
Start From Naruto: Shino the Dominator

After suddenly finding himself transmigrated into the Naruto world as Shino Aburame, a character often overlooked and ignored, a young man gains the power to dominate Zergs. With the help of his knowledge and expertise, he begins to use his buggy system to dominate the world … well, he will have to survive first in this dangerous ninja world.

Fluffypie · Anime und Comics
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168 Chs

The Hero Debuts

In the quaint streets of a bustling town, a peculiar sight captures the attention of curious onlookers.

A young man, dressed in a black outfit that was drastically different from the villagers, drew the attention of the masses.

His slanted side-swept hair hung over his eyes, perpetually kissed by the wind, frames a face that carries the weight of untold stories. A pair of discerning eyes, harboring an ocean of wisdom, observe the world with a blend of curiosity and a touch of arrogance.

A long-sleeved, form-fitting black shirt molds itself to his torso, its fabric seemingly imbued with a hint of shadow, betraying a faint sheen when touched by a glares of sunlight. The shirt hints at the coiled power that resides beneath, the latent strength waiting to surge forth at the command of its wearer.

Accompanying the shirt, a pair of black trousers envelops his legs, their sleek texture promising ease of movement and agility. The fabric stretches with each calculated step, allowing him to navigate the labyrinthine streets and alleyways with unparalleled grace.

Completing the ensemble, a jet-black jacket rests lightly upon his shoulders, its collar raised, as if to shield him from prying eyes. Its smooth surface reflects the ambient glow of the town lights, adding a touch of understated elegance to his dark attire.

If someone had watched the original iconic marvel hero films or the newer one with all three iconic figures, they would perhaps recognize this young man to be the actor… Tobey Maguire.

Now, Tobey, known for his endearing portrayal of the iconic Peter Parker, finds himself swept away by a wave of uncontrollable dance moves on the streets of Tanzaku Quarters.

With an intriguing blend of grace and awkwardness, he channels his inner groove, showcasing a dance known far and wide as the 'bully Maguire dance'.

Clad in his signature black suit, Peter swings through the streets with an unmatched exuberance, his movements equal parts mesmerizing and perplexing.

His limbs flail and sway in a delightful display of rhythmic chaos, a dance that seemingly defies the laws of conventional motion. His fingers snapped to his own rhythm, capturing the attention of those nearby. Passersby can't help but pause in their tracks, their gazes fixed upon this unexpected performance.

As the spectacle unfolds, the villagers' reactions range from bewilderment to amusement.

An elderly woman, clutching her cane, raises her eyebrows and leans towards a young boy beside her. "Is that the famous ninja? Well, he doesn't look like it, but he's got some fancy footwork, I'll give him that!" she muses, her voice a mixture of surprise and delight.

Clap! With an attention-drawing clap, a passing delivery man, perspiration glistening on his brow, skids to a halt, his eyes widening in disbelief as he watched Peter showcase his 'Spider-Hip Shimmy', rhythmically thrusting his hip towards him, "I-I don't swing that way!"

A smile continued to decorate Peter's nonchalant face, his hands performing the 'Web Spinner Gesture', twirling around each other to complement his dance.

A group of beauties, their hands held aloft, peeked through their fingers at the scene unfolding before them. When Peter aimed his finger guns at them, giggles erupted from their lips as they exchanged animated comments. "Ladies, this guy is more extreme than the hero of that infamous book!" one of them chortles, struggling to contain her mirth.

Amidst the murmurs of the gathering, another lady's voice delicately brushed against the air, carrying with it a whisper of secrets and a blush that danced upon their cheeks, "Ne, do you mean that book about paradise?"

The ladies' banter were ignored by the carefree Peter after he shot them a charm. Peter resolutely committed to his performance, strutting down the street with confidence.

As Peter Parker continues his impromptu dance routine, his infectious enthusiasm spreads like wildfire, turning bewildered looks into genuine smiles. The once-ordinary streets become a stage, and the onlookers transform into an impromptu audience, some clapping and cheering, while others denounce him for being a pervert.

With every twist and turn, Peter Parker, unwittingly enchants the townsfolk with his inexplicably captivating dance, gracing this ninja world with its first unique dose of a hero's indomitable spirit.

It's a moment where the extraordinary meets the ordinary, reminding us all that even the most unconventional acts can bring joy and laughter to the hearts of those lucky enough to witness them.

In the midst of Peter's lively dance, a fortuitous collision altered the course of his whimsical performance.

The swaying of his hips came to an abrupt halt as he bumped into a burly figure, a scarred visage cutting through the ordinary crowd that consciously kept their distance. The scar-faced man towered over Peter, his gaze piercing, his presence demanding attention.

