinobi due to having the majority of them approaching the dying in the storm.<br/>When the whirling thunder swarm was gone ,it can be seen that the ground was destroyed and dyed red with multiple pieces of bodies scattered around and a boy panting hard while holding both his sword down on the ground supporting his body then suddenly dropping in the ground unconscious.<br/>Seeing the aftermath of the storm, the Iwa Shinobi was shocked that such a disaster was done by a kid. The same was true for the remaining Jounin, Chunin, and 3 Genin Konoha shinobi, but was also proud that there was a talented kid belonging to Konoha. Seeing that there was still a couple of Iwa shinobi remaining and some were aiming for the kid they quickly went to fight and try to protect the kid.<br/>The race to whoever is first to reach the kid whether to kill or save him was commenced but was quickly stopped when a three pronged kunai was thrown at the ground then followed by a yellow flash quickly killing some of the remaining Iwa shinobi. Seeing the enemy reinforcements, The remaining Iwa went back to retreat.<br/>Knowing the appearance of the reinforcements, the surviving Konoha Shinobi was crying in relief and dropped on the ground due to the fatigue.<br/>After the said reinforcement routed the enemy, he went to the surviving shinobi's and searched for the one who's possibly the one left in charge.<br/>The Surviving Jounin:"Glad to have you guys with us Yellow Flash ,If it were not you guys we all could have been dead"<br/>The Yellow Flash:" Its no problem we were supposed to meet a group of Konoha Shinobi here, but I can see that some unfortunate things happened"<br/>While the two was talking , a group of three kids were seen landing near them followed by a few Konoha shinobi.<br/>When the the group of shinobi landed, they immediately noticed the scarred and destroyed land dyed red with pieces of bodies on the ground. Seeing the landscape they couldn't even speak to the first guy to arrive and immediately thrown up or disgusted by the landscape.<br/>Some of them were veterans at war but even them could not believe what they were seeing.<br/>When the two noticed the group landing but immediately throwing up or looking quite disturbed, was not surprised that they were disgusted by such a thing.<br/>The Yellow Flash:" Can't say I'm not surprised, even me is quite perturbed by this, so what exactly happened that the landscape was...destroyed??... When I was nearing here I sensed a dense amount of chakra then suddenly I heard loud bangs of possibly lightning then screams that was suddenly cut off"<br/>The Surviving Jounin:"Well even I was disturbed by this but if it weren't for the kid suddenly doing that ,we could not have survived."<br/>Hearing what the surviving shinobi said, he was surprised and taken aback that such destruction and brutality was done by a kid looking just a year older than his students.<br/>After the group calmed down they immediately helped the surviving shinobi and took the scroll needed.<br/>One of the kids with a dark hair and wearing goggles found a kid covered in wounds and was just wearing practically a pant covered in cuts with the mesh chainmail armor destroyed leaving his body wide open, only having an arm brace and grieves that were on verge of collapse.<br/>Goggles wearing kid:" Minato Sensei!!,this guy is still alive!!"<br/>Seeing that his student found the kid still alive called one of the medical-nin<br/>Minato:"Obito, carry him here and let the Medical-nin help him"<br/>The kid named Obito carried the kid and let the Medical-nin do their job<br/>When the kid was given to them, they immediately did a full-body scan and found out that the boy had Multiple lacerations, Broken bones, Low blood pressure, Damaged Chakra lines and dangerously low amount of chakra. Knowing that the boy was critically wounded they decided that they would just treat him first aid then bring him back to camp.<br/>After an hour the group went back to the camp with the rest of the survivors while Minato and his team will continue in their mission.<br/>When Minato and his team went to their mission one the kids with silver white hair asked him a question.<br/>Silver white haired kid:" Sensei, is it true that the injured guy was the one that did that carnage?"<br/>"Eh!, that's the guy who that did that!?"a girl with marks on her face said in a surprised tone<br/>Minato:"Yes that's right, he was the one who did that ,true it was quite brutal but it was needed to be done if he wanted to live right there"<br/>Obito:"But then Sensei that would mean he was so strong because he can do that?...But ain't he just almost on the same age as us?"