
Steins;Gate— The Singularity

Ruka Urushibara, that's my name. Today is New Years Eve but I never expected this day to be more extraordinary than usual. I remembered the memories of my past life and how this world is from an anime. "Why do I have to be a trap though?"

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15 Chs

C4 The Day

Future Gadget Lab || July 28, 2010 || 9:21 AM

"Hello! Anybody here?" Ruka said as he entered the lab, where he saw Mayuri sitting in the sofa and Daru on his computer.

Mayuri smiled when she saw him and she stood up to greet him, "Ruka-kun! Wanna try some clothes, Ruka-kun?"

"A- Ahaha... Sorry, I'm not here to try clothes Mayuri. Maybe next time?" He said while scratching the back of his head apologetically.

"Is that so? I'll prepare you some coffee then!" Mayuri said as she went to prepare a cup of coffee for Ruka.

"Thank you, Mayuri." Ruka said as he looked around the lab again.

"Daru-san, where's Okabe-san?" He didn't see Okabe anywhere here. He's also the purpose of his visit as he had something to say to him.

"Okabe? He went out to buy grocery. He'll be back soon, I think." Daru said absent mindedly as he continued tapping away on the keyboard.

"Oh? Is that so? I guess I'll just come back later." Saying so, Ruka turned and prepared to leave but Mayuri immediately intervened.

"Ruka-kun! Your coffee!" Mayuri said as she handed a cup of coffee to Ruka.

"Oh, right! Haha, I almost forgot about your coffee. Gomen, gomen, Mayuri. I guess I'll just wait for him then." Ruka said as he took his coffee and sat down beside Mayuri in the sofa.

Taking a sip of his coffee, he thought about what would change if he do what he's about to do. Would his actions be treated as an abnormality and then change the world line? Or would it be taken as a natural thing as if I am always a part of this world and not an abnormality?

Just as he was going off the deep end of his mind as he thought deeply, Mayuri's voice dragged him back.

"Hey, Ruka-kun. Why were you looking for Okarin?" She said with a look of curiosity.

Ruka placed his coffee down and thought about what he would say to her. He can't say his true reason of coming here anyway. After thinking about it, he decided to just make an alibi that is believable.

"Ahh, you see I am looking to discuss about my swordsmanship with Okabe-san. Also about my skills on... you know... that." Ruka said, a bit embarrassed due to the last part of his sentence. But this is only the best alibi he can think of now.

"Is that so?" Mayuri then smiled and said, "Then, while waiting for Okarin, we can try some clothes!"

"H-Ha?! What are you saying, Mayuri?!" Ruka's face immediately flushed red as he thought about what happened last week.

Last week, she made him dress up as the famous Origin-chan, which is my Vtuber Avatar. I still hear Daru-san's heavy breath and panting near my ears now that she reminded me of it. That was the black history of my life and I swore from then on that I won't wear my own avatar's clothes or dress up as her ever again.

"You don't want to?" Mayuri looked down, a bit disappointed when she thought that Ruka don't want to try clothes with her anymore.

"A-Ah Mayuri... it's not like that. I would still try some, but wait next time okay?" His soft spot for Mayuri really is something. He just can't endure it when she shows that face anytime.

"Really?" Mayuri looked at him with a relieved smile and asked.

"O-Of course! I would accompany you shopping and try clothes with you next time." Ruka said while looking up to hide his embarrassment.

It was at this very moment that sounds of footsteps were heard.

"Tadaima~" Okabe said as he entered the lab but he was then surprised to see Ruka at the lab. "Rukako! Why are you here? Is there anything? Don't tell me! I have been found?!"

Ruka immediately spoke up before he could say anything else and said, "No, Okabe-san. The organization didn't find you. I'm just here to talk to you about something."

"Oh, is that so." Okabe then returned the phone he was pulling out of his pockets. "Also! I am not Okabe Rintarou! My name is—!"

"Hou! Ouin! Kyouma desu!" He said grandly as he did his cool (according to Okabe) pose.

"O-Ok, Oka— Kyouma-san. Can we go outside for a bit? What we're talking about is somewhat private." With that said, Ruka left and went to the strairs leaving Okabe slightly confused about what he's talking about.

"Now, what is it that you want to talk about?" Okabe asked him seriously (not) as soon as they were in the staircase.

Ruka looked at Okabe and sighed. He thought about this deeply and seeing him not take him seriously and act like the usual relieved him. This made the possibility of him ignoring his words high, which is what he wants as it would make the possibility of any butterfly effect bullshit minimal.

"About that Kyouma-san... you maybe won't understand it now but you will in the future. I just want to say that you can go to me if all other world lines are seemingly dead ends. I would be there to help you go back here."

"What do you mean?" Okabe looked at me with raised eyebrows as he asked me curiously.

"Like I said Okabe-san. You wouldn't understand. Also, I just want to advice you to never give up even if all things are inevitable." I said to him as I slowly walked down.

"Wha—? Oi! Rukako! How dare you be cool while leaving in front of me! You're my disciple, I can do it better! Oi!" I ignored his yells as I continued to leave.

"Sigh... I need to go back now." I sighed as I looked at the sky, thinking about what would change and happen.


{ A/N: First, I wanna know your thoughts on this chapter so I can improve. —>

Second... I WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE POSTED THIS CHAPTER YESTERDAY! I just have to royally fuck up and delete 10 chapters that I stacked the past week T — T. Now I learned my lesson and would not write half asleep. After this I would not post for a while and stack up again. It would be just for a little while. }