As the scar-faced man glared down at the unexpected interruption, Peter's carefree expression turned into an arrogant grin. "Oh, sorry about that," Peter offered with a flick of his hair, showing no nervousness nor genuine remorse, his voice filled with an underlying hint of mischief.

Having just lost all his money, the scar-faced man's anger simmered just below the surface. His growl echoed through the air, a low rumble of discontentment.

Gripping Peter's head with a forceful hand, he leaned in, his voice laced with a dangerous edge. "You think you can disrespect me, little man?" he snarled, his eyes narrowing with intensity.

Peter, though caught off guard by the man's aggressive response, refused to cower. He met the scar-faced man's gaze defiantly, his resolve unyielding. "I miss the part where that's my problem."

With a formidable presence, the man loomed over Peter, his scarred face etched with a simmering fury. With a low, growling laugh, he confronted Peter with his silence. The man's grip, as strong as iron, closed tightly around Peter's head, slowly tightening and seeking to assert dominance.

Unfazed by the man's aggression, Peter locked eyes with him, his voice calm and resolute. "But if you push me, I'm gonna have to put some dirt in your eye," he retorted, a playful glimmer in his gaze. It was a verbal jab, a lighthearted yet pointed warning of his ability to defend himself.

A flicker of ferocity crossed the scar-faced man's countenance, his anger reaching its boiling point.

As tension hung in the air, the man's ferocity surged, his grip tightening with the intention to crush Peter's skull.

Yet, Peter, harnessing his agility and strength, swiftly reacted, using his own hand to expertly pry open the man's fingers, freeing himself from the menacing grip. It was a testament to Peter's own physical strength, an ability granted along with his enhancements!

Seizing the opportunity, in a stunning display of agility and finesse, Peter executed a slick sliding dance move, gracefully gliding across the ground. He cast a provocative glance over his shoulder, a playful challenge to his pursuer, before darting into an adjacent alley, his nimble form disappearing into the shadows.

The scar-faced man, consumed by his rage, wasted no time in pursuing his elusive quarry. "I'm going to kill you, little twerp!"

From his back, he unsheathed a pair of gleaming double blades, their blades stained with the remnants of dried blood. In hot pursuit, the enraged man surged forward, the glint of menace reflected in his eyes as he raced after Peter, driven by a desire to settle the score.

In the labyrinthine depths of a dimly lit alleyway, darkness clings to every corner, shrouding the impending clash in an air of suspense. The enraged man, his face contorted with malice, charges into the confined space, his voice echoing through the narrow confines. "Come out, coward! Face me like a man!"

Unbeknownst to the prey below, a figure dangles silently from above, hanging upside down like a nocturnal predator.

As the villain paces and taunts, mischievous chuckle escaped through the figure's mouth.

With a sudden swing, the figure gracefully descends along his web, hanging upside down with unparalleled finesse behind his victim.

His sudden voice came like the wind, startling the prey, the glow of his white eyes piercing the darkness like twin beacons of determination. "Well, well, well, look who's eager for a showdown," the hunter quips, his voice laced with a playful yet confident tone.

With a fluid motion, the man's body contorted, his lethal blade cutting through the stillness of the air, aimed at his own back. Yet, as his blade sliced through nothing but empty space, a figure materialized above him, defying gravity itself!

With remarkable agility, the figure executed a gravity-defying backflip, traversing the expanse of the air with effortless grace.

The figure's descent was nothing short of mesmerizing, a dance of poise and precision.

Landing with an ethereal elegance, the figure gracefully crouched down, one knee bent firmly, while the other leg extended straight in a sublime display of balance. To ensure stability, a single hand delicately touched the ground, connecting the figure to the earth as if drawing energy from its very core.

In this fleeting moment, time seemed to suspend, the symphony of movement and stillness merging into a captivating tableau, fully revealing the figure hidden in the shadow.

This figure donned a full body suit – a uniform adorned with an abyssal black and dark grey web design, the bold blue accents weaving throughout the suit in a mesmerizing web-like pattern.

Emblazoned proudly on his chest, the unmistakable spider emblem stands as a striking symbol of his arachnid-inspired abilities

Completing the ensemble, a sleek black mask molds to the contours of his face, leaving only a pair of distinct, expressive white lenses in place of his eyes.

This outfit was a visual embodiment of his iconic identity, he was… Spider-Man?! Oh, but its only a symbiotic relationship with the original because of copyright issues… Ahem, this version will definitely be unique!

The enraged man observed the delicate webs, gracefully swaying to the whims of the breeze. With a focused gaze that pierced through the chaos, his eyes locked unwaveringly on his target.

