

Chapter 1:


'Ahh... Such a boring day.' A young blonde whined as he watched his teacher write on the board. The boy looked to be around 18 years old and was wearing a normal grey T-shirt that showed off his ripped arm and a network of veins. His hair was long and slicked back messily. He was wearing tight jeans with white shoes on.

'When will the bell ring... Tch.' The boy thinks with a frown as he looked at the wall clock placed in front of the class. The boy looked around the class and saw his classmates sporting similar looks and adopted an amused look. It seemed as though everyone wanted the class to end as soon as possible. The boy felt the same. With a sigh, he looked at the clock again and let unconsciousness take over him.

The boy woke up a few minutes later and looked at the clock again. 'Still, 5 minutes left for the period to end.' He sighs and starts dozing off again. A few minutes passed which seemed like an eternity for the young boy when the bell finally rang freeing him from the clutches of his chair. 'Finally... Freedom~.' The blonde cheered and started walking out of the class with new enthusiasm.

"Hey, Calvin." A voice called out from behind making him turn back to address the owner of the voice. "Hey, Mike." The newly identified Calvin greets with a bored wave. Mike has been Calvin's best friend since preschool and both of them have been inseparable ever since.

"What did you bring for lunch?" Mike questions as he started walking alongside Calvin. "I didn't... I woke up late today, I am not hungry anyways, I'll pick up some snacks from the cafeteria." Calvin answers and Mike nods his head awkwardly. Calvin notices Mike acting a little weird but decides to ignore it.

They reached their usual spot under the tree and started eating their lunch. As Calvin said, he bought a few cookies from the cafeteria and was munching on them. Calvin noticed Mike acting strange again but shrugs it off again. They continued eating their meal normally while chatting throughout but Calvin kept on noticing something off about Mike. 'I wonder what happened. Mike is acting weird today.' Calvin thinks with a frown and decides to confront the matter upfront.

"Okay... Speak up... What is bothering you?" Calvin questions with a frown. "Huh? What?" Mike awkwardly smiles at Calvin making Calvin frown to grow. "Don't 'huh' me... Tell me what is bothering you." Calvin commands with a look that didn't leave any room for argument. Mike sighs and slumps his shoulder, he looks at Calvin with a pleading look and starts. "Promise me you won't kill me," Mike says and Calvin raises a brow and motions him to continue.

"You remember the Chrisley girl... The girl you told me that you like her?" Mike questions and Calvin nods his head. "Something related to her happened?" Calvin questions and Mike nods his head. "Don't kill me after hearing what I'll tell you... Please?" Mike fearfully repeats and Calvin raises his eyebrow at him again. "Depends." Calvin simply says and Mike gulps fearfully.

"You've been going on and on about her for quite a long time right." Mike starts and Calvin nods his head with an eye twitch. Calvin clenches his hand into a fist and brings it up to his face in a dangerous way. "You didn't?!" Calvin questions and Mike nods his head repeatedly.

"Yeah... I might or might not have told her that you're asking her out on a date." Mike gulps and says to Calvin. "Please bring your fist down." Mike says and 'gently' moves Calvin's fist away. "Your impossible..." Calvin sighs and brings his hand up in the air. Mike always had a way to mess things up for Calvin.

"Look at the bright side... You'll be going on a date with her on Saturday." Mike blurts out making Calvin's eyes widen. "Wait... She didn't reject me?" Calvin questions and Mike shakes his head. "Even I was shocked when she agreed to go on a date with you. Everything happens for the good eh." Mike says with a grin and wraps his hand around Calvin making him sigh. "You'll be the death of me one of these days. Anyways... Tell me how you asked her?"

-A few hours earlier-

Mike can be seen walking in the hallways with a smile on his face as he searched for Chrisley's class. 'Hmm... Her class should be around here somewhere. Uhhh... There.' Mike thinks as he spots Chrisley's classroom. 'Uhh... She should be here.' Mile thinks looking around the classroom.

"HEY... GIRL WITH THE NAME CHRISLEY... COME HERE!" Mike shouts out of nowhere catching everyone's attention. They look at him weirdly as he looked back at them. "Chrisley?" He asks again while looking around the room. "Here." A girl from the back said and came up to him.

Now that Mike got a good look at Chrisley, he looks at her and studies her. 'Long blonde hair, green eyes, moderate height and dress that makes her look decent and not like a slut.' Mike concludes in his mind and nods his head. "I approve!" Mike tells her making her look at him with a confused expression.

"Huh?" She tilts her head in confusion and he simply shrugs his shoulders. "My best friend. The most handsome guy in the world is asking you out on a date. You accept or not?" Mike directly says making Chrisley look at him like he grew a second head.

