
Chapter 5: 7 years old

It was days like always, that stupid son of mine just got home. But, he brought back an intruder there with him...

I come out and preach to my son, but that Intruder angering me.

In a minute after I used all my power and Charge at him, I am speechless...

A human kid, that's able to create an earth wall so strong that my body's power couldn't penetrate... and a wall of earth that could throw me so high like I am a feather...

'ah... so it is the end of my Ushi of the meadow Clan huh...'

Is what I thought, but then... he demands me to be his underling... not just me, he even bet in a vow of nature, if he loses he'll do anything... that is the same as accepting to become our slave... what's more, the battle he wants is a battle in physical power...

Unlike a human, and any other creature that uses nature power in an external way... We Ushi Nature animal used nature power to increase our physical body, and... Even outside of this lake meadow... no one could defeat our Ushi clan... but... This kid wants to battle me with a Physical body... He even gives me enough time to recuperate against the injury he inflicts... that should be healed in 2 days...

At the battle time, I understood from where his confidence and arrogance come from. It is a strong body, a level that only approachable unless he's in adulthood... but still, it's weaker than mine...


He even created an Arena? that could let us battle against each other, the spectating seat that gets higher the further the seat goes... and a barrier, to protect the spectator from getting hurt... in just 3 days... He accomplishes that with his external power...

The battle goes fun very fun!

Every Ushi clan likes to fight! even more than any other nature animal! and this kind of fight that makes the adult's blood boil and the newborn heart shiver is good!

Even though this kid could exterminate me with just his external power, he used his Physical body to compete with me in order to receive respect from the Clansmen... Ushi nature animal was not an idiot, they who hold the same standing as I know, that this kid... Even if I don't accept the fight... the Ushi clan will be under his... so... there's no one who opposes my decision to do battle...

By the time the fight end, I drop... my stamina empty, my body aching and my spirit soar!


For the first time in the whole history, loyalty that shouldn't ever be there in Ushi nature animal's fierce indomitable will shook. As it is our first time, to respect, fear and admire the look of the person in front of our eyes.


Thus, Izana-sama becomes our first and last king...


A series of hand seal being practiced, and it is succeeding... for the first time, Indra able to use chakra's power to control the element using hand seal.

"fufufu, so you're able to do that now..."

whisper some entity in darkness to Indra.

"Who are you?..."

"Whom am I doesn't really important, but you the one who has the power so strong and so smart shouldn't be here... you should be able to dominate the Ninshuu's people, and be their leader..."

"Who's the leader isn't something I should care... it is my father who will choose them..."

"But, Unlike your little brother, you should be more than enough to lead them, into a stronger being... that could change the world..."

"What I seek isn't the power to control the others but to protect..."

"How naive... oh, looks like there's a disturbance... when we meet next time, I'm looking forward to your change boy..."

not long after that, the entity's presence fade... and Asura come to call Indra...

They come back from the forest, and at that time Indra and Asura are 6 years old...

Training for another 1 year, Indra has increased the power and variety of the hand seal. Thus, he informs Hagoromo about his invention.

*hand seal performance* *shup* *whoosh* *crackle crackle*

after the hand seal done performed, he heard applause and cry of joy in the surrounding of him.

"Amazing! Indra-sama is a genius, With this, the usage of chakra will increase!"


Within the joy of the new knowledge, everything how smart Indra is, and accept that he is a genius... However, no one brands him as a monster... It is because, in their heart someone who's more amazing than Indra already there... but, they don't remember who it is... They just vaguely know it... of course, that is only for the old villagers, while the new villagers that come not feel anything... because they already deem this Ninshuu village is a den of monster...

Even with his existence being sealed in their memory... Izana's existence already changes the course of history...

But, Indra has a little-distressed face on the side while watching the disciples performing the hand seal.

"Is there anything wrong Indra?"

Hagoromo that see Indra's face ask him about it...

"Ah... Father, I still feel that... The thing I created can be the source of war..."

"It may be, but... the thing you created will be created by another sooner or later. And whatever happens, will happen because it is already the course of fate..."

"Yes, father..."

Even after that, he still feels a little distressed. and continue to think, and make himself more powerful...

'Even if that is possible, It's alright if I can control it!'

and by that thinking... the way he thinks start to change...

another day, another week, another month...

1 month passed since then, and when Indra training in the forest. The mysterious entity shows itself again.

"I know what you stressed of... and I will let you see, that only with tragedy will your power increase... at the same time... when you lose something, you will receive the power that hidden within you..."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Once you lose something, you will see what hidden inside you..."


the mysterious entity vanished, and within a second Indra ran to the village.


Meanwhile, Asura that doesn't like to study, play with his friend in the forest.

"Hey, Asura! with you ninshuu it definitely is okay! let's exterminate that pest!"

"A... um... "

"Okay let's go!"

"Wa.. wait for m guys! I don't really fluent with my ninshuu!"

"It's alright! right guys?"

""Yeah, that's right!""

Then, they play to the forest and search for the pest. and they found, in a bush... there's something hiding there...

Asura and Indra's Dog Shiro bark at the bush, then jump there... within a minute a large 2-meter tall boar jump off from the bush. and angrily charge to them, while the kids already sat atop the tree, Asura run away from the boar.

"Asura your ninshuu!" "fast!" "use it"

nonchalantly saying that Asura then remembers and Try the hand seal but, he is not fast enough...

the boar already in front of him, and when he almost get charged. Shiro pushes him aside, and get himself knocked.


Not care about the dog, the boar looks at Asura again and Charge at him again...

at that time...

