
Supreme Venerable: The Trade System

A long journey of Unparalleled determination. Follow the path of **** **** As he dominates realities. (I do not own anything, this is an Au of multiple fictional worlds that belong to their respective owners.)

Zero_Five_7869 · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Taking candy from a Kid.

He had thought for a long time about the first transaction to make, and in the end, after considering all the factors, he decided to trade the Law Mage potion in exchange for Nen.

It may not seem like a fair trade from an outsider's perspective, but he got a serious feeling that taking any Potion above Sequence 5 is a mistake, although the description stated that they had no side effects.

So right now, he decided to take Kurabica's talent in Nen for the potion, but in fact, he just wanted to test what would happen to Kurabica after he drank the potion. Nen was just a bonus.


HXH Universe, Curta clan.

Fire... everything was on fire.

A giant gray-haired man was jumping from building to building, tearing everything in his way.

"No, mom!" A child no older than five screamed as his eyes turned blood red when he saw his mother's head getting ripped off by the savage-like man. Unfortunately for him, a backhand slap from the giant splattered him on the nearby wall.

On the other side of the village, young Kurabika ran with a bunch of children in horror. He was at this particular timeline, no older than 9.

They were very close to exiting the village when, without notice, a man fell from the sky obstructing them.

Dressed peculiarly, he was a handsome young man with dark hair and grey eyes. Two of his distinguishing features were the cross-shaped tattoo on his forehead and a pair of orb-shaped earrings. He wore a fur-collared leather and fur trench coat that was unbuttoned, revealing his muscular body. The coat was imprinted with the golden St. Peter's Cross on the back.

He was Chrolo Lucifer, the leader of the rather infamous Jiny Rudan, and he was also their despair.

Coming to a halt, the adult who was accompanying them shouted as he marched toward Lucifer: "Run!"

"Run! Why are you looking at me? Run!" he again screamed, seeing the children petrified there. Biting his lips in frustration, Kurabika ran as hard as he could with his peers, without failing to notice how the adult who was with them got decapitated in seconds with what looked like an invisible blade...

Next, it was a massacre...

Three Jiny Rudan members, including Lucifer, swiftly surrounded the children, their eyes filled with sadistic pleasure as they prepared to unleash their wrath upon the defenseless youngsters.

Kurabika's heart raced, fear pumping through his veins, but something inside him snapped. He couldn't let his friends suffer this cruel fate. Summoning his courage, Kurabika took a deep breath and closed his eyes, focusing on the Law Mage potion he had obtained earlier. Gripping the vial tightly, he muttered a prayer under his breath and downed its contents in one swift gulp.

The taste was bitter, but he barely registered it amidst the chaos surrounding him.

As the potion coursed through his veins, an unfamiliar energy surged within Kurabika. His body radiated a faint golden glow, and his eyes shimmered with an otherworldly light. At that moment, he felt an indescribable power welling up within him. Opening his eyes, Kurabika's gaze fell upon Chrolo Lucifer and the Jiny Rudan members. With newfound confidence, he stepped forward, his voice ringing out with authority. "Stop this madness!" he commanded, his voice carrying an ethereal resonance that demanded attention.

To his surprise, the Jiny Rudan members hesitated, taken aback by the sheer force of Kurabika's presence and newfound charisma. Even Lucifer himself seemed intrigued, his piercing gray eyes locked onto Kurabika with a mix of curiosity and caution.

"You think you can challenge us, little boy?" raising his eyebrows, Lucifer sneered, a cautious and nonchalant expression spreading across his face. He had felt something strange looking at the kid... a sense of danger.

"I will kill you all, filthy bugs!" with a savage roar, Kurabika advanced toward him at extreme speed. The thing is, although he had drunk the potion, he didn't have time to study his new abilities. So now, the only thing he wanted was to kill these bastards who had done this to them.

Kurabika's movements were no longer those of a young child. Empowered by the Law Mage potion, his speed and strength surpassed human limits by a large margin. With each step, the ground quaked beneath him.

Lucifer's amusement turned into surprise as Kurabika closed the distance between them in an instant. Reacting swiftly, Lucifer extended his arm to summon his Nen ability, but before he could activate it, Uvogin came crashing into Kurabika. Unfortunately for Uvogin, the sheer force behind Kurabika's attacks sent him flying, crashing through several buildings and reducing them to rubble.

The other Jiny Rudan members present stood in disbelief, witnessing one of the strongest among them being overwhelmed by a mere child. Regaining his composure, Uvogin pushed himself up from the wreckage. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes narrowed with a mixture of anger and fascination. The thrill of facing a formidable opponent coursed through his veins.

"You have some potential, kid," he admitted, a twisted smile forming on his face. "But don't think for a second that you can defeat me."

As Kurabika prepared for the next round, he could sense the raw power emanating from Uvogin.

Although Kurabika didn't know what the imposing aura was, he guessed it was Nen. It was clear that the battle was far from over. Nevertheless, he felt a surge of determination and a newfound belief in his abilities.