<br/>Minato:" That's because war sometimes truly shows who's a genius or not...and just because he was almost the same age as you guys can't be enough reason that he can't do that Obito-kun"<br/>The team continued talking while moving to do their mission to destroy Kanabi Bridge.<br/>At the Konoha Medical Tent<br/>The boy seems to be waking up and sits down to find out that he was on a bed.<br/>The boy:" Seems like I survived again another day huh". He tried to stand up but was suddenly screaming in pain and found out he can't move very well.<br/>When he screamed, a girl with great looks and body wearing a nurse outfit was seen entering the tent and then immediately going out again.<br/>He was dumbstruck that a girl suddenly entered the tent with such looks but calmed down again when she went out again.<br/>The Boy:" Hmm looks like I'm Hallucinating or in heaven if I could suddenly see a beauty like that when I just screamed..fuckin'hell"<br/>"Nope ,you aren't dreaming kid and it looks like you'll recover just fine if you have such energy to joke around" A woman which appears to be in his mid-thirties wearing a Jounin flak jacket appears behind him.<br/>"Whoa!!,did not notice you there miss and can you not do that"<br/>"Hmm, it looks like you're awake now Akari-san " an old man in a doctors outfit said when Akari just stopped speaking<br/>"Well, yes I am alive but it hurts like a bitch when I move"<br/>"Hmm, looks like you'll be just fine when you have energy to be sarcastic like that Akari-san...also the reason why you can't move is because you damaged your chakra lines and have broken bones" the doctor said with a bit of joking tone<br/>"Is that so , by the way how long was I asleep?"<br/>Jounin Woman:"You were asleep for at least a week here Brat"<br/>"A week!!,Damn! that's long, so what happened to the mission?"<br/>"Well the mission was a success as the info is delivered to commander already"<br/>"Oh is that so, well look's like I'm not gonna end up punished for mission failure, oh and by the way why are you here Auntie?"<br/>Akari gets punched on top of his head as soon as he said the word auntie<br/>"OWW!!,What the Hell was that for!!"<br/>"SHUT UP!! Brat!!!, who the hell do you think you are calling an auntie, I'm still young Brat"<br/>"Well you look old that's why I'm calling you an auntie anyway!!"<br/>Akari gets punched in the head again and continued to bicker against the lady for a few minutes until the doctor coughed to remind them they were at a medical tent.<br/>The duo stopped and the lady get out of the room all grumpy while the boy was showing an insulting tongue face at her.<br/>As Akari tones down the doctor explained that he shall stay at the hospital for at least 2 and a half month before going back again due to having most of his chakra lines and lung being damaged. After their discussion the Jounin lady went back again with 2 other shinobi.<br/>"So you decided to bring back-up huh auntie" he said with an insulting grin<br/>The Jounin lady got irritated while the 2 other were giggling. After a while he asked why they were here. Recovering from their laughter the 2 shinobi calmed down and gave out a serious aura then bought a case and opened it showing a dark green flak jacket, a little book, and a piece of paper containing some writing.<br/>" Chunin Akari Tsuwajima AKA "Crimson Fanged Cyclone", Due to you're accomplishments and contributions to the war by defeating numerous number of enemy Iwa shinobi, assassinating various high ranking officers and a mission completion rating of 95%,the village hidden in the leaves, Konoha, have been notified of you're accomplishments and you are now hereby promoted to the rank of Jounin and awarded with 20 million Ryo, effective immediately"<br/>Hearing what one of the two shinobi said in a serious tone ,he couldn't hide his shock and let his mouth open for a few seconds before calming down when the other shinobi gave him a Jounin flack jacket, a bingo book, and a briefcase containing money.<br/>After giving to Akari the rewards he got ,the three Jounin congratulated him then went back outside again. When the jounins went outside Akari burst out screaming in joy then suddenly crying out in seemingly pain.<br/>Akari:"F*ck!!!,Uwaaa!!,Damn it!!...even though I was supposed to have a nice vacation after this war, I have been thrown into another round of bullsh*t again,Uwaaa!!"<br/>After crying a few minutes Akari opened the briefcase full of money and thought<br/>"Meh,maybe this ain't so bad after all"<br/>After having fun with his money for a while he opened the Bingo book in his lap.