
Strike Back

15 year old Andrei Mendoza was a boy who was bullied due to circumstances forcing him to get involved. One day after he had enough and started to fight back against the bullies, he gets knocked out and has an encounter with an entity that gives him the power to learn the moves that have been used on him.

AlexE204 · Aktion
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: Let's go for a round two!

It took me about 2 hours to get back home, and when I did get back, my grandpa looked angry. That was until he looked at my bruised face and just sighed and told me to eat my dinner. We ate together silently until my grandpa finally spoke.

"Andrei, I don't know what happened, but please don't get into any more fights... I'm scared at what might happen to us, especially you..."

I looked at my grandpa's tired face. The face of a man who's tired, but still works to help his only family left... Me...

"Yeah, I understand."

After I finished eating and brushed my teeth, I went to my room and looked at the quest menu again. 

(Grandpa said not to get into anymore fights, but this quest doesn't really mention anything about having to fight someone...)

After thinking for a moment, I started to do jabs.

At 9pm, I reached 10,000 punches.

At 11pm, I reached 20,000.

[Quest: Learn how to do a perfect Jab by 12PM tomorrow.]

Remaining time: 13hr:59m:40s


20,000/20,000 jabs - Completed

0/10,000 jabs on a target

0/5000 successful jabs on a moving target

Rewards: Unlock attack skill "Perfect Jab"]

"Okay, two more requirements to go... Huh? On a target?"

I didn't exactly understand what a "Target" is supposed to be. I had an idea and looked at the pillow on my bed and taped it to the wall.

(Hopefully grandpa won't hear this.)

I punched my pillow with a jab.

[Quest: Learn how to do a perfect Jab by 12PM tomorrow.]

Remaining time: 13hr:52m:30s


20,000/20,000 jabs - Completed

1/10,000 jabs on a target

0/5000 successful jabs on a moving target

Rewards: Unlock attack skill "Perfect Jab"

"So as long as I'm punching something, it counts as a "target" huh?"

Somewhere around midnight, I reached 10 thousand punches. My arm feels like it's about to tear off, but I need to keep pushing through.

[Quest: Learn how to do a perfect Jab by 12PM tomorrow.]

Remaining time: 11hr:28m:32s


20,000/20,000 jabs - Completed

10,000/10,000 jabs on a target -Completed

0/5000 successful jabs on a moving target

Rewards: Unlock attack skill "Perfect Jab"

Now the big question is how do I make a moving target? I can't just go outside, pick a random person or animal to beat up... Looking around the room, I noticed an extension cord hidden behind the corner. I had an idea.

I took the pillow from the wall and tied the extension cord around it. I then tied the extension cord around the ceiling fan in my room.

"Hope it doesn't break and fall on top of me..."

I pushed the hanging pillow away and punched it when it came back to me.

[Quest: Learn how to do a perfect Jab by 12PM tomorrow.]

Remaining time: 11hr:17m:42s


20,000/20,000 jabs - Completed

10,000/10,000 jabs on a target -Completed

1/5000 successful jabs on a moving target

Rewards: Unlock attack skill "Perfect Jab"

It worked! I punched it again and again. Then pushing it again when it stopped moving. Then 3 hours later, I completed the quest.

[Quest: Learn how to do a perfect Jab by 12PM tomorrow.]

Remaining time: 8hr:14m:19s


20,000/20,000 jabs - Completed

10,000/10,000 jabs on a target -Completed

5000/5000 successful jabs on a moving target -Completed 

Rewards: Unlock attack skill "Perfect Jab"

[Player Andrei Medoza has completed all quest requirements.]

[Player Andrei Medoza will be provided with the following reward:

 Attack skill: "Perfect Jab"]

"Nice! Finally done! Ugh! My arm hurts so bad... hmm... Now, I wonder how this skill works..."

I swipe through the hologram to see the skill.

[Attack Skill: Perfect Jab]

[Will automatically give the player the muscle memory to do a jab with perfect execution.]

[The skill's speed and power will be directly proportional to the player's Speed and Strength stats]

"Wait, this system has stats too? I wonder what my stats are..."

