

  "I'll get dressed first, mom," I said this before entering my room.

  I quickly got dressed because I was hungry from the smell of the dish my mother cooked that reached inside my room. I immediately left the room and went to the kitchen.

  "What dish, mom? I can smell it in my room." I asked my mother.

  My mother laughed and said,

  "Marinated chicken, that's why your clothes are upside down."

  Melissa, on the other hand, didn't care while biting into the dish.

  "I'm hungry, mom. So ask for a plate," I said.

  "You're hungry. Why don't you come home early?" she asked me.

  "We ate outside with Duke; it's just that your cooking is even tastier," I said, as I began to eat.

  My mother said, "I'm good at cooking, so your girlfriend has to be good in the kitchen, so you don't lose weight."

  I laughed.

  "Even though she's not good in the kitchen, mom, I know how to cook, so I don't have a problem. We can hire a maid just in case." I said.