Clutching a pair of wicked double blades stained with the residue of past battles, he sneers at the web-slinger. "What's this? A stinking ninja brat playing dress-up and weaving? Countless ninjas have fallen under my hands, and you won't be an exception for crossing me! You won't be jumping away from me this time," he growls, his voice dripping with malevolence.

The battle ensues, a dance of speed and precision. Spider-Man's lithe movements prove to be a stark contrast to the man's brutish aggression. With each fluid dodge and nimble sidestep, Spider-Man gracefully eludes the deadly swipes of the double blades, seemingly evading them by mere inches.

As the duel intensifies, Spider-Man peppers the encounter with his signature brand of comedic banter. "Hey, buddy, did you practice those fancy knife moves in front of the mirror? I hope you didn't cut yourself because you're blinder than little goblin jr." he jibes, his quips adding a touch of levity to the tense atmosphere.

"Shut up twerp and quit dodging my moves!" From the depths of his battle-worn visage, the scarred man's voice reverberated with an ominous growl, a symphony of unleashed menace, and with lightning precision, his blades cut through the air.

Alas, the alleyway continued to be a stage for acrobatic prowess and strategic maneuvers.

In a mystifying display of arachnid prowess, webs materialized from the depths of Spider-Man's wrists, cascading forth with calculated intent. Like ephemeral strands of fate, they served as both a formidable offense and a beguiling means of evasion.

Spider-Man employs a combination of agile flips, web-slinging, and quick strikes, exploiting the man's momentary vulnerabilities. His movements possess an almost choreographed elegance, a testament to the database of fighting experience imbued within him.

In a dazzling display of reflexes, Spider-Man flips and twists, disarming the enemy with an intricately timed maneuver, his web embedding the blade to a wall.

As if touched by alchemy's enchanting hand, the web swiftly underwent a captivating metamorphosis, solidifying into a resplendent violet hue, preventing the enemy from reclaiming it!

With a nimble retreat, Spider-Man unleashed a relentless barrage of web projectiles, cascading forth like a symphony of bullets from a machine gun.

In a mesmerizing cadence of motion, his hips undulated with synchronized precision, each thrust a tantalizing flourish that intensified the very essence of his rapid-fire prowess.

Brandishing his lone blade with a mix of desperation and determination, the man unleashed a fervent assault upon the web entanglement, yet the tenacity of the webs defied his wildest expectations! His blade couldn't cut through them! "Damn, brat!"

In a thrilling display of desperate resourcefulness, his heart pounding with an irresistible blend of helplessness and ingenuity, he hurled his blade forward as a sacrificial shield, a mesmerizing act of self-preservation that momentarily defied the entwining fate of the encroaching webs, allowing him to evade their clutches.

The remaining blade clattered to the ground, its metallic echo punctuating the rhythm of the battle as it was sealed in place by the web.

As the villain regains his footing, seething with anger, Spider-Man maintains his composure. "You know, it's always a double-edged sword when you bring knives to a web-slinging party," he quips, an irreverent grin playing upon his lips.

"Damn, brat! Don't get cocky!" From his pocket, the man pulled out a glinting metal trench knife, his chakra surging forth towards his hand. "I didn't want to use this, but you forced me! I'll show you why you shouldn't mess with me!"

As chakra was infused into the trench knife, under Spider-Man's enhanced chakra senses, a resplendent chakra knife, bathed in a captivating azure glow, materialized and extended from the metallic confines of the trench knife!

Concealed beneath the mask, Spider-Man's eyes shrunk with surprise, for deep within his vast database of knowledge, he recognized the manifestation before him - a chakra blade!

With a swipe of his chakra blade, the incoming webs bolts were diced and shredded, losing their once formidable momentum!

"Heh! Let's see what you can do after your stinky webs become useless!" A primal growl escaped the man's lips, carrying with it an air of untamed fury, as he lunged towards Spider-Man with an uncanny swiftness that defied the limitations of his previous double-bladed assault!

As danger loomed, Spider-Man's instincts kicked into high gear, his heightened senses alert to the impending threat. With lightning reflexes, he swiftly raised his arm, fingers flexing with purpose.

From his wrists, a cascade of silky strands shot forth, entwining the alley walls like ethereal threads.

In one fluid motion, Spider-Man seized the opportunity, harnessing the power of his webbing to evade the oncoming assault.

With a decisive flick of his wrist, he activated the tensile strength of the web, propelling himself upward into the air with exhilarating velocity. Like a coiled spring released, he ascended, defying gravity with an otherworldly grace.

The man's gaze followed him skyward, his eyes suddenly widening with a mixture of disbelief and sheer horror.