
Surrounded by Fear

We know the drill. Death, wishes, reincarnation. But this time the MC only recovers his memories and his 'gifts' after living a rather tragic life. Well, he is still young, but what will he do now that he has lost his legs and is burnt beyond belief? Will he succumb to the manipulations and the dark side? Or will he make them succumb to him and rise above the very universe itself? This is a Multiverse Story. I am not the best when it comes to Star Wars, so be gentle with me.

Vincent_0580 · Anime und Comics
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Next step

(Vader POV)

I look at Obi-Wan and the scene flashes in my mind of our fight on Mustafar. I see Padmé's face as she chokes and I feel the pain as I lose my limbs and everything melts ... the anger overcomes me and my new control. I can't help but let it all out. 

I deactivate the lightsabers and point at Obi-Wan. My old Master seems surprised that the pain of death, hasn't come yet. But as he opens his eyes he sees and probably feels the change in the air. I tremble and point my palm at Obi-Wan and then ...


A massive amount of lighting comes out of my arm and impacts Obi-Wan causing the Jedi to scream in extreme pain. I still see all of those things that keep me up at night and the pain I was holding inside myself ... it is all going out. I point my second hand at Obi-Wan as well and let out another powerful Force Lightning. 


"AAARRRRGGGGHHH!!", Obi-Wan was screaming his life out of him. It was the most painful experience he had ever had. This blast of lighting held so much pain that it was overwhelming him and his mind was slowly turning dark. But just before that could happen, the lightning stopped. 

"GGUU ... haaa haaa haaa", Obi-Wan breathed in finally but every single movement hurt him. 

"This isn't over yet, Obi-Wan.", Vader says and then fires another powerful blast at his former Master. He had a lot of hate, anger and pain to unleash. So this wouldn't end any time soon. 


I make my way towards my ship leaving behind a smoking body, smelling of burnt flesh. The earth in that place is scorched. Vader is limping along and he refuses any help that the troopers offer him. His helmet is broken on the right side and both of his arm replacements are melted and destroyed beyond repair and recognition. The breathing apparatus on his chest has been destroyed and he is wheezing with each step. The smell of burnt flesh and metals reaches everyone's noses and assaults their senses. 

I look like I have gone through a tough battle. I use the Force to move every part of myself, as it is all destroyed. After getting on the ship, I command them to board the Devastator where I will have to enter the med-bay for repairs and enter the Bacta tank. 

*Kchch puuu*


"Get me ... kchch puuu ... back to ... kchch puuu ... Mustafar.", I command. 

"Yes, Lord Vader."


"Probes are tracking every system within range. We will destroy everything in our path until he is found.", I say to the hologram as I sit on my throne in the Fortress Vader. 

[You seem agitated, my friend.], Sidious says.

"He will not evade me again.", I reply. 

[I wonder if your thoughts on this are clear ... Lord Vader. Perhaps your feelings for your old Master have left you weakened. If your past cannot be overcome-]

"Kenobi means nothing. I serve only you ... my Master.", I say and the hologram stops. 

I have made it back to Mustafar after holding on without any of my life support systems for a few days. I used only the Force and applied slow and precise bursts of Force healing, to keep myself alive. The threat of death is something that really brings out my talent and lets me grow. 

During my time in the Bacta tank, before contacting Sidious, I thought about my next moves. I still want to rebuild the Force locus which I destroyed after Padmé denied me and wouldn't return with me. While that is one of the most painful memories, just second to the time when I choked her, I now know that destroying the Force locus was stupid. 

I will rebuild it and then make use of it. It is the perfect place to train as I am practically inside the Force itself. But before I do that, I am interested in gaining more knowledge about the Force and its respective applications. And there is someone who can help me with that. The only problem ... she is dead. 

Jocasta Nu, the former Jedi Lead Archivist and holder of a lot of knowledge. Sadly, she is dead. But that doesn't matter, because I know that she has knowledge hidden and that is guarded right now and there is another reason that I don't really need anyone's help to find her hidden base. If I can find that ... I will gain much knowledge about both Sith and Jedi arts and many artefacts that can help me. 

So that is the thing I shall do.


I am inside my very big training room. It wasn't that big before but due to me starting to train again, I had its size increased. I am standing in front of 20 battle droids and am facing all of them at the same time. I have my lightsaber out and block all of their attacks. 

My lungs are doing better and I improved the design of the apparatus. I don't move from my spot and simply use my lightsaber skills to deflect their blasts and lightsaber attacks. I somehow relish this feeling of dominance and the feeling of growing more powerful. 

It didn't take long and I cut all of them down. I add more and more droids to the mix and have them use different fighting styles and also lightsaber styles as well. As soon as I defeat a group of them, I do the same thing again with more droids. And this way, I progress.

After practising my lightsaber skills, I also practise any Force abilities that I can. The most used one is Force telekinesis. And for that reason, I travel outside the Fortress Vader. 


I don't need any help with travelling there, since I can teleport thanks to my Essence of the Nomad. I can teleport to the place that I want to. Not only that, I am immune to any diseases and I now heal from any 'minor' injury instantly. I also have limitless stamina and that is something that has started to help me greatly. I can now train as much and as long as I want without stopping. 

I teleport to a special location that I have ordered to be built. There I have multiple vehicles which either have construction mistakes or simply don't work anymore. There were only a few vehicles at the moment, but they were slowly increasing in number. 

There were some AT-PT Walkers, a few AT-AT Walkers, and many different types of Fighters and Speeders. But there were also some rather large ships as well. The largest spaceships are a Sabre-class Star Destroyer and an Aclimator-class Assault ship. I am expecting more ships to come in the coming week but until then, this will do for now. 

