
Chapter 62 complain

Together they went to the canteen and ordered their meal , they ate together , Jason was the one that payed for the meal , the girls were shocked at the sudden wealthy Jason , though he was one of the few student who are still level 1 , he was Able to pay for their meal and also planned to treat them throughout the month .

As he has thought , the boy named arkman together with the one called Pearson were there in the canteen , and another new boy who hasn't seen , even with the imperial eyes and with the physical eyes .

All of them had a frown on their face , they all frowning Because someone is with their boss's supposed girlfriends , and the girls are very close to him .

They finished eating and went to the class together , Captain Zach joined them few minutes after the student gathered .

Wearing a blue jean and a black shirt he looked more more handsome in the eyes of the girls .

Class ended Almost after 3 hours , the student returned to their dorm .

Jason feeling the sense of been rich , he treat his friends for a late-lunch before returning to his room .

treating his friends for breakfast , lunch and dinner , attending class as usual and at night playing the role of an inspector , 4 days passed by as he did the following duties and activities of his .

Today Is another Saturday , It is almost 5 days to the time Liam gave for emerald to accept his useless feelings .

Jason on the other hand has earned , 450 points for kicking the butt of Liam gang member , he dealt with 9 of them and asked them to keep it away from their Master .

[ 500/2000 ]

To Jason dealing with them is his new daily quest , he wished that they should continue coming to spy on the girls so he would have enough chance to level up .

As usual on Saturday he dressed in one of the new sport wear he got from the random boxes he bought while trying to feed himself .

black short , black shirt and Black canvas , having golden stripes on it , No one has been able to put on this type of clothes before .

Today ,Jason is going to play his role as the best fitness guide and James is going to be his student.

Emerald and Tracy also offered that they will be exercising with the boys since they are no longer safe staying alone in the dorm building .

Walking out of his room with a short white towel hung around his neck , and black power watch on his hands , his dressing and hairstyle will make the girls looking at him.

" mark , Jason is becoming more handsome everyday " Shania said to mark , both of them are also walking to the gym house.

' Jason you b*stard , you dressed like this to win Shania's heart, you won't have her I promise ' inwardly mark is raging , but he faked a smile at Shania's words .

With his acute hearing and eyesight , Jason noticed the two figures walking and talking together . He waved at them with a friendly smile and continued walking .

' mark is still displaying in green , I guess he is just greedy and jealous ' thought Jason .

' pervert , you just waved at my girlfriend , can't you see she is with her boyfriend ' still wearing a normal face , mark is boiling inside .

James , Emerald and Tracy were already waiting in the Gym house , James still in his usual sport wears and the girls in their pretty sport wears .

" good morning guys , sorry am late " he apologized when he got to the spot they are staying .

They exchange formalities . Soon they started exercising , the girls went to a separate spot not far from that of James and Jason , with that they can keep an eye on the boys , and also the boys will come rescue them , if anyone comes their way .

The exercise period ended , James clothes as well as his skin were all filled with Sweats, Tracy and Emerald were panting uniformly with little sweat on their forehead, Jason on the other hand maintained a normal breathing, no sweat is on his clothes or body . though he exercised just the same way the other did, he still look like someone who came to watch the other as they exercise .

" Pant,,, what a wicked teacher , you gave me hard ones and you did the simpler ones , look at you , no sweat at all but looking at me am sweating buckets " James complained .

" Jason did the same exercise as you did , even more complex ones , why feeling cheated all of a sudden " Emerald defend Jason , she saw everything and could tell that Jason is the one who did the complex ones .

James is still not convinced , how come ? , he did the complex ones and there is no sign of tiredness in him .

" Don't worry student , exercise is over for today , let's go to the canteen together "

All of them went to the canteen together and Jason payed for the meal .

Today there is no class , after eating the three of them went to their dorm to rest , tomorrow there won't have anything doing , just like every other Sundays , Eat , rest or read , student like Jason don't have to have to read , he just have to download it and he will never forget it.

Time to have dinner , Jason went to call the girls as he always does for the past 6 days .

Nighttime came , he went to the girls dorm . yesterday and the day before , they no longer come in ones , they came in two .

This night ,the number multiplied , there were four of them , All if them are power level 2 students, and a level 2 enemy in the imperial eyes .

[ Karen ]

[ male ]

[ enemy level : 2 ]

[ works for ??? , asked to check on the girls tonight , ..]




The boys started walking out of the elevator with careful eyes , oblivious to the fact that someone is looking at them and will attack anytime from now .

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