[Health: 60%

Strength: 31

Speed: 40

Endurance: 24


I don't know what I can compare my stats to, but I guess these are the stats of an average joe. And 60% health? Ah, that was probably because I got beat up earlier and been training so hard my arm started hurting.

Okay, I'm guessing this "Perfect Jab" is automatically activated when I do a jab right?

"Okay, let's see"

I get into position, stepped my lead foot forward and threw my punch. 

As the name says, the jab was perfect. It felt smooth as if my fist was gliding through the air. The feeling of pulling it back was smooth and fast too. I doubt that a normal person would be able to dodge it.

"Whoa... That felt awesome!!"

As I celebrated, I suddenly remembered somerhing. Oh, I almost forgot. I can see the next quest now. I opened it and what I saw was another quest.

Wait... Seriously?!? This sounds sweet! Okay might as well keep going for little while more!! 

I spent 30 more minutes training before going to bed. I only had 2 hours of sleep that time.

I basically did the same morning routine. Wake up, eat, brush my teeth, take a shower, and go to the Light Rail. 


"Grandpa, I'm off to school!"

There was no response.

"I guess he's still sleeping."

I step outside and start walking to the Light Rail Station. As I was sitting in the light rail, I felt sleepy and dozed off. 

I almost missed my stop but was woken up by someone last second. It was a girl. She had brown hair tied up as a ponytail, slightly thick eyebrows and piercing eyes. She's undoubtedly cute, but I couldn't really notice at the time due to me just waking up.

"Hey, hey! Wake up, you're gonna miss your stop!"


I was still half asleep, and so I ignored her and walked off the train.

"Huh?! Wait, you're not even gonna say thanks?!"

Her yell snapped me back to reality and turned around as fast as I can to apologize. And there I saw her pouting looking at me, clearly upset. Her cheeks were as red as a tomato....

She doesn't look happy. She looked scary and kinda cute at the same time. I stared at her features for a short while until finally uttering a few words.

"Oh! I-I... Uh... Sorry, I wasn't trying to ignore you!"


She squinted her eyes at me then looked away and walked passed me.

(Ouch. Talk about first impressions... Wait, that uniform... That's the same as my school! Oh no... This is gonna be an awkward walk...)

As we walked together silently, I took it upon myself to start up a conversation. 

"So uh... Nice weather!"

She replied with a grumpy sounding "Mhm..."

(UUUUGH THAT HURT! I should've never trusted myself to talk. I don't even have a single friend!!! )

The walk continued on silently until we reach the school.

(Wait... Why is she still walking with me?!? Huh? Is she following me?! Huh?!) 

In that moment, I read what's written on the door to confirm that it is indeed my class... and that also means... Is that me and the girl were actually classmates... 

(Dammit, now it's even more awkward! I looked to the side and noticed someone glaring at me. It was the one who beat me up yesterday, Markus Lee.)

(AAAAHHHHH... Don't make this situation even worse for me!)

I walked to my desk, trying to avoid his gaze and sat down. Once the teacher arrived and class has finally started, I looked towards Markus' direction...


Believe it or not, him and I used to be friends in middle school. We used to trade Pokeman cards with each other, and we both liked the same series and games...

Well, that was until last year where he got along with the wrong crowd. 

One afternoon when I went to see him, I saw him smoking with a guy named Adam Santos, a gang leader.

It's only rumors, but I heard his gang sells drugs and weapons. He's a scary guy. But, I knew him.

Adam was my brother's good friend. They used to play and roughhouse all day. But one day, for some unknown reason, they started to fight.

And they weren't just roughhousing at that point... It actually felt as if they were trying to kill each other... My brother beat him and left a permanent scar on Adam's left cheek.

After that, Adam's attitude towards my family changed. And his gang started getting more violent in our neighborhood...

A few days later, my brother disappeared but not before telling me to take care of grandpa. It wasn't until two months later that we received word of his death... But for some reason, everything got more peaceful after that...

I tried to tell Markus that Adam was a bad person, but he pushed me away and told me to either stop being a loser or I should just piss off. For the past 2 years, I tried to stop him from becoming a terrible person, but it seems I've failed. 