Now, why would I want these different vehicles to be dumped here? The reason is rather simple. I am going to practice Force telekinesis on these vehicles and improve upon it. I don't care what is considered impossible anymore. I have no more limits and the best way to improve is to create impossible goals and then surpass them. So that's what I'll do right now. 


I start rather small, lifting up a TIE Fighter. That is not hard at all and I increase the number. I add another Fighter-type ship and then another one. By the fifth one, I can feel the slight strain. So that's the moment that I pick up another smaller ship and slowly start to lift it upwards. I clench my jaw and use my willpower to not let myself lose this battle. I slowly lift it higher and higher. As I do that, I can feel that the weight is getting less and less. Or not the weight but it feels easier to lift at least. It is still the same weight. 

As soon as I manage to do that, I lift all the six ships above it and then start to move them around. I create complex patterns that I keep up and as soon as I stop feeling any strain, I stop and increase the number of vehicles that I lift up. 

This process continues like this and I lift more vehicles and heavier ones. I have to thank the Essence of the Nomad for limitless stamina. This will make my progress skyrocket. 


After 6 hours of doing the same thing, I get notified that the person I was waiting for has arrived and is waiting for me in the throne room. 

[Lord Vader, the High Inquisitor has arrived and is waiting for you in the throne room.]


I drop the AT-AT Walker and teleport to my training room. I don't want anyone to see this ability of mine as multiple spies in the Fortress tell Sidious each of my movements. Any ability that I can hide from him, will be useful later when I kill him. 

I walk out of the training room and then make my way into the throne room. There I see the man I have been waiting for and hte man who will help me find Jocasta Nu's cache. 

"Supreme Commander Vader. I heard that you have requested for my presence.", the man says.

"High Inquisitor Jerec. I don't make requests. You were ordered to come here."

"Aha, well what is it that you require of me?", Jerec asks with a smirk. 



(3rd Person POV)

Jerec was a Miraluka, a near-human species born physically blind but with the ability to "see" in the Force. He wore a thin blindfold over the place his eyes should have been throughout his life; this, along with the relative rarity of Miraluka, may have contributed to the widespread assumption that Jerec was simply a blind Human.

As a child, Jerec was discovered by Jedi Knight and archaeologist Jocasta Nu of the Jedi Order as having Force potential. Nu brought him to the Order for training. Years before 49 BBY, Jerec was selected by Nu, who maintained an interest in the young Miraluka and took him as her Padawan. A committed scholar herself, she encouraged Jerec to continually quest for greater knowledge and understanding. He developed a voracious thirst for answers to all possible questions, as well as picked up a deep sense of scholarly self-assurance and confidence in his own knowledge.

Despite the rank of Master, his role as a Jedi archaeologist constantly gaining knowledge, and his prominence as one of the Jedi's foremost scholars and the protégé of a former Jedi Council member, Jerec was not content among the Jedi. He was beginning to feel that he had exhausted all the Jedi had to give him, and was growing restless, seeking to accumulate greater power—for to Jerec, knowledge was power. By this date, it would even seem that he was already considering the dark side as a possible source of knowledge; he thought that he had tapped the full potential of the light already.

Before the Clone Wars broke out, Jerec departed for the Unknown Regions at the head of a team of Jedi, tasked by the Jedi Council with finding lost artefacts. Jerec had ulterior motives in the search also, as he wished to find new, non-Jedi sources of learning on the expedition. This task was apparently fairly well-known among the higher-ranking Jedi, as Jedi Master and Council member Obi-Wan Kenobi immediately offered Jerec as a possible source of an outdated Jedi distress code near the close of the Clone Wars, though Jerec was not in fact the source.

However, he had attracted the attention of the High Inquisitor Antinnis Tremayne, who pursued the group and managed to capture them. The Inquisitor offered the Jedi Master a decision: accept the dark side and serve the Emperor, Palpatine, and he could preserve his life. Refusal meant death. Jerec, already tempted by dark knowledge, took little convincing; in fact, he converted eagerly.

 Jerec became a member of the Imperial Inquisition, a feared Imperial Intelligence division of Jedi hunters. Immediately upon his turn, he volunteered information he had regarding other Jedi on long-term missions who would be out of contact. Jerec sought them out and turned many of them, recruiting them into Imperial service. 

As the number of Jedi fugitives decreased, Jerec was given the additional task of seeking out Jedi and Sith lord, quite similar to his original career as a Jedi. As one of the foremost Sith scholars in the new Empire, capable of speaking and writing in Sith and an exceptionally powerful dark sider, he assumed a prime position in the Imperial Palace's court. Though officially only a High Inquisitor, Jerec nonetheless outranked such personages as Procurator of Justice Hethrir and Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side Kadann. In fact, it was suggested that, had the Emperor not already had the Supreme Commander, Darth Vader, as his Sith apprentice, Jerec would have filled the position. Jerec felt the same way and bitterly hated Darth Vader. He consistently attempted to undermine his rival and curry favour with Palpatine, seeking to replace Vader in his affections. The Emperor was unmoved and Lord Vader remained dominant.


"High Inquisitor Jerec ... you were once the padawan of Jedi archaeologist Jocasta Nu, were you not?", Vader asked. This question seemed to confuse Jerec but he answered nonetheless. 

"Indeed that was the case but why-"

"So you must know a lot about her, do you not?"

"I ... guess. But why-"

"What about secret hideouts? Would you know any of those? Former Jedi Jocasta Nu has taken a lot of her knowledge to her grave. I am interested to know ... what you know.", Vader says and his voice grows intimidating as it is imbued with the dark side of the Force and makes the archaeologist nervous because he knows that his plans might get revealed at this rate.