
Storm chaser

Autor: Grid7
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What is Storm chaser

Lesen Sie den Roman Storm chaser des Autors Grid7, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Hello, I am not expecting anything much with this novel because this is my first time writing and I am a 15 year old student but believe me this story is not going to be disappointing or boring in the...


Hello, I am not expecting anything much with this novel because this is my first time writing and I am a 15 year old student but believe me this story is not going to be disappointing or boring in the least. I feel as an author it is my duty to provide a satisfactory story so rest assured I will definitely see this work to the end. Now let’s move on with our story. The world building is gonna be huge but not to another dimension or planet. I plan to encompass vastly different areas and terrains into my story as to fit several themes I have in my mind. The story is not gonna be super fast like moving from continent to continent in a week but i would like to move on from a place after completing the mcs purpose there. The mcs name is Rin. There isn’t a big reason as to why I choose this name it’s pretty simple and I like it there’s no more to it. The mc is not gonna be some cold hearted killing machine or a naive kid. I plan to make the mc as human as possible but not to the point where he’s sitting on his bed like me every morning and thinking about the meaning of life. kindness is a virtue I greatly admire. As much as I like fang yuan I can’t have a mc like him in my first story. You can expect different characters and mixed themes here and there. now let’s move on to romance, I haven’t given much thought to the topic and tbh I have zero experience in it (15 year old remember) but as much as I understand about it I will try to write it. Now enough yapping. Overall you readers are going to accompany Rin as he goes from a powerless orphan to an individual respected and feared by nations. A mage shielding her comrades against certain death, An archer stopping the advance of an entire army on her own, A lance standing at the very forefront leading countless warriors, A single sword against the world, a necromancer against kingdoms. You readers are gonna see all it. Let’s look forward to my book. Thank you for giving it a try. The name of the book is storm chaser because the mc is always gonna be chasing chaos. seemingly in the centre of every brewing conflict and the he will always find himself in the most interesting situations

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秦家被灭门的那天,大雨,秦照照十分狼狈地趴在门口地上喘息,发髻散乱满脸血污。 身后灰砖被染红,血水混着雨水顺着砖缝流啊流,秦府内是撕心裂肺的喊叫声。 秦照照恍惚间看见了姒郁,她同床共枕两年之久却陌生的枕边人。他仍旧一身金纹白衣,身姿清俊脚不沾尘,手里举着一把殷红纸折伞。 细密的雨幕隔绝了秦照照看他的视线,滴答滴的雨声将秦照照的恐惧放大了无数倍。 昔日秦家欺他辱他,害他挚爱,他便屠尽秦府满门。 京城四公子之首,温文尔雅的年轻商人,是个森然诡谲的魔鬼。 秦照照亲眼看见他云淡风轻抬手拧断了他人的脖子,从头到尾神色没有任何变化,甚至没有一滴血溅到身上。 然后对方抬高伞沿,露出温柔如春风吹来十五城的精致眉目,柔声:“阿照,到我这儿来。” …… 他长着最是温柔无害的一张脸,做得尽是天怒人怨之事。 重来一次,秦照照再不想嫁他。 * 姒郁花了那么大代价最终还是用普通商贩的身份迎娶秦照照,大婚当日洞房花烛夜,他的小夫人金钗花钿红唇,妩媚动人,开口的话却毫不客气。 她向他要一纸和离书。 姒郁有些生气,觉得一开始就应该替他的阿照建一座黄金宫殿,用最坚固的金属和最精致的锁链。 一开始他就是这么想的。

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