
Chapter 1: Who are you?


'Where am I? I just wanted some water.

Since the servents weren't outside the room, I thought I could get some by going to the kitchen, but here I am, lost in this stupid mansion!'

It wasn't a surprise he was lost in the mansion, after all he had been there only for a month and didn't bother exploring it, and of course right now it didn't even matter to him he just needed to get back to his room.

While trying to find his way back, he had found various dead ends, but the one he had found now was somehow different.

He was perplexed by it, it was definitely diffrent from the other doors he had seen.

First it was definitely larger, second it was decorated differently, while the other ones did have decorations they were plain, but this one was decorated with gold, it was decorated with roses, they gave the door quite an elegant feal.

'What is this place a treasure room? Mhh should I go inside...?'

After a while he decided to go in.

The door wasn't hard to open, it was quite easy.

Upon entering the room he didn't find anything special, it was old and it seemed like it wasn't cleaned for years, it was even filled with old objects, furniture, swords, armour, shields, clothes, portraits and stuff he didn't know about.

Since he didn't find anything special he was about to leave when something caught his eye, it wasn't anything special, just a small black ball but for some reason he couldn't take his eyes of it, he was curious about it so he decided to touch it but just when he touched it a bright light started shining, it was so bright that the child couldn't keep composure and ended up hitting his head on the table next to him.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself back in his room.

"How am I back in my room?"

He was confused, he was positive it wasn't a dream.

"I brought you back."

It was an unfamiliar voice, hearing it the child started to panic.

"W-Who's there? Come out right now."

"I'm right above you."

It was a figure covered in black smoke floating above of him.

"W-what are you?"

"Um of course I'm a person."

"What are you saying! Your literally covered in black smoke."

"Ops I didn't notice."

The child was shocked at how oblivious the figure was.

"So what's your name? And where are we?"

The child didn't answer, he was afraid of the figure standing in front of him.

"Oh don't worry, I won't kill you."

After hearing those words the child was more relaxed, but he was quite

id since he was mumbling to himself.

"Nope! Anyway thanks for telling me. My name is... El, yeah you can call me El.

But are you sure your a Vastia? You seem too weak and ot seems you don't have the blessing of God."

"I AM!"

El was quite shocked at hearing him scream, so he had concluded that he had just talked about a sensitive subject.

"Yeah, sorry about that! I think you should get some sleep since it seems like you didn't."


"Young master, it's time to wake up. When your wake go wash your self, I can't help you since i don't have time. Now please excuse me I will go because i have some work to attend."

After the servent left El who was holding back his anger said

"What was that? Why did he leave just like that?"

"That's how it's always, I normally get angry and start screaming but I'm tried right now so I didn't do it."

Well it was a good thing that he didn't do it today since it wasn't going to help his title 'The shame of the Vastia family.'

"Can I ask you something? Am I the only one who can see you?"

"It seems like it... um I know it's rude to ask but are you by any chance a illegitimate child."

Sua didn't say anything, it was true and it was the exact reason why the servants didn't like him.

"I am! So what!"

"Then why would you act like that? You know acting like a brat won't help you!"

"BUT THEN WHAT ELSE CAN I DO! Everyone treated me badly from the first day I came here! I tried to be nice, help them if they were in need! But what did I get in return? Only hate! And when I told my father, guess what he said. I was the one acting like a brat, so it was only natural that everyone hated me. So I decided that if they treat me like this I will do the same!"


Without even knowing Sua's face was filled with tears, that were dripping like rain drops.

He was crying like the child he is.

He was trying to calm down but he couldn't.

After a few minutes when El saw that he wasn't going to calm down he said

"I'm sorry I didn't know it was so hard for you...

listen here kid from now on I will help you! No one will be able to mess with you!"

And hearing those words ha had finally calmed down.