"What?" Chrisley questions him with a frown and Mike says, "My best friend... He wants to take you out on a date." Mike clarifies and Chrisley nods her head with a sigh. "And who is your 'best friend'?" Chrisley questions and Mike nods his head. "Oh yeah... His name is Calvin Bryant. He's a first-year too. Tall, handsome and got muscles that he doesn't hide." Mike says with a grin.

Chrisley stood in shock as Mike told her the name of his friend. 'Calvin Bryant wants to go on a date with me?' She thinks and smiles internally. Chrisley had a crush on Calvin ever since she saw him during the fresher's party. 'But I heard that Calvin turned down all the girls that approached him, he likes me?' Chrisley thinks with a blush. She quickly hides her blush and looks at Mike and nods her head.

"I'll go on the date... Just a date though. Tell him not to expect much." Chrisley informs Mike with an indifferent look making Mike smile brightly at her. "Alright... I'll go now... The date will be on Saturday... Thanks, bye!" Mike waves and runs away. 'Now I just need to tell Calvin about this... Hehehe.' Mike chuckles and walks past the hallways like he achieved his biggest goal.

-Current time-

"Dude... Seriously?" Calvin questions Mike and then proceeds to facepalm with a sigh. "You're an idiot... You know that?" Calvin says and Mike grins at him while nodding. "Tch... What will I do on the date? It's my first time." Calvin sighs asking for advice. "Don't ask me... I don't know." Mike deadpans and Calvin smacks his face for the utmost time that day. "You... You're impossible." Calvin sighs and slumps his shoulders in defeat.

"Let's go to the washroom," Calvin says and stands up from his position. "Okay..." Mike cheerfully says and stands up from his position and both of them start walking towards the washroom.

"Who's our little toys for today?" They hear a voice say as they neared the corridors of the washroom. They saw a guy with about five boys surrounding him and frowned. Jake the bully, the guy who took the responsibility for bullying. Calvin sighs and resumes walking.

"Ooo... What do we have here? Boys, look at this muscle guy over here. What's your name?" Jack questions as he saw Calvin walking towards the washroom. "Calvin..." Calvin says as he eyed Jack. Jack rubs his hands and starts walking towards him with a grin. "I heard that you'll do squads while holding your ears for me right?" Jack says and Mike was about to revolt but Calvin stops him.

"Okay..." Calvin says and starts doing the squads. "Who's gonna hold those ears?" One of Jack's men says and grabs Calvin's hair and holds him in place. 'I didn't want to do this.' Calvin thinks with a sigh.

"That hurts you, bastard." Calvin roars and punches the sidekick in his face knocking him back. "Hey, you," Jack says and tries punching Calvin but Mike intervenes and stops the punch. He knees Jack on his stomach and then slams him on the ground. Jack groans in pain while rolling on the ground. Jack's man looked at the scene with a scared expression.

Calvin gives Mike a look and both of them leave the place and enter the washroom to freshen up. "That was fun." Mike grins and Calvin smirks back. "You didn't have to intervene..."

"What fun in that?" Mike answers with a mock scowl. Both of them then started laughing after that.


The most tiring day in Calvin's life has finally come to an end and class had finally finished. Calvin reaches his house and walks in with a sigh. 'Dad said he'll be away on a business trip for the whole week. That means I have the whole house for the week.' Calvin grins and sets his bag aside and walks into the living room. He sits on the couch and watches a random movie.

After watching for a while, Calvin gets hungry so he walks inside the kitchen and starts preparing something to eat. 'Where will I take Chrisley to date? ALunchin an expensive restaurant? Nah... Too fancy for the first date, walk in a park? Nah...' Calvin continue to ponder on what to do for his first date.

Calvin decides to turn towards the most trusted source. 'Internet... Always got the answers to my questions.' Calvin thinks with evil laughter. 'My problems shall be solved now. Muhahaha.' Calvin chuckles evilly and brings out his laptop to do the research. Calvin continued researching for hours before he finally gave up. The Internet wasn't as helpful as he imagined it to be. Calvin sighs and puts his laptop away.

'The internet isn't a trusted source anymore.' Calvin sighs and starts running scenarios in his mind. He takes out a strip of paper from his pocket and gazes at it for a few seconds. There was a phone number written on it. "Okay... Time to take the risk." Calvin mutters and takes a deep breath before saving the number on his phone.

"There goes nothing," Calvin says and texts the number.

Calvin: Hi!

Calvin sends the texts and nervously taps his legs on the floor. He stands up from the couch and starts walking around. 'Get your nerves under control, Calvin.' Calvin encourages himself and takes a deep breath. Just then his phone dinged informing him about a notification.

He quickly looks at his phone and saw the reply.

Number: Hello!

Calvin: Hi... Is this Liz?

