
Successors of the Gods

I will continue writing the novel on Royal Road: https://www.royalroad.com/profile/495832 I hope you will continue to read it there thank you.

JesstheCook · Aktion
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14 Chs

The Beginning of the End

After they started their adventure together, the first question was where the group was going. Tokyo, Sapporo, Osaka, Hiroshima there are many possibilities for them to go. They discussed among themselves where to go as they made their way to the train station.

"I think we should go Tokyo!" says Shiori and Suzume "There are many shopping districts and else!" added Suzume.

"Okay, thats a reason not to go there" says Kenta.

"Oh, Come on Kenta!" "No! Jin do you have a useful idea?" Kenta asked Jin "Hm, it would probably the best if we are going to Hamamatsu. There are areas to train and if we're lucky we'll find a few teachers who will teach us martial arts and explain the god powers. But before we talk about it any further, who has god powers besides Kenta?"

"Me." Shiori and Suzume answered at the same time.

"I have the god powers of Aphrodite" says Shiori.

"And I have Artemis's" says Suzume with proud.

"So i am the only one who doesnt have any powers?" Jin said with huge disappointment.

"We go to Hamamatsu, it would be the best. No Discuss girls!" Kenta says and the girls now sulk.

"Okay, let's rush to the train station." says Jin to push them.

15 Minutes later they arrive at the train station they look for the train who is going to leave Kyoto to Hamamatsu. They enter the train which leaves finally the train station to Hamamatsu. They sit down at a four-person seat, Kenta sits by the window and Shiori sits next to him. Jin and Suzume sit in front of them. Suzume at the window and Jin next to her.

"So how long do we have to take the train?" asks Shiori.

"About 80 minutes," Kenta replied to Shiori.

"But I'll take a nap in the meantime." Kenta leans back in his seat and closes his eyes while the sunshine from the afternoon glances over his face. Few moments later he is asleep.

"I want to paint something on his face." says Jin.

"If you do it i kick your ass" answers Shiori angry.

"Okay, okay i leave your lover alone" says Jin with a teasing voice "Shut up or i kick your ass anyway!" says Shiori while blushes really lightly meanwhile laughs Suzume about that conversation.

Before the train pulled into the station, the conductor came to give an announcement. He saw Jin and Suzume talking while Kenta and Shiori were sleeping. Shiori rested her head on Kenta's shoulder as she slept. However, they were then woken up by the conductor and asked to leave the train because the train was about to arrive.

They arrived in Hamamatsu and are now staying infront of the train station.

"Okay, I think it would be a good idea to find somewhere to sleep or live" says Jin. "You're right, either a hotel or a facility where we can stay for a week or so." answered Kenta.

The girls are running around enjoying the view of the city.....literally like little kids at a new playground.

"Girls, do you have a idea?" asked Kenta.

"Hmm, I know a cheap hotel nearby but it's a two hotel. So only a maximum of 2 per room." says Suzume.

"okay, thats no problem who wants with me in a room?" asked Jin.

"...." "Really?! No One?"

Shiori and Suzume hides behind Kenta "Who knows what you are going to do with us." says Suzume "Right, who knows."

"Okay, i understand that i will be a single one for life. But you won't let me fall, will you Kenta?" asked Jin.


"Oh Come on!" shouted Jin "Who knows what you are going to do with me." Kenta hides behind a bush.

"Okay so no hotel hm? Then a facality." said Jin. "Yes, and I already know someone who does weekly rentals with groups, perfect for us."

"Great, Lets Go!" Shiori walks ahead.

"Shiori, that way." Kenta points in a different way.

"I know, i just wanted to know if you know the way!" says Shiori embarrassed.

"Of Course." answers Kenta with sarcasm.

They reached the house that a man named Kento wants to rent out. The Man waits infront of it.

"Ah, Nice to Meet you my name is Kento and this is the house you want to rent right?" Kento asking and welcoming.

"Yes, we want to rent it for a week if its possible with the chance to extension" answered Kenta.

"Sure, no problem it would be for the whole week 3.000 Yen for each person." Kento offers Kenta.

"Okay No Problem we pay at the last day." answered Kenta

"Okay, Great here are the keys, See you next week." Kento passes the keys to Kenta and goes away.

"I like him, he seems honest." says Jin. 

They enters the house, and there are rooms for everyone, a kitchen, 2 bathrooms and what a normal house has to have.....okay not every "normal" house has 2 bathrooms and a room for everyone but you know what i mean.

"It's amazing, the house is huge and for 12,000 yen per week the price is already low but whatever, I'll run a bath first." says Shiori.

"But pack your thing into your room first, Shiori!" shouts Kenta after her.

"Yeah, yeah" says Shiori in a teasing voice.

"Yeah, yeah means suck my ass" answers Kenta.

"I know" Shiori grins before closing the door to her room.

"Okay, and you Suzume?" Jin asks.

"I wait for Shiori and i go next in the bathroom" Suzume answers fast. "Okay, and you Kenta?"

"I think i go out and look what the city got" says Kenta with a look outside.

"Okay, but stay away from god power users okay?" says Jin.

"Please, when anyone here has god powers i would immediatly go to them and ask if they could train me!" Kenta annoyed "We see it later when i come back." Kenta says it while sitting down on the couch.

About a hour has passed and its night now, specific 8:24 pm. Shiori was out of the bathroom and is now drying her hair in the living room, Suzume and Jin are now taking a bath. Not in the same bathroom, they got two so they are separated. Kenta is with Shiori in the living room. Kenta decided now to go out.

"Where are you going?" asked Shiori.

"Look what this City got for us." he opens the door and goes through and close it again.

"Should i come with you?" asked Shiori through a open window.

"You don't have to" and Kenta walks down the street. As Kenta walks down the street he reached a bay. What he saw there was unbelievable....a god power user.

He nears the god power user. It was a woman who was wearing a purple Zipperhoodie, a light blue jeans and a dutt. She uses a sword and with every moves from her sword a light came up.

As Kenta finally reaches her "Uhm, Excuse me are you a god power user?" Kenta asks.

"Yes, i am why do you ask?" asks the unknown women confused.

"My Name is Kenta Hakari and i need a teacher, my powers are from Hephaestos and Mordred the god power user from Hades, wants my powers to destroy the world and i dont want to give up without fighting!" Kenta has a stern view in his eyes.

"Okay, i have already a few ideas." says the unknown woman.

In the meantime, with Mordred. "Kenta Hakari...I knew nothing was right with you, my rival. Seda! I want you to put a little bit of trouble in his life, you the god power user from Medusa can make him feel pretty warm" looks at Seda with a pissed look.

"Okay Boss! Can i kill him?" Seda asks.

"No! I need his power. I only want to disturb his training that he can't get stronger and i can kill him to absorb his powers and destroy this world.