413 First Meeting between the Families of the Bride and Groom (2) – Part 2

Gun-Ho's Bentley arrived at the entrance of Seoul National University Hospital. Usually, a security guard would come to ask to drive off from the entrance if they saw a car parked there, but since it was a Bentley, no one said anything.

Young-Eun showed up at the entrance. She was wearing a heavy scarf because it was a cold day.

"Here! Over here!"

Gun-Ho got off the car and opened the door for Young-Eun. Young-Eun seemed to be surprised when she saw Gun-Ho's Bentley.

Chan-Ho was curious when he realized that the person who Gun-Ho wanted to pick up was a young lady. Chan-Ho glanced at Young-Eun through the rearview mirror. Young-Eun asked Gun-Ho, "Is this your company car?"

"Yes, it is."

"It looks so expensive."

Young-Eun didn't ask how much it would cost to buy a car like that, and Gun-Ho didn't say anything about the price either.

"Chan-Ho, say hello to her. She is a doctor at Seoul National University Hospital."



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