
Supreme Eldritch Lord

Journey of a 17 Year old boy. From his humble beginnings to hailing as the strongest Eldritch Lord in existence. Now guys what can you expect from this Novel. Overpowered Mc Kingdom Building.(not the main plot tho) Overpowered Followers No harem (it's kind of a personal preference also it's very hard at least for me to write a harem) Cold but rational Mc World Conquering & sci-fi elements (in the later arcs there will be a lot of that and some sci-fi elements as well so a double check) I am a newbie writer so don't expect a lot but still you guys can be sure that I will try my best to keep a stable weekly release other than that I also will hopefully get better as time passes. that's all I don't like long synopsis or useless info dump so I'll end it here.

Archlegion999 · Fantasie
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45 Chs

Ch 33- Storming the Breach 1

Ahh Nothing beats the confines of your own home.

Yesterday was a pretty tiring battle and honestly prolly the most dangerous battle of my life to date. There was some serious chance i might have died there as well. Welp as they say danger stimulates growth and it definitely checks to be true.

After that day i decided it would be nice to stimulate my creativity thus i decided i'll make a house. Completely by myself as well. Using my abilities.

And it did not turn out to be very well. Reality is very often disappointing as they say. Then again i didn't know much about building houses in the first place anyways. In the first place i wanted to do this cause i can't keep going back to my parents looking bloodied and all. I even had to find a way to regrow my arm using necromancy which was not a pretty process. But at least it works.

I already tried making houses but all of the ones i made turned out to be absolute rubbish. Maybe i should just make a large square and be done with it. So after thinking for a while that's what i did. Made a square dome like shape then created some earth bed and chairs, tables. It doesn't look good but it's good enough. All i wish is if i could just install an AC that would've been perfect.

Speaking of AC i should really have a go at a part-time job since i am old enough and should at least try making some money, Welp if that fails than i can just charm some big company Head to make me their employee or something.

While thinking like that i added some nice finishing touches to the house. Maybe i'll slowly expand this place and add a swimming pool and make a slide or something.

A Week Later.

It's been a pretty chill week just hunted more and more monsters and even killed some Titans too. But they were weaker than the variant. I also talked with Haiden using the communication stone he gave me. The appointed time for entering the Ancient world is coming closer than ever.

I plan to leave in a week. I am gonna leave Saith and some death knights and mages back home to protect my parents i also used demonic charm on them. At least they wont be very sus about my disappearance.

Had to do the same with my friends and all those that are close to me. I left some of my minions to guard them as well.

Now then time to figure out how to fix this breach.

A few days ago..

Welp time to see if i can open a another spatial distortion maybe i can open a hidden dimension or something.

Purplish energy left my hands and they formed a swirling portal and sounds of breaking glass could be heard. However suddenly a big explosion occurred. I was thrown of back and hit a tree as well.

infront of me stood a creature completely obsidian in color and A body thats two times taller than an adult human. Sporting four arms and two horns on it's head it looked at me fiercely.

Oh Shit. I might've summoned some Void horror from another dimension or something.

The monster raised its arms that crackled with violet lightning. I quickly used the Void defense system. A transparent barrier formed it was able to easily withstand the attack. The Horror Fiend seemed to be surprised but quickly composed itself. It waved it's hand and chunks of earth transformed into a beautiful obsidian looking sword with a golden magma colored hilt.

I quickly used demonic transfusion and made a metal sword extracted from the earth below me. It was crude but should do the job i hoped at least.

Demonic energy fused around the sword and in an instant both of our swords clashed.

I could feel my muscles getting torn apart. The Fiend easily destroyed my sword in half.

I quickly teleported behind it and wind swirled around my hand forming a crescent shaped blade. The wind blade barely made a dent in its obsidian skin. I quickly teleported far away while using my new powers mass skeleton summon.

A large greenish circle with ancient runes appeared beneath me. A hundred skeletons appeared around it. All wearing a simple chest piece, shoulder pads and a shield and sword.

Their eye sockets burning with green color soon lit up after seeing the Fiend. With my mental command they began engaging it. I watched from far away while i knew that would not have any effect on the Fiend. I started thinking of a plan and what i should do to kill this thing.

I finally made a plan. I summoned more skeletons as all the previous ones died after single swipe from it's hand. I willed the undead skellies to lead it towards a specific area in the forest where i was.

I made the earth soften like quicksand making the pit deeper and installing some sharp metal spikes at the end. It took only a minute.

The Fiend without a care kept moving there not knowing of the trap i set. It fell while being a bit surprised. Of course it didn't take any damage. That was not my intention in the first place after all.

Using the wind i floated up the pit than gathering all my energy i fired the biggest Abyssal beam i have ever made. The pit and the nearby vegetation all pretty much disintegrated into nothing ness.

I went near the chaos to see if it was still alive. Thankfully it seemed to have finally died with over ninety percent of it's body destroyed without leaving anything. Damn i used more than half of my energy on that shit.

I teleported back towards the portal. It was still active i am gonna have to do something about this. However before i enter this i told a few of my Undead Knights to bring back the remaining corpse of the Fiend. I was planning on raising it as an undead.

To be Continued...