Number: Yes... Calvin?

Calvin: Yeah... I need some advice regarding, the date with Chrisley.

Calvin taps sent and waits for the reply patiently. Liz is one of Chrisley's friends whose number he go earlier that day. Liz gave it to Calvin telling him to ca her whenever he needed help. Liz's message arrives and Calvin reads it carefully.

Liz: Hmm... Chrisley likes things a different way, try doing something unorthodox. Do something she won't expect.

Calvin: Oh okay... Thanks for the help. :D

Liz: You're welcome... Okay then, see ya! :)

Calvin: Bye! :)

'So... Chrisley likes something out of the box eh.' Calvin thinks and starts pondering again. In the end, Calvin decides to go with the flow. Whatever comes to his mind in the four days, he'll add to his date.


"Hey, dude... You cook really well you know that?" Mike questions as he ate Calvin's lunch. "Thanks, I guess." Calvin simply shrugs off the compliment and starts eating Mike's bland and tasteless lunch.

"Who made this lunch?" Calvin says as he ate the food. "I made it," Mike says with a proud look. "Good isn't it?" Mike questions and Calvin looks at Mike deadpan. "It tastes like shit," Calvin says and Mike frowns. "Don't eat it then..." Mike cries at Calvin who ignores him. "Shut up and eat." Calvin snaps and Mike slumps his shoulders in defeat. "Why do you have to be such a dick?" Mike whines making Calvin smirk.

"Your lunch is good by the way. Could've tried making it with love to make it a little better." Mike says with a sage nod.

"I made my lunch with love," Mike says while nodding his head again. "Yeah... Bad thing you didn't use anything other than your 'LOVE' to season it." Calvin mocks with a smirk. "Ahh... That is below the belt." Mike cries at Calvin.

"Just because you make phenomenal food doesn't mean you should look down at me." Mike cries and Calvin looks at him with a shocked look. "Umm... Yeah... That's right. Thanks for the idea." Calvin excitedly exclaims and hugs Mike and spins him around.

'I can cook for the date instead of restaurant food. It'll make her feel better.' Calvin thinks with a smile.


"Hey Calvin... Do you want to go on a picnic someday?" Mike questions Calvin all of a sudden. "Sure... When and where?" Calvin questions and Mike shrugs his shoulder. "Whenever we are free... It's been a while since we went trekking." Mike says and Calvin nods his head. "Yeah... Your correct." Calvin says and Mike smiles.

"Picnic seems like a good plan for a date... Right?" Calvin questions Mike and his eyes twinkle. "You thinking of taking Chrisley for a picnic?" Mike questions and Calvin smirks with a short nod.

"Yeah, dude... That's super dope. Take Chrisley to a beach or the riverside." Mike says with an excited look and Calvin nods his head. "I'll see where I want to go," Calvin says and Mike smiles at him. "Go where your heart takes you," Mike says while waving his hands into the air dramatically making Calvin chuckle. Mike can be so dramatic sometimes.


"Nahh... Car ride doesn't sound too cool or badass. Take your bike." Mike says with a nod. "But won't she feel unsafe? Bikes are dangerous." Calvin reasons with a frown.

"Hahaha... Am I hearing Calvin Bryant being afraid of a small bike ride?" Mike teases with a smirk. He sees Calvin stop dead on his track and gives himself an imagery pat on his shoulder. 'Always works.' Mike thinks with a smirk.


"Calm down... It'll be great." Mike reassures with a smile. "It's your first date. Nothing can go wrong." Mike says and Calvin looks at him with a sigh. "It's my first date so it won't go bad? Who the hell set this rule?" Calvin questions and Mike shrugs his shoulder. "Me."

Calvin groans and smacks his face. "Dude... I am so nervous." Calvin says and Mike wraps his arm around his shoulder and whispers something. Calvin's eye widens and he adopts a newfound determination on his face.

Tomorrow's date will go perfectly.

Calvin returns home after a few hours and decides to text Liz.

Calvin: Hey Liz!

Liz was online so she replied in an instant.

Liz: Hey :)

Calvin: Inform Chrisley to dress casually for tomorrow will ya? :)

Liz: Oh sure... Where are you taking her btw?

Calvin: Surprise.:D

Liz: Ohhh~

Calvin: In the meantime, can you please send me her address?

Liz: Oh sure, here, ***********

Calvin: Thanks a lot...

Liz: You're welcome... Anyways, gotta go, bye, enjoy your date. ;)

Calvin: Okay sure... Bye :)

After texting Liz, Calvin decides to prepare dinner for himself. The rest of the day was spent running scenarios in his mind which only helped weaken his confidence and nothing else. 'Calm down Calvin, it'll go smoothly...' Calvin thinks and forces himself to sleep.


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