
Strongest Dragon Mage

Rohan felt an acidic sear in his throat as he woke up from his dream—he searched his body immediately for the fatal strike his best friend had dealt upon him. Was everything a dream? No. Everything that happened in his first life was too bitter and cruel to be just a nightmare. Rohan the Last Dragon Mage had travelled back in time, sixteen years before he is slain by the people he trusted. "Forget saving the world," he huffed in cold sweat, "I'm going to ruin you all."

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25 Chs

Chapter 25 Testing Testing

"Go, Rohan, go!" Mira cheered enthusiastically, her fists pumped high in the air. She stood amidst the lively crowd of students that surrounded the edges of the arena, lending her vocal support to Rohan.

The rules were simple: stay within the confines of the circle, avoid passing out or getting severely injured, and the last one standing would emerge victorious. 


Surrounding the dueling circle, tiered stone seating accommodated an assembly of students and spectators who had gathered to witness the duel. They looked down on the action below, their faces a mix of anticipation and excitement. The atmosphere was charged with the energy of competition, and the crowd's murmurings created a hum of anticipation in the air.

Rohan was engaged in a series of stretches and warm-up exercises. He knew he had to be cautious about revealing his true magical prowess. Casting advanced spells could draw unwanted attention and questions from his peers and instructors.

Rohan couldn't be certain if anyone else from his previous life had also been transported back in time like he had, but he couldn't rule out the possibility. Maintaining his cover was crucial, and appearing less experienced than he actually was seemed to be the best strategy for now.

As Rosenia made her way toward the designated dueling circle, a resounding cheer erupted from a group of students clad in deep blue robes. Their collective voices echoed through the area.

Wow, she's got so many fans even though she's kind of snobby.

The referee reiterated the rules and regulations, his voice echoing through the arena. With a deliberate and steady pace, he took his place at the edge of the circle, signaling the commencement of the battle.

A hushed silence fell over the arena.

Rohan and Rosenia moved with careful and measured steps, circling each other as their eyes locked in a fierce, unyielding gaze. Both mages remained vigilant, each waiting for the other to make the first decisive move in this high-stakes duel.

Rosenia came to a sudden pause, her eyes locked onto Rohan's as a calculating expression crossed her face. With a confident but measured step backward, she began to retreat, and Rohan, ever watchful, mirrored her movement.

The tension between them seemed to grow with every step they took, creating an unspoken yet palpable anticipation in the air. Everyone had a collective thought: when will they start attacking?

In a split second, Rosenia, her movements as graceful as snowflakes in winter, cast a spell upon the ground. An icy shimmer rippled through the air, and before Rohan could react, a thick sheet of frost spread beneath their feet, covering the surface in a layer of glistening ice.

With a graceful wave of her hand, a sword materialized, its form ethereal and captivating. It was crafted from pure ice, and as it glimmered under the brilliant sun, its beauty was undeniable.

However, its appearance sent shivers down Rohan's spine, it had an eerie resemblance to the sword that Prince Lionel used. His heart quickened, and an uneasy feeling gnawed at him as he faced this ominous ice blade.

In an instant, Rosenia vanished from Rohan's line of sight and then reappeared right in front of him, her ice blade slashing through the air. Rohan swiftly reacted, casting a clever micromagic spell onto the soles of his shoes, making them unnaturally slippery on the already icy ground. He slid and swerved, his movements unpredictable, which left Rosenia momentarily confounded by his evasion.

He could hear Varian shout "Hah! Micromagics!" within the crowd.

Rosenia vanished once more, her figure becoming a blur as she moved swiftly, and in the next moment, Rohan felt the sudden breeze and heard the sharp hiss of her blade as it sliced through the air just behind him, narrowly missing its mark.

Shit! That was actually close!

In that tense moment, Rohan had a realization. It became clear to him that Rosenia was not only responsible for maintaining the enchanted field but also possessed a unique talent that allowed her to seemingly blink from one place to another in rapid succession.

Unlike Rosenia and Mira, Rohan did not have a talent. Even when he could summon a dragon, he never awakened such a thing within him.

Rohan's keen eyes scanned his surroundings. Then, he looked at the ground below her with his mana-attuned gaze. It appeared that the field wasn't cast to affect his mobility.

He could sense his mana being gradually drained by the icy ground below him. Rosenia's power was evident; she was a formidable opponent.