
Taking over the body

Soul traveled through the portal which sent him straight to the body that was designated for him. When he finally came to the world he was inside the host body.

There he saw the soul of body sitting inside the sea of soul. There it was entangled by all the threads of body. these threads were the ones connecting this soul to the body. These threads were the thing binding him to this world and this body.

When soul saw the soul of the owner of this body an evil grin flashed on his face. He went near the soul and without any warning started stripping the owner soul of the threads. Threads kept on breaking and owner soul got a frown on his face which got wider as time passed.

Soul looking at the frown had no reaction and kept to his work. Soon the broken threads started connecting to the soul rather than connecting to owner soul.

<Forgive me owner of the body, I have more affinity to this body than you. You should just ascend heaven earlier>

Maybe it was because of threads getting pulled out or may be it was because he could hear what this new soul said the face of owner soul distorted.

Threads kept on connecting to new soul and soon the owner soul started shouting as if he was in pain. Soon more than 50% of the thread's were stripped from the owner soul. When that happened the owner soul finally opened his eyes. He wasn't in pain anymore as that thread was already connected to new soul.

For a while he was just shocked looking at the situation. He thought he was in a dream, after all he was in sea of soul where there was nothing. He saw himself sitting on a dark stone with dark water flowing under him and in front of him was a guy pulling something out of his body.

After a while he finally felt something was wrong, who was this guy and why was he pulling these thread's out of him. He saw those threads connecting to this other guy and felt whatever this guy was doing was not normal and definitely not good for himself and started stopping him.

"Who are you? what are you doing? what are these things?"

New soul looking at how this owner soul was trying to stop his action, stopped. After all there were only two option he could do here. One was swallow the owner soul to know his memories and increase his tier of soul and other option was let him live and be a parasite, possibly a threat to his soul and mind.

The answer was simple.


And that's what he did. Without answering, the new soul just lunged straight to the owner soul trying to bite him. His teeth lunged straight for the shoulder but beyond the new soul's imagination, he couldn't bite it... and finally he remembered 'PURE SOUL'.

In this world there were ghost and other beings like that who could take over a body as well. That's why people train there soul in this world as well but an exception to this whole ordeal is pure soul's. Simply said they are the soul's of kids or people who are way too naive.

<cht(clicking his tongue), I thought it would be easy to do this but this is a pain now. That GOD must be a hidden wolf ... naahh, that can't be the case he is way too naive for this but still I need to be careful with him from now on.

Anyway what am I supposed to do with this now. I do need the body and he is a liability>

Looking at how this guy in front of him tried to eat him and taking some hint's from the dark area and threads, owner soul finally had an idea of what was happening and got a bit scared as well.

"You, you, yo... you are a spiritual being trying to take over my body. You, you... can't do that"

New soul looking at owner soul stuttering got a smile on his face.

"And why can't I do that?"

Hearing what this Spiritual being said owner soul was a bit relieved that he wasn't being attacked anymore. He didn't know that he himself had a pure soul because of which he couldn't die from this new soul's attack.

"You just can't. This is my body. You can't take over my body. I need my body to help my family. I won't let you take over my body"

Hearing this new soul had a peculiar look

"You are going to save your family, what happened to your family?"

"Why should I tell you? You are just another bad guy trying to take over my body"

New soul couldn't do anything to this owner soul and this owner soul was naive enough to talk to his attacker. This was really f*cked up situation for the new soul so he planned something before just sitting down in this space.

"I may be bad guy or maybe not, How do you know? You didn't even ask me. And you, You were saying you are going to save you family. Can you save them? How are you going to save your family? Do you have the POWER!?"

Hearing these question's in a rapid fire succession, owner soul got a bit overwhelmed. He even forgot what the first question this soul asked or that this soul attacked him earlier. He just got sucked into the dilemma of last question, Did he have the power?

Looking at the owner soul not answering, New soul knew he got him. In this one comeback he did a few things. First was clearing his own name which he very subtly threw in first than he put the pressure on the owner soul which could help himself later in the conversation when he would need the soul to relinquish control over the body and lastly he wanted to see how bad the situation was? and looking at the owner soul he knew that he got this soul right where he needed him.

"I don't have the power but I can get strong. I just..."

Right when the owner soul was trying to get the lead and try to push back, new soul cut him off and put more pressure on him.

"How? How are you going to get strong? Can you get strong in a moment? Can you save them now or Do you even know how dangerous the situation is or Even what situation they are in?"

Again putting more pressure on the owner soul, new soul knew there was a slight chance of him breaking here. And as he thought, the soul actually broke and unknowingly answered him honestly

"They are under a seize of elf's. They come in thousands and are killing the vampires. I don't have the strength but I must try"

New soul was trying to get as much information and trying to pressure this soul more and making him also understand that he was actually powerless right now. They talked like this a bit more before the new soul finally went to main topic.

"I know the vampire family needs saving and you know as well that you, yourself at this moment cannot save them. In-fact I wanted to tell you this earlier that I came to take over your body to actually save your race. I know it and you know it as well that with your mind and your body you don't have any chance against the elf race and from your talk It seems like elf's have come here not just to take over this land but also to destroy the vampire race completely.

If you stay in this body you don't have much chance to survive but with my knowledge I not only have a chance to survive but I also have a chance to save other's"

Owner soul hearing this had a faint hope and while gritting his teeth he said

"Ok, I will give my body to you but you have to promise me you must save my sister, no matter what"

New soul listening to what this owner soul said quieted for a second before answering.

"Before I agree with this promise I need to know the whole situation. Let me read your memories"

Owner soul agreed and and let the new soul read all his memories.

"Illion is a nice name. I promise you Illion I will not let anything happen to your sister today. Now help me by pulling those threads out of your body".

Soon all the threads were pulled out of his soul getting connected to this new soul.

"Wait, If I connected all the threads to you. I will disappear soon"

New soul after knowing how much he cared about his sister and also how powerless he was certain that Illion is not going to be much problem after this and could also save his soul in certain situations. He pulled out one of the threads and gave it to Illion.

"Here is the thread connected to the heart. Keep it and you won't have to worry about disappearing for now"

He was going to close his eyes to get conscious but Illion stopped him.

"You, what is your name"


Saying that he closed his eyes.

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