
Supreme Butterfly Monarch

This is the era of cosmic cultivation. Every cultivator absorbs and utilizes the cosmic energy of the universe to fuel their innate talents and unleash unparalleled might. Region-level cultivators can destroy regions and the even stronger Kingdom-level cultivators can destroy Kingdoms. Cultivators that can shatter entire continents that are at Continental-level also exist! This is an era where might reign supreme and the talented have a bright future yet Zaven Ethelric was always overshadowed by his cousin, causing his mind to grow twisted. Will Zaven successfully walk out of the shadow of his overly-talented cousin and become his very own protagonist or will he forever become a side character to his blessed cousin's life? Find this out by reading the journey of the Supreme Butterfly Monarch!

KenceRussel · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Chapter 7: Tragedy

With Zaven's insistence, the two of them walked out of the city gate amidst the respectful gaze of the citizens. As the city's Young Lord, how can they not recognize Zaven? All of them even greeted him but Zaven simply ignored all of them.

With a helpless look on his face, Torva was about to knock Zaven unconscious when his senses suddenly picked up something.


A loud booming sound echoed and the ground shook aggressively. Many people that were just minding their own business were knocked down directly by the impact. All of them were shocked by the sudden earthquake that occurred.

However, it was actually not an earthquake that is a natural geographical phenomenon but something that is artificially induced!

Fortunately for Zaven, his guard was fast enough to hold him before he received the same fate as the other citizens of the city. Falling itself might not be dangerous. At most, he would just have some bruises but the impact from the fall is different. If he has the physique of your average people then it wouldn't be a big deal but that is simply far from being the case.

"What's happening?" Torva muttered with a frown. With his senses as a Town-level cultivator, as soon as the 'earthquake' occurred, he also sensed the movement of a large amount of cosmic energy.

The amount of cosmic energy that was mobilized made even such a powerful cultivator such as Torva anxious. However, he didn't have much time to be anxious as the roars of cosmic beasts rang, and tens, no, hundreds of cosmic beasts charged out from the Dragonhead Mountain to the City in fear.

"Cosmic beast tide!" Torva was stunned after seeing such a large number of cosmic beasts. Of course, as the Dragonhead City is next to the Dragonhead Mountain which was the den of thousands of cosmic beasts, it was not too rare for the city to encounter cosmic beasts tide.

However, Torva can feel that this cosmic beast tide is not your normal beast tide.

"Young Lord!" Torva cried out in a panic as he saw the body of a large rhinoceros-type cosmic beast flying in the air, its flying direction was towards Zaven

As the Young Lord that he cared for, Torva immediately made a move. He mobilized his cosmic energy to fuel his innate talent and his whole body instantly gained a metallic sheen. From head to toe, his color changed into metallic-gray and his body exuded a powerful aura.

In the past, Torva could only metallized his hands and he was far from being powerful. But after being recruited as a guard by the City Lord, he was trained and also received cultivation resources. Now that his innate talent was developed and his rank also increased, he can now metallized his entire body.

This form gave him both strong defense and offense!

"Ha!" With a shout, Torva threw a punch at the cosmic beast that was sent flying by an unknown entity and immediately, his arm shook.

His whole body was already metalized but he felt like hitting a metal wall that was even slightly harder than his body. Torva was incomparably shocked!

"A Town-level cosmic beast!" Torva's expression became serious as he actually saw that around half of the cosmic beast's carcass was torn apart

Even elite Town-level cultivators or cosmic beasts cannot possibly do such a thing. The only entities that can do that are lifeforms at or above the City-level.

As if providing his hypothesis, the ground shook even more and Torva heard a cry.


This time, Torva was not able to catch Zaven's body on time and the latter fell to the ground.

"Aahhh!!" The young child cried out in pain as he held his right hand.

"Oh no! Young Lord!" The guard was filled with worry while looking at Zaven's now swollen hand. Zaven's condition was originally already not very good, what more now that he gained such an injury?

