
Trust Issues (Part 2)

"No, I mean, yes, I mean, how the heck do you know that?" Lith replied.

"Security reasons. What do you need all that time for?" Jirni said.

"Well, after working all day I like to-" Kamila attempted to say.

"I'm just messing with you, child." Jirni laughed for the first time in days and that made it even creepier than usual. "Go out and have fun. The paperwork can wait until tomorrow. Deirus has left no breadcrumbs that we might follow anyway."

Jirni Ernas was Phloria's mother and the most relentless, cunning predator Lith had ever met. Hearing Jirni praising her opponent made Lith regret that saving Phloria from her Awakening didn't leave him enough time to interrogate Kallion before killing him.

"Is it that bad?" He asked.

"Worse, it's exactly as he promised me. Deirus never made a misstep, never violated the law, nor did he associate with shady characters. So far, my hands are tied." She sighed.

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