The clash between Kurabika and Uvogin continued, with each exchanging powerful blows. The surrounding landscape suffered the consequences of their fierce confrontation, with shockwaves and explosions rocking the area. The other members of the group stood far away, watching with interest.

Despite Kurabika's newfound strength, Uvogin's experience and skill in combat proved to be a formidable challenge. He evaded and countered Kurabika's attacks with precision, his Nen abilities enhancing his speed and reflexes to the max.

As the battle raged on, Kurabika tapped into the depths of his newfound power, unlocking hidden potential within himself. He began to understand the nature of his abilities and how to channel them effectively. His strikes became more precise, his movements more fluid.

One of the abilities of the Law Mage was adaptive combat enhancement! As Kurabika fought against Uvogin, his body instinctively analyzed his opponent's fighting style and adapted accordingly. He became more attuned to Uvogin's movements, predicting his attacks and countering with greater efficiency. Not to mention that Arbiters we're at their strongest in their territory.

Uvogin, though initially amused, grew increasingly frustrated. He hadn't expected such fierce resistance from a child. The clash of their abilities shook the very foundations of the surrounding area. However, that frustration soon turned into ecstasy. Uvogin was a battle maniac, so he decided to use the big guns.

He kicked Kurabika away to get some distance before using his Nen technique: The Big Bang Impact.

Uvogin's muscles bulged with power as he channeled his Nen into his signature technique. He raised his right fist high gathering an immense amount of aura around it. The air crackled with pressure, and the ground trembled beneath him.

Kurabika, still recovering from the impact of Uvogin's kick, looked up just in time to see the devastating attack coming his way. Realizing the danger, he instinctively activated another ability granted by the Law Mage potion - Prohibition and Punishment.

Opening his mouth, he declared, "Nen is prohibited here."

Hearing him, Uvohin was confused for a moment but he didn't care much and completed his attack.

"Wait Uvogin Don't-" Chrolo tried to warn him because he guessed that Kurabica was using a Nen technique. Alas, it was too late.

As Uvogin unleashed the Big Bang Impact, the massive shockwave tore through the landscape, obliterating everything in its path. The force of the attack was immense, capable of leveling buildings and crushing opponents with ease. But as the wave of destruction approached, Kurabika declared again:

"Offenders shall be punished."

Using Punishment, he decided to suppress Uvogin's Nen completely, rendering it useless. Without Nen, although he was stronger than normal humans, Uvogin was no match for a Demigod, nullifying its destructive force. The shockwave dissipated around him, leaving him unscathed. A look of determination filled Kurabika's eyes as he realized the true extent of his newfound power.

With a surge of confidence, Kurabika launched himself forward, his speed enhanced by the Law Mage Potion. He closed the gap between him and Uvogin in an instant.

Uvogin barely had time to react as Kurabika's punch connected with his abdomen. The impact sent shockwaves through Uvogin's body, shattering bones and causing internal injuries. He was launched backward, crashing through the remains of the surrounding buildings.

Without Nen, although he was better than most people, Uvogin was a human.

Gasping for breath and struggling to stay conscious, Uvogin managed to push himself up from the rubble. Blood dripped from his mouth as he stared at Kurabika with a mixture of astonishment and disbelief.

"You... you little brat," Uvogin groaned, his voice strained. "I didn't expect... this level of power... from someone like you."

Kurabika stood tall, his golden aura pulsating around him. His eyes gleamed with determination as he confronted the fallen Uvogin.

He had come to understand the true strength hidden within him and was ready to embrace it fully.

"This is the power I possess," Kurabika said, his voice firm and unwavering. "And I won't let anyone harm my friends or my village ever again."

'This corny ass line...'a multiverse away little Maxi cringed.

With those words, Kurabika unleashed a devastating barrage of attacks on Uvogin, each strike landing with precision and overwhelming force. Uvogin weakened and battered, struggled to defend himself against the onslaught.

The remaining members of Jiny Rudan watched in shock as Kurabika's power overwhelmed their once-invincible comrade. However, they quickly snapped out of it, and without a word, they jumped my man Kirabika...

The battle raged on, the clash of powers and the sound of destruction echoing through the village. Kurabika fought with unwavering determination, his every movement guided by his newfound strength and the desire to protect those he cared for, and as the battle continued more and more hidden abilities of the Law Mage became apparent, and when Uncomplete Mythical Creature Form surfaced the battle ended in minutes after.

Although Kurabika was also gravely wounded, the vitality of a Demigod was tremendous so he wasn't in any mortal danger.

In the end, Kurabika's transformation gradually reduced, returning him to his normal state.

As the dust settled, Kurabika looked around at the destruction left in the wake of the battle, many of his clansmen have died, however, they can still rebuild so he breathed a sigh of relief before marching to help the remaining membered of his clan.

As for the Phantom Troop? Three of them died, Uvogin was the first to die due to his injuries, Nobunga also died after attacking him blindly in an attempt to avenge Uvogin, and the last to die was Feitan when he witnessed the Uncomplete Mythical Form. The others managed to escape Unfortunately...