666 Maternity Leave (2) – Part 1

Going home after work was a happy moment to Gun-Ho these days because Young-Eun was at home all the time ever since she took her maternity leave from work. He had breakfast with her every day before going to work, and came home knowing that his wife was waiting for him. The home was giving him a warm feeling recently. When he lived separately from Young-Eun even if it was only for weekdays, he usually hadn't had his breakfast at all before going to work. Now, Young-Eun always prepared breakfast for him with a stew or a soup every morning. Gun-Ho liked it a lot.

"I will see you later."

"Enjoy your day."

Gun-Ho liked this greeting that he exchanged with Young-Eun before he left for work. It made him feel warm and realized that he had a family.

That day, Gun-Ho started his morning with Young-Eun as usual and left home for work after having breakfast, leaving Young-Eun home alone. He got in his Bentley and headed to GH Building in Sinsa Town.


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