"Resist! Resist the cosmic beasts and inform the City Lord, immediately!" Torva gave orders.

Fortunately, this is the city gate. Naturally, there are guards stationed here to protect the city from the cosmic beasts.

Just as Torva was about to pick up Zaven from the ground, his senses picked up danger and when he turned his head back, he saw several large-sized boulders flying in the air or more like they were sent flying by powerful entities roaring from a distance.

"Resist!" Torva shouted as he used his metallic body to punch and pulverize the boulders coming in his and the Young Lord's direction.

"It hurts! It hurts!" The immature child cried out, clearly not understanding the dangerous situation he was in.

"No doubt about this! City-level comic beasts are definitely fighting each other!" Torva's face was ashen. Even if he were to use his full might, it would not be possible for him to send these many rocks flying to such a long distance

Only City-level entities can do such a thing and it was precisely because of that that Torva knew how dangerous the situation is.

Village-level entities can destroy and massacre an entire Village. A Town-level entity can do the same to a Town. However, how big and populous was a village or town? They are too small compared to a city and City-level entities have the power to destroy an entire city.

Even dozens of Town-level entities cannot defeat even just one City-level enemy. The difference was just too huge and they might even be pulverized to death by a single move.

"Torva! Torva! What's happening?!" Zaven asked with tears in his eyes and the guard shook his head.

"Young Lord, it's very dangerous here. We should return to the Manor" Torva replied but Zaven hurriedly shook his head while getting up from the ground.

"No! I'm sure that a treasure appeared causing powerful cosmic beasts to fight each other! Get that treasure for me!"

"Young Lord, there is no treasure! Let's hurry up and retreat! The cosmic beast tide is near!"

"No! You're lying! You just want to give the treasure to Raven, right?! All of you are the same! I want that treasure!"

At this moment, Zaven's insanity already reached a boiling point and he even foolishly charged toward the mountain as if he planned on meeting the cosmic beasts head-on.

"Oh no!" Torva panicked and he immediately went to chase Zaven when his senses suddenly tingled. A sense of danger like no other filled his being as he saw a beam of light flying towards Zaven.

If nothing unexpected occurred, Zaven would definitely die because of that beam of light. Even Torva knew that he could not survive that attack if he took it head-on, much less Zaven.

Even then, without hesitation, Torva gritted his teeth. He sped up his pace as he stretched his hand out.

"Young Lord, watch out!" He said as he pushed Zaven out of the beam's way. Normally, Torva wouldn't use such a force on Zaven. However, this is not your normal peaceful time!

Torva does not have the time to control his force, sending Zaven flying. His head even collided with the city walls and his forehead immediately bled.

However, no matter what, he still survived. If Torva didn't do what he did, there was no way for Zaven to survive.

As for Torva himself... he could only smile bitterly as he stared at Zaven, his gaze filled with bitterness.

He didn't even have the chance to watch his Young Lord grow up... that is Torva's biggest regret in life.

As the beam of light collided with Torva, the strong defense that his body boasts was like paper in front of such power. He didn't have the ability to resist in the slightest. Such is the disparity between a Town-level power compared to a City-level power!

A huge hole appeared in Torva's chest where his heart should be and he too was sent flying. Coincidentally, Torva landed next to Zaven but he couldn't even give him another glance. In front of such power, the only mercy he received was being free from pain as it was an instant death.

At this point, Zaven was already on the brink of unconsciousness. However, before he fell unconscious, the last thing he saw was the lifeless body of his favorite guard and the last thought he had was.

"What was I doing all this time?"

Unfortunately, in this world, there is no medicine for regret and Zaven soon loses consciousness.

"Protect the Young Lord!" The other guards shouted and they surrounded him as at this point, the cosmic beast tide finally arrived causing their scalps to tingle.

If not for the fact that their families and loved ones are behind the city walls, none of them would be brave enough to try and resist such a beast tide.

As such, the clash between the humans and cosmic beasts started with both sides shedding blood of each other.