(Anyways, I'll just try to avoid him as best as I can...)

After morning classes were over, I went to get some lunch from the cafeteria. Now that I think about it, Markus didn't call me over today... I guess he found another victim to play with. Good for me I guess.... I'll pray for you, new bully victim...

As I was walking back to eat inside the classroom, I passed through the nurse's office and heard two voices that sounded familiar. It was Markus, and the girl I met earlier.

"Hey, so you dating that Andrei guy now?"

"W-what? No! It's nothing like that! We just walked into class at the same time!"

"I see, well that's good to hear."

"Huh? And why is that?"

"It's because I like you."


The girl looked at Markus with a red blushing face. I stopped behind the door to eavesdrop. Though I'm well aware it's a rude thing to do, I just can't control my curiosity.

(Whoa! Even if you're a terrible person, I've gotta admit that confession was smooth as hell!)

Markus continued from behind the door.

"So, go out me."

"U-umm... I'm happy to hear that, but sorry. I still need to get to know you better. Let's be friends for now."

He got rejected. 

(Well, better luck next time Markus, there's plenty more fish in the sea...)

After Markus heard those words leave the girl's mouth, he gave her a cold stare, and his voice got deeper as if to intimidate the girl.

"Hey, you don't get a choice here you b****."

After hearing that last word, I knew he was extremely pissed now. A cold shiver ran through my spine as I guess what's about to happen.

(No kind of logic will get through to him when he gets mad! I need to call someone! Huh?!?-)

As I turned to look for help, a quest screen suddenly appeared in front of me

[Sudden quest: Defeat Markus Lee]


-Markus lee must be knocked out 0/1


-Random Skill Card x1

Extra rewards:

-[Player: Andrei Mendoza] will receive quests to learn any move inflicted on the player

-[Player: Andrei Mendoza] will receive potential ally.

(A sudden quest?! Now you're just making stuff up!! But I promised grandpa not to cause any trouble!! Shoot, this is bad! Think! Think! Huh?) 

As I look at my hands, I see the paper bag I'm holding. 

(That's it!)


Meanwhile in the Nurse's office...

"What are you talking about? Of course I have a choice! I'm not obligated to date you!"

"And you think that I care?! What I want, Is what I'll get!"

Markus walked up to the girl menacingly. Each footstep getting louder even as the girl tries to step back.

"Hey what are you doing? Y-you're scaring me.."

"No b**** in this school gets to reject me, you f***ing s***k!!"

"H-hey! Get away from me! Step back!"

Markus charged at her. he grabbed her wrists and pinned her down to the ground. His eyes, slightly red, his mouth drooling and his breathing heavy. He looked an animal in heat. With tears in her eyes, she pleaded for Markus to stop. 

"Let go! Please stop it!! Please someone help!..."

"Noone's gonna help you here dumba-!!"


Markus gets covered in a strange liquid. It was a stew with the contents of beef, potatoes and carrots with a sauce made from liver paste, tomato paste, and beef stock.

Him and the girl look at the door to see a dude who has his face covered by a paper bag. It was Andrei! He yelled out towards Markus.

"The hell do you think you're doing?!"

Markus stared at the boy dressed up in a paper bag mask and started to slowly laugh maniacally until finally stopping. Sounding very pissed off.

"Damn, seems like I got caught.... And to make it worse, you stained my clothes. I'm gonna kill you, you sunnuva..."

Markus took off his uniform and wiped his face with it. He looked intimidating.... He had an above average build, and I can see his arm muscles clearly due to his shirt having short sleeves. But I didn't let that stop me from calling out to him again.

"Hey, you damn jerk!"

"Huh?! The f*** you say to me?!"

"I lost my lunch because of you! Get ready to pay the price A**hole!!!"

I got into an orthodox boxing stance and tried to look as intimidating as possible. It was ineffective....

"Haah... This d***head..."

Markus did the same....

This is it, it's time to give him a taste of his own medicine! This is my revenge match!

"Let's go for round two a**hole!"

"The heck you talking bout? I don't even know you!"

Chapter 2 end