

Walking through the doors Cameron finds a small lobby on the other side. Several chairs and couches sit in front of a fireplace on the right side of the room while on the left side there is a set of stairs leading upstairs.

Down the middle of the room up against a wall is a long counter behind which is sitting the thinnest man Cameron has ever seen. Arms like sticks with a thin caved in face and through his thin shirt ribs can clearly be seen.

Seeing the surprised look on Cameron's face the man chuckles then says "Never seen someone like me have you son. Now stand up straight like a man and tell me what your doing here, registration I assume?"

"Uh yes sir, but before that" reaching into his pack Cameron pulls out a cheese wheel taken from the wagon. Offering it towards the man Cameron asks "Would you like something to eat?"

With a speed to fast Cameron can barely follow the man reaches out and snatches the cheese from him. Ripping of the cloth as if a practiced movement the mans mouth grows to four times the size of a normal mans and stuffs the entire cheese wheel into his mouth. Then with one massive swallow in which is throat enlarged as well the cheese wheel was gone.

Cameron stands for several seconds without moving in total shock staring at the man with large eyes. The man seeing his reacting chuckles heartily before saying "I had the organ of a consumer beast placed into me to make me a stronger knight. It worked giving me the ability to store all of my bodies energy before releasing it at once in combat. Their were side effects of course as my body is constantly being consumed to store more energy. Still side effects not to bad, friend of mine has a much worse one, nearly crippled him."

Confused expression on his face Cameron asks "Why would you do that to yourself? Choosing to live with those awful side effects, can't you remove the beasts organ and just go back to being a normal knight?"

"Asking a lot of questions there, well no harm in answering I suppose. I had reached my limit advancing as a knight focusing on swordplay, it was the only thing that interested me. So once I reached the limit of swordplay my body could handle I knew that to advance further I would need to strengthen my body beyond what training could accomplish. Therefore I decided to take on a magical beasts organ, and after much deliberation chose the consumer beasts as my target. Now that was an interesting hunt, needing to bring down a beasts of that strength without damaging the heart its largest weak point. Anyways focusing back on you, lets get you registered for classes." Reaching underneath the counter he pulls several sheets of paper from under the desk out and places them on the counter.

Pointing to one sheet the man says "This is my class, knights swordsmanship. If you interested in the blade then I'm the best on campus."

Picking up the sheet of paper Cameron reads its contents, aside from meeting time and the teachers name. "To be referred to as Professor Sword?"Cameron asks questioningly.

"Yup I earned that title after dueling all the other sword users I could find, sense no one could beat me when it came purely to swords I took the name." The professor responds with a grin.

"Ok, well I want to take you class, can you recommend a good wind magic class and magical artifact class for me?" Cameron asks.

"Hmm well artifacts not a problem theres old man Henry. He's something of a crazy nut but he's also a leading expert when it comes to magical artifacts, tools, heck he was the one who transferred the consumer organ into me. If it's an item and somehow related to magic he knows about it. Not sure how good he is at teaching though this will be his first time teaching classes here, before he was just acting as an advisor while he did research. Not sure what changed his mind but if I was you I wouldn't miss out on this opportunity." Shuffling some papers around the professor hands Cameron the one with information of Henry's class.

Cameron spends several minutes reading through he page before noticing an odd requirement. "To join the class you need to present a unique magical artifact? What is the point of that when its going to be freshmen in the class, how many freshmen are already trained enough to create unique magical artifacts?"

Shrugging his shoulders the professor responds "He is an expert, maybe the best expert in his field but he's not the best teacher. He assumes that his students already know all the basic knowledge, of course his definition of basic knowledge is quite higher then anyone else's definition. This works as a filter so only people capable enough to actually understand his teachings can enter his classroom."

Rummaging through several stacks of paper for a few minutes the professor eventually pulls out a another sheet handing it to Cameron. "Wind magic being used my most people only as support magic makes it more difficult to find a class specialized in it. So unfortunately your stuck with what we got, magical theories."

"Why whats wrong with magical theories?" Cameron asks.

The professor responds "Its basically the oddball class for the unspecialized, it teaches all types of elemental magic equally. The thing is most people have already been focusing their training on one or two elements before they arrive on campus. Since wind magic is only really used to boost speed and make fire magic larger, both relatively easy things to learn it was decided a few years back that a whole class focused on the element was unneeded. Hence you will have to take magical theory."

Stacking the papers and putting them into his pack Cameron says with a grin "Thanks for the help, i'm looking forward to your class to see the professor sword in action."

"Looking forward to it." The professor responds. "Oh right you'll be needing this" reaching underneath the counter the professor grabs a key which he throw to Cameron. "That will open your dormitory room.

Catching the key Cameron thanks the professor and begins to climb the stairs leading upstairs.

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed!

TylersWritingscreators' thoughts
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