
Start with Lord of the Rings

-With Gandalf in Middle Earth; -Walk with the mother dragon in the world of Game of Thrones; -Dancing with liya in the dragon nest world... This is a story about walking in an infinitely magnificent fantasy world. It all started with The Hobbit...

Daoisty62 · Filme
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32 Chs

Chapter 7: Challenge

"Is there a party here?"

Standing in front of Bilbo's Bag End, Morgan, who was familiar with the plot, seemed able to think of Bilbo's anger and asked with a chuckle in his heart.

"Er... maybe, you know that dwarfs like to party a lot..."

Gandalf touched his nose, answered, stepped forward and rang the bell.

At that moment, Morgan noticed that the mark of the tree branches that Gandalf left during the day, now gave off a dim light.

"Stop, I've had enough, I'm going to see how many dwarfs are out there.

Before the door opened, Morgan heard Bilbo's angry growl behind the door.


The door opened and Bilbo was stunned as he looked at the two people outside the door.

He didn't know when he had disturbed the dwarves' nest, and he thought it would be more rude and wild dwarves.

He didn't expect it to be the two I saw this morning.

Bilbo had already learned some news from the words of the dozen dwarfs who had just arrived.

Seeing these two now makes him a little suspicious.

"Good night, Billy!"

At this time, Morgan, who was standing next to him, suddenly greeted him.

"I'm Morgan, nice to meet you."

"We met during the day, remember?"

In front of Morgan's smiling face, Bilbo was still very nice.

Of course, maybe it was just because they had seen the rudeness of the group of dwarfs in the room. In this context, these two were more polite.

Bilbo forced a smile: "Of course..."

Upon entering the room.

Morgan finally met for the first time a dwarf that he had only seen on film and television.

He was about the same height as a Hobbit, or even slightly taller.

But when it comes to hair, dwarves are much more prosperous than hobbits.

This can easily be seen by the fact that dwarves' hair is usually braided and their mouths are full of beards.


"Gandalf, you are here at last..."

"Good night Gandalf..."

The dwarves who saw Gandalf greeted him.

Morgan noticed that this group of dwarfs in various forms was constantly carrying food from Bilbo's pantry to the largest long table in the room.

Inside Bag End's small and delicate lower warehouse, it was already a mess right now.

The thick and beautiful carpet was also covered in dirty mud stains.

It was clearly the dwarfs who did it, and it was no wonder Bilbo was so angry.

"Who is he?"

"Who is he?"

After greeting Gandalf, the dwarves quickly noticed Morgan, and immediately some dwarves asked.

"This is my helper..."

As soon as Gandalf opened his mouth, there was another knock on the door to the room.

Gandalf, who was near the door, turned and opened the door.

Morgan saw a tall, handsome, robust dwarf standing in the doorway, wearing a delicate chain mail tunic and a luxurious fur trench coat.

"Gandalf, the place you speak of is not very easy to find."

"I got lost twice and couldn't have found it if it wasn't for the sign on the door."

The tall, handsome dwarf entered Bag End, and the other dwarfs beside him immediately bowed their heads and saluted.

But Bilbo heard something wrong and immediately said, "Mark?"

"There is no mark on the door, I just painted it a week ago."

"What brand?..."

Gandalf replied, "I drew it this morning."

Gandalf said this and Bilbo immediately understood.

Not surprisingly, these dwarves did not seek out others, but they all find their own homes. Turns out Gandalf did.

Bilbo glared at Gandalf.

Gandalf immediately said, "Bilbo Baggins..."

"And Morgan..."

He then gestured to Morgan beside him and continued, "Allow me to introduce the employer..."

Gandalf said and looked at the tall handsome dwarf: "Thorin Oakenshield."

As the words fell, Thorin Oakenshield immediately stepped forward, looked at Bilbo, the halfling who had been mentioned by Gandalf for some time, and smiled, "So you are the hobbit?"

"Mr. Baggins, can you tell me what battles he's been in?"

"Sorry, I'm also wondering, which weapon do you prefer, an axe, a hammer or a sword?"

Thorin Oakenshield looked at Bilbo and continued speaking, although in a joking tone, Morgan could hear the contempt in the other's words.

This dwarf prince of Durin, who can now also be called the dwarf king of Durin, has eyes of judgment, and it's easy to see that Bilbo should have no combat experience.


"However, I don't know what this has to do with me."

Although there was some speculation in his enthusiastic heart, Bilbo still did not understand, and only spoke sincerely and solemnly.

"Whatever I imagine..."

"He looks more like a shopkeeper than a looter."

Thorin Oakenshield hugged his chest and laughed, and the dwarves beside him laughed too.

At that moment, Thorin Oakenshield approached Morgan and looked at the leather armor.

With a long sword hanging from his waist and a longbow quiver on his back, he said:

"This one looks like a warrior..."

"But Gandalf, I remember you said I only need one raider in my party?"

Thorin Oakenshield looked at Gandalf as he spoke, his expression calm, but the meaning of his words was obviously dissatisfaction with Morgan's arrival.

Standing to one side, Morgan also easily sensed Thorin Oakenshield's contempt and arrogance.

Although this dwarf prince has a strong aura, he is the center of everyone's attention.

But as an underground boxer who had gone undefeated for two straight years, Morgan, who came into this world with his own system, was also extremely proud.

Being so despised by Thorin Oakenshield, Morgan didn't like Bilbo that he knew nothing about.

Before Gandalf could speak, Morgan took the lead and said, "Introduce yourself, Morgan, bounty hunter."

The voice fell, and seeing everyone's eyes meet, Morgan bowed slightly to Thorin Oakenshield, who was looking at him, and showed some respect.

After all, the other party has noble status, and this time it's his own employer, so proper etiquette is still required.

After the salute, Morgan looked directly at Thorin Oakenshield and said rudely, "You may doubt my qualifications to be here, but you cannot doubt the strength of a bounty hunter!"

"This is an insult to me and to all bounty hunters!"

"I challenge you to a duel!"

Morgan looked directly at Thorin Oakenshield and spoke quietly.

Morgan's voice lowered, and everyone in the room realized that things seemed to have suddenly turned serious.

Bilbo Baggins though he didn't know much, still understood that it wasn't time to laugh.

But this man, Morgan...

At this time, everyone really paid attention to Morgan brought by Gandalf.

Honor cannot be insulted!

Not to mention honor on behalf of the entire bounty hunting community.

Just like if someone insults a dwarf, the dwarves will fight with all their might.

This is similar.

Thorin Oakenshield immediately realized his mistake, though he did not know what a bounty hunter was.

Thorin Oakenshield turned to face Balin Whitebeard, the eldest and wisest of the dwarves.

I saw Balin nodding, obviously the other party knew about bounty hunters.

Facing the angry and aggressive Morgan.

Thorin Oakenshield could not back down, so he said solemnly, "Okay, I accept your challenge!"