<br/>-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-<br/>Name: Akari Tsuwajima <br/>Gender: Male <br/>Age: Around 13 or 14<br/>Shinobi Rank: A Rank<br/>Affiliation: Konohagakure<br/>Power Ranking: Jounin<br/>Elemental Affinities: Fire, Lightning, Water, Wind Release, and Yin Release<br/>Kekkai Genkai: Swift Release and Boil Release<br/>Possible Weakness: None at the moment<br/>Academy Graduation Age: 8<br/>Chunin Graduation Age: 10<br/>Achievements:<br/>Known Achievements<br/>Assassinating a large number of high ranking Officers<br/>Stealing valuable intel each in the rank of B to S rank Information<br/>Rescued a squad of shinobi from dozens of Iwa Shinobi<br/>Killed at least 800+ Iwa shinobi on multiple clashes<br/>Latest Known Achievement:<br/>Killing 70+ Iwa Shinobi in one attack<br/>Delivered S-ranked Information<br/>Shinobi Information<br/>Cunning and quick thinking. An experienced assassin proficient in the use of poison, interrogation, and espionage. Likes to use surprise attacks that is quick and efficient.<br/>He combines his unique style of Kenjutsu where it appears to have elements mixed in when he's attacking up close which he called 'Breathing Technique' and combines it with his Kekkai Genkai Swift Release which renders Taijutsu to be ineffective if the opponent is not fast enough and then combines it with various Ninjutsu or Genjutsu to attack in mid-long range or put the enemy in a illusion where he misdirects or confuses you long enough to kill you.<br/>Do not recommend fighting up close, if you have no choice but to fight, try to fight him in long ranges where you might be able to hit him or an attrition battle but is extremely hard to do due to because he possess large amount of Chakra and tough cockroach-like Endurance.<br/>Hard to ambush, due to him being a sensor. Extremely good at escaping because of his usage of traps or use of Swift Release Kekkai Genkai that he can use to move at high speeds so there's a high chance of escaping from any battle or confrontation.<br/>Recommend to only fight him with Elite Jounin or higher level Shinobi to fight him. For Shinobi that is ranked of Jounin or lower, flee from sight. Do not give chase when he's fleeing because of a possible chance of encountering various traps.<br/>-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-<br/>Bounty-25 million Ryo if found dead or killed(Proof Needed)<br/>35 million if found to be captured<br/>_________________________________________________________________________________________________________<br/>Known Titles:<br/>Crimson Fanged Cyclone<br/>Blurred Death<br/>Illusive Storm Fang<br/>Iwa Killer<br/>Iwa Assassin<br/>_________________________________________________________________________________________________________<br/>'Holy sh*t they gave me a bounty of at least 20 to 30 million Ryo!!, Fuck now more people are going to target me now!!<br/>And at least put a more better looking picture in my profile, geez I look freaking horrible here, why do you have to use my Chunin graduation pic anyway!?. Also what the hell do you all mean that I'm a cockroach!?, just because I can endure much of the attacks doesn't mean that I'm like cockroach damn it!<br/>And What the hell is this titles given to me!?<br/>Crimson Fanged Cyclone? Blurred Death? Illusive Storm Fang!?<br/>Who the hell makes such embarrassing titles!!, Damn!! now I can see now that when I'm on a mission some people will me by that name now!<br/>UURRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!'<br/>After a few minutes of looking through his information at the Bingo book and agonizing pain of knowing that in the future he will be called by such an embarrassing name , he calms down and looks his new jacket given to those of the ranking a Jounin.<br/>'Hmm looks great and has a lot of pockets but over all looks great, maybe just add some metal plates on the inside and some cloth that will absorb some of the shock or impacts would be great<br/>Now then, on to the important part...Money :) , Let's see now<br/>I have received 20 million Ryo for my award and have about 2.5 Million Ryo at my savings<br/>Have at least 3 million on my house<br/>Now if I add it all up I have exactly 25.5 million Ryo!!!<br/>Woohhhooooo!!, Hahaha I'm rich!! HAHa!!...Hah!...haha~<br/>Fuck!! I forgot I need to use to money again for my supplies needed on some missions...FU-(redacted)<br/>Well (sighs) it is what it is I guess and I just need to tackle it in the future anyway cause I'm at the hospital'<br/>After making some future plans, he decided to sleep for the moment and just relax his body and mind for now.</p>

My first time making a story so pls bear with me if I make mistakes.

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