
Strongest Tree

The Goddess Gaia sacrificed herself to activate the Absolute World Protection to protect earth. The most powerful protection barrier that made even powerful Gods helpless! To let the humans thirst for strength the apocalypse started. Powerful Supernaturals was thus born but it cost millions of lives! Kence, a man that was tortured in almost all possible ways vowed that he will become strong enough to take his revenge! Due to some circumstances he turned into a tree but he will make sure that he would become the..... Strongest Tree!

KenceRussel · Fantasie
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93 Chs

Chapter 85

Ten Knight Rank Bats shot a ball of lightning as big as a man's fist. They were packed with destructive power but in front of Kence they crumbled like a paper. Only ten wooden palms were needed to not let those lightning balls harm Kence and Alice

The flying leaves around easily pierced the head of these bats like it was nothing. Just like the other bats their bodies glowed and left an Energy Pearl, except for one. "Is it finally a treasure?" Kence's eyes lit up and he went to check the 'spoils of war'

Kence picked the object and it was a small hour glass only a few inches big. "Is this the hour glass of hope?" Kence asked to himself. According to the information that the Angel transmitted to man kind's mind this hour glass only has one effect

And that is giving hope! A lot of cities around the world were already on the brink of destruction before the tower showed itself to the world. If their city got destroyed, they don't have a chance but to flee for their lives. Well, that is if they managed to flee when the fallens encircled their cities

This hour glass can be used to stop the fallen's invasion for a day and it has an extremely low chance of dropping or encountering it. If you are in luck you can get this hour glass by killing the creatures inside the tower or just simply picking it on the ground if you saw one. If you are unlucky on the other hand even if you kill tens of thousands of Supernaturals you won't even get one

It may only have the effect of stopping fallens for a day but to the cities on the brink of destruction this is an absolute treasure. This one day can help give them a breather. After a week, when the first batch of tower explorers can finally exit, the fallens will attack the cities again. At that time the more hour glass hope you have, the better. In time with this tower mankind will have a chance to strengthen their selves and defeat the fallens!

For the others this is a precious treasure but for Kence it wasn't. There were not that many fallens attacking his forest as it wasn't a city with large human population. Even though he was disappointed he still put it inside his spatial ring. Who knows, there might be a time when a large number of fallens attack his base. This hour glass will come in handy

The exploration continued without much success and Kence was about to decide to head back when something fell from the cave's ceiling. It was only 6 inches long and red in color

The creature opened its mouth and a ball of flame was shot out from its mouth but its attacks were not directed to Kence but to Alice!

"Damn!" Kence cursed and waved his hand. Hundreds of leaves formed an umbrella above the woman to block her from the flames. It wasn't enough though. Leaves are vulnerable to flames after all. In just a second the fire burned all the leaves but it was enough

Kence dragged Alice away and covered her with more leaves. He didn't have time to care for the woman's feelings if he wants her to survive. Kence looked at the creature and it was actually a salamander covered with flames

It can even fly! The salamander once again opened its mouth and a long line of flame flew to Kence's direction. Kence waved his hand and the leaves dragged Alice away while he dodged that pillar of flame. It's hard to block it as the flames were powerful and with him mostly attacking using either wood, root, or leaves he would be in disadvantage

"[Innate Skill: Nature's Battle Armor!]" Kence's speed exploded and he thrust his sword towards the fire salamander. But the salamander dodged by flying higher. However, it's not the only one that can fly!

Kence used his floating ability while a group of leaves also surrounded him and he flew on the salamander's direction. The salamander was actually not that powerful. Only at the early stage of Grand Knight but it was extremely slippery and has a stronger than its cultivation base fire attacks

It's small size and its flying ability was its advantage. Kence can't actually fly and just floated while using his leaves as maneuver so his speed was slower. He chased the salamander around but every time he got close to it the salamander will shoot out flames on his direction causing him to slow down

Plus, he still needs to protect Alice and his awareness was divided. He can't unleash his full power. The salamander waved its small tail and a one-meter long flame was made by that simple motion. Kence moved on the side to dodge but some of the leaves surrounding him was burned by those flames

The salamander took this chance and increase the distance between them. Kence continue chasing it but he suddenly sensed something

"Not good!" His expression darkened as above Alice two yellow stones gathered its energy and two streak of lightning was about to hit the poor woman

Kence gritted his teeth and this may injure Alice again but the speed of that lightning was too fast. The leaves around her violently moved to dodge the lightning and her body flew and was about to smash on the wall's cave. Kence thought that Alice would hit the cave and be injured but something else happened

It was like there wasn't any wall at all and Alice entered the walls. It's like those walls didn't exist at all and one can enter it easily

The salamander seized the chance that Kence was distracted and a ball of flames as big as a basketball was aimed at Kence's direction. "Damn you stupid salamander!"