*Crackle* *crackle*

Indra's fury targeted at the boar, and his eyes unleashing Sharingan with two magatamas in the pupil. and, use the lightning ball in his hand to strike the Charging boar.


"Niichan! Shiro is.. Shiro is..."

The boar drops dead, *boom* and release a slight tremor with its heavy body... while Shiro dead body gets colder and colder...

after that, Asura and Indra bury Shiro in some place.

And at that time...

'If I could get stronger, I could get faster and save Shiro... and protect Asura from this sadness... what I need is more power, power...'


"KING! we heed for your order!"

a 2 meter and half men kneeling in front a 180 cm youngster...

"Hmm... it's been 2 years huh... okay then! I'm done with training my body and soul! in half a year..."

Yes, it was Izana. As the king of the Ushi Clan, he took control of everything, and create a tattoo that created from a mass quantity of Nature power infused with some of his chakras when he is 6 years old.

the tattoo purpose is to control the power nature for it wearer, it isn't something necessary for Izana, but it is something really important for the Ushi-clan...

One needs to know that controlling the Nature power isn't an easy thing to do, and it is something that really hard to do even for Hagoromo... to completely control the Nature power isn't possible... the Sennin only able to borrow the power of nature, while the Nature animal could only take a little and can't fully control even a little bit of its power...

Only Izana, the monstrous being that able to Control and use it fully could take the advantage of it...

and by the tattoo, not only would the training needed for the Ushi clan to reduce... it's even could make them enter the Advance state without much effort by the time they reach adulthood, and take the half-human form like Taurus...

And just by 1 year of the tattoo usage, most of the newborn of the clan is at the Intermediate level, while the adult reaches the peak of advanced level...

So, most of the adult already at the level of Taurus by the time he battling against Izana... no, even more, stronger by that... and the number of that is 140 out of 140 adults... including Tenderloin steak, who right now... being beaten by his wives...

and for Taurus... yes, he is the more than 2 and a half meter men, that kneel in front of Izana...

He might be getting smaller but he is in an Extreme stage physique, and his power... even stronger that he could crush that 140 peak advance level by himself...

and of course, the Izana has more knowledge about his realm... that is, even more, stronger than Extreme...

the hypothesis is true, and it is being courses like this;

Normal > Beginner > Intermediate > Advance > Peak > Extreme > Saint > King > Overlord > Divine

"Let's conquer the Nature World!"

"As you wish my King!"


by that line, the Ushi clan start their target of the world domination... and by that time...

Izana 7 y/o ;

180 cm

65 kg

Soul : Overlord

Physique : Saint


Once one walking through the path of a king, one will tread it until one reaches the most supreme one. That is something that he knew, and he ought to do. Izana has chosen the path he will take, and that path, how troublesome it is and how perilous the path is…

Perhaps only the future he knows about it…

It's sad but the thing he did to the Ushi-clan is the path that makes him a benevolent king. Give them something that known as a tattoo that could help them the Ushi-clan, better in the path of cultivation, treading a safe road in order to reach the higher location. And safely, give them a place for them to take shelter in a safe location.

In the past 3 years, Izana has tread his life even longer… all along, he already spent more than 20 years in his own world, that full of solitude and loneliness. Never did he though a life as a NEET was as lonely as that… However, the thing that he chooses is not a thing like that.

In the nature world, a human-like Izana has a different time and space differently because of their constitution. Although Izana himself didn't look older, it's simply because he receives a level up from his cultivation, and at the same time, he already trod the path of grown up, he already an adult himself even before he comes to this place.

Then, why were his still count as a 7 years old child? The answer was simple…

Because he is, a 7 years old brat… By the time in another world's earth, let's just called Nearth. There still live his brothers, by the time he took the path of a cultivator. He already forsakes the path to live as a normal human, and at the same time. He has trodden the path of loneliness…

Never once did he took the clues he received from his contemplation that serious, even though he is an avid reader of Chinese novel in the earth, he never once think that, this world is not a world of the cultivator.

A normal human, no matter how powerful they're will die in a century or so. And once won't live too long in order to have a good life, a satisfied life…

What is there on his future path? Only the 'him' from the future will now that. And his will to have a peaceful life with his brothers and father? Will that be achieved? Only the time will know about that.

The time he spent on the meadow, not only were him increasing his cultivation of soul and physique. He achieved many things by his inventions, and before he and the others realize it. Izana already became their pillar, the pillar of their life. The Ushi-clan, a clan of Spirit animal was always full of spirit and unyielding. However, that is because they all feel insecure, if they're not strong enough, there'll be a time when they have a rough life. A life that better to be dead than alive, however, Izana, their pillar of support change that. With him, we all could live safely… under his shelter, there won't be any of us that will suffer… and with him… we will be stronger…

Dependence is indeed a scary thing, and followers that will follow you even if you're wrong too are a scary thing. Although at the same time those two are a blessing only those who are a loyal person could have, that too is a shackle a person could have.

A heavy, heavy shackle, which one could own…

The time has ripe, the already developed and smart Ushi-clan. They're all so smart they could have their own humanoid body by the time they reach the Extreme stage physique without much to think. Thus, their domains were too small. They seek more land occupies more civilization and race to converse to.

And Izana, need to conquer this world, as his aim to become a Divine power holder in this world, and go back to the place his family was… and repair the broken family he has… living a life along with his grandmother, uncle, father, and brothers. Then, living a life full of cheerfulness, together with his nephews and nieces even his cousins. A life he never once feels, in the earth…