Due to anger Kence's speed rose again and he ignored the ball of flames. He covered his body with a large amount of his energy and pierced the flame to slashed his sword towards the salamander

Quite a bit of his energy was used to defend himself from the flames but it still made him to finally kill the salamander. Kence didn't even checked the 'monster drop' and went to the wall where Alice vanished

But when he touched it, he felt the cold cave walls. "How can this be?" Kence transformed his hand into a wooden palm and used it to destroy the walls. Every time he used the wooden palm to hit the wall parts of it were destroyed but he just uses more energy to regenerate it and hit the wall again

He dug for a few meters but it was still rocks and rocks. With no sign of Alice or something abnormal. "Fuck that salamander!" Kence cursed and kicked the wall

Since he can't find the woman might as well explore the cave again. Who knows, he might find her in another part of the cave. He went to where he killed the salamander and picked some sort of a gray liquid substance

"System Identify" Kence said in an angry tone. Well, how can he be not angry? He planned to make Alice a powerful underling but he lost her because of a stupid salamander

"Beep. Scanning Item"

"Scan successful"p

"Item: Rank 3 Liquid Armor

A defensive armor that can changed its shape and color according to the user's will. It can absorb 30% of damage against early stage Grand Knight Supernatural"

Kence immediately tried the armor and imagined what clothes he wants to wear. It's just a simple t-shirt and pants. Although he can make it to look like the medieval armor of the past without feeling its weight but he doesn't want to look like an army's general. No matter what it looks like the defensive capabilities of the armor would still be the same


"W-where am I?" Alice's body trembled in fear as she looked at the place around her. Behind her was a solid wall of rocks and in front of her there were only a few meters of ground but beyond that was a deep abyss

Aside from the few meters of ground there was nothing, she slowly walked towards the edge of the ground and saw the endless abyss

Even with a Knight Rank Supernatural's vision that is superior than normal humans she still can't see the end of it. It's like she was in a cliff and below that was pure nothingness

Suddenly, a black mass appeared in front of her. Alice naturally freak out and fell on the ground while she crawled away from the black thingp

That thing's body was only composed of a vertical oblong shape black fog that goes thinner the closer it was to the end. But weird enough it has a face and its eyes were even red in color. It has two black claws that was also made from black fog

"Kekeke Hello Challenger! I am Cairo a dark spirit!" The spirit said while circling around the terrified Alice which made her even more terrified. How can something like that talk? "Hmm looking at you it seems like you went through a lot of abuse! No wonder the cave chose you as a challenger"

"W-what are you?" Alice asked with a shaky voice. The spirit rolled its eyes at the stupid question. "I already said that I am a dark spirit, why do you even ask that. Get up now or die here!" The spirit said in a hurried tone

It seems like the spirit didn't want to harm her and Alice cautiously stand while looking at the spirit. "Now, either you successfully gain the inheritance or you will fail and die here. You don't have a choice okay?"

The spirit was so unreasonable but Alice didn't feel any power from it. However, the more that was the case the more Alice will become cautious. It can mean that her power was far below to it that's why she can't sense anything

The spirit clicked its three-pointed claw and an old wooden and stick broom suddenly appeared hovering in front of Alice shocking the woman. "You need to learn using the broom to fly and leave this cliff in three days if not then sorry, bye bye you will die!" The spirit said with a smile that looks as if it took pleasure on the dangerous situation Alice found herself in

"W-what?" This thing is beyond unreasonable! How can she learn how to fly in a stupid old room in just a day? Even among the Grand Knights not many of them can fly. Those who can fly are either Bloodline Holders with wings or has some special skill. Most can only float in the sky using a Rune Master's Rune

So, how can she a Knight Rank Supernatural learn how to fly in just a single day. "Kekeke I will teach you of course but if you didn't learn then I can only kill you"

The spirit stretches out its claw and made a grabbing motion in the air. Suddenly, Alice felt uncomfortable on her heart like something was holding it and if they put more strength, they will crush her heart

She touched her chest and she started having a difficulty breathing. "I want you to pass but I also want to crush your heart kekeke I'm in such a dilemma!" The spirit put its claw in a normal position and the suffocating feeling that Alice experienced immediately vanished as if everything was just an illusion

"Now, faster if you don't want to die! Ride on that stupid broom!" The spirit shouted and Alice immediately complied in fear that the black spirit would really kill her

Alice put the broom in between her legs. "Fly! Please fly!" She tried putting her energy on it but nothing happened. "Stupid! That's now how you do it!"

The spirit flew closer to Alice and explained to her how she can fly using the broom. "Don't just put your energy on it, make it as an extension of your body! Feel that the broom and you are one entity!"

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