
Stark Mind

Well going from spending summer till college comes along then immediately finding out your in the body of Tony Stark in the MCU really puts a kicker in the mood knowing what's gping to happen in the future but hey at least your filthy rich. (This story will include sci fi elements from other forms of fiction) The Cover picture does not belong to me same goes for the characters that will appear in this story except for my oc/s.

Bjorn_Fior_less · Filme
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9 Chs

Omake 1

The battle was raging it was us vs them we had just managed to prevent every single ultron sentry from getting to the key, now you might be thinking how the the fuck did Ultron came about when you had the foreknowledge to on how well that shit went, well let's just it's no thanks to a certain prideful ass scientists that can stretch and expand himself yep give it a hand for Reed fucking Richards.


I had made sure to convince Brucie and Richards with a multitude of reasons to not be experimenting with Loki's scepter, the former agreed that there was to many unknown factors to not proceed with experiment whereas the latter for as smart as he thinks decided to make the dumbest decision to conduct the experiment by himself without notifying us at all. I bet all of you are asking how do I know this well I decided to check and found one of the cameras in the tower being turned off and it was in room that just so happened to be the scepter was.

I rushed as fast as I can and told Friday to ready the suit just in case and lo behold I see Richards having problems with Jarvis already intervening with his reckless experiment having managed to get acess again, only for things to go south as I see my greatest creation being destroyed in front of me by the psychopathic AI that Richards had release.

After seeing that Jarvis was broken into bits and pieces of code I was thankful enough to include an off grid server that only he and Friday has access to which acts as a place for them to create a back up of their code and algorithms, still didn't stop me from tazing and turning Reed Richards into a human pretzel out of rage before going to the floor the party room was at. I then placed him in the hallway then pretty much kicked him in the balls as he proceeded to roll down said hallway like a human soccer ball.



Immediately all of us looked up to see the vibranium pimped android non other than Ultron who was hovering above a broken building.

"Is that the best that you can do?!!!!" said Thor calling him out...and that he did.

*Thrusters running, robotic parts and the ground slightly rumbling*

An extra army of Ultron sentries came up behind him more than the ones he had in the movie, said army made up a variety of robots ranging from walking mechs to humanoid ones.

"This is the best that I can do in fact this was all I had wanted for the very finale, all of earth's mightiest heroes against all of that is me." (Ultron)

"Hey guys does the sound of that arrogance make you think of someone" I said taking a pot shot at Richards since he and his Fantastic Four are handling things in America to prevent Ultron from manually launching the nukes.

"Well actually I wanna confess something I'm not actually at my best." I said to get his attention.

"Ohhh and why sould that tid bit of information concern me Stark?" (Ultron)

*whispers* "Friday tell Veronica activate babylon protocol"

[On it boss]

*Repulsors firing and leaves immediately refusing to elaborate*

"Hey wait where is he going?" (Pietro)

"To-Tony!!" (Steve)

"What the actual fuh" (Natasha)

*Laughs nervously* "It's a plan right? He ain't ..... just gonna leave us here..... haha right?" (Thor)

*cue Barton making the confused Jackie chan face*

"I can assure you that Mr. Stark knows what he is doing and has just activate a specialized protocol for this situation." (Vision)

*Chuckles* "Would you look at one of your very best leaving you all behind so much for losing together well boys I think it's time to finish them off." (Ultron)

With that order he sends in the 1st wave of his army charging head straight to the Avengers, but suddenly music can be heard in the distance...




~Lord, I can't chaaaaannngggge~

Then came a gold and red suit suit flying with two pods beside it and a wave of blue particles trailing behind it.

~Won't you fly....freeeeee....biiiiirrrrrdddd..


Without a second thought the two pods beside it begun releasing a group of smaller pods that had two different types one had two retangle prongs and the other had an arrowhead shape. Both seem to have a cone behind them that released the same blue colored particles, they then begun unleashing a volley of laser fire as well as some tearing apart Ultron's army piece by piece.

"Hey hope I wasn't gone too soon had to do a bit of a wardrobe change." (Tony)

"Tony not to undermine you or anything considering the fact that you've helped us big time but why the fuck did you not do this earlier?" (Rhodey)

"Well I wanted a badass entrance with the

Ares Mark 3 and besides it's not like anybody died during evacuation of Sokovia I've made sure of it".(yes included you know who's family and him) I answered as I continue to turn the rest of the Ultron sentries, mechs walkers and etc. into pile scrap while looking back to see the rest of the team doing a good job protecting the Key.

"Y-you!!! Do you think just because you've got yourself in a brand spanking new suit makes strong enough to defeat me?!!!" (Ultron)

"Hmmm.....bet, in fact Friday do the thing."

[TRANS-AM ENGAGE] said Friday on speaker allowing Ultron to hear her as well as making the gn drives rev louder as the Ares mk3 turned bright bloody red.

"Engage TRANS wha-" *clang*

sadly he never got to finished that sentence as I immediately appeared in front of him leaving a bunch of afterimages then sent him flying to a near building with a punch to the faceplate. I then have a bunch of gn fangs line up then having them fire and also letting loose a bunch of gn missile, but not before letting rip a giant laser beam that also discharged electricity fired from both Caledfwch and Gungnir aka the buster rifle attach to the arms of the suit.

Oh, did I mention that this suit utilizes the twin drive system along with gn condensers? Yeah with that kind of energy output at my disposal in a nutshell it essentially pretty much vaporized Ultron and whatever was in front me. Then came the reactions of the team from the bombastic and blinding light show.

"Holy Shit!!" (Sam)

*Le gasp* (Wanda)

"Sheesh Tony you've been holding out on me?Like I love the war machine but damn"


"Now now pooh bear you'll have yours I promise"

"I'll have one after this right? Right?" (Rhody)

So yeah I pretty much zoomed around still in Trans-am as we kicked metal ass by getting rid of the rest of Ultron's sentries and every piece of technology that he was connected to provided that he was locked out of the net and we essentially saved the day, Thor went back to Asgard while Steeve and Natasha now plan on training the newest recruits of the Avengers.

Though Hulk did went of the grid but it was nice to knwo the timeline wasn't going to be diverging much then came Ross who apparently was demanding a petition to be filed that I would hand over the technology of the new suit to which I said I already was in the form of something similar to the war machine.

He told me it wasn't enough and I was to essentially hand it over to the UN government which turned into a hearing about why I should share my technology yada yada yada still won in the end thanks to the majority of votes from the citizens.

To add to insult to injury I've pretty much decided to announce I've recruited a bunch of specilized people to pilot suits similar to the Ares yeah we're about to be Celestial Being in this bitch they'll conduct world-wide intervention similar to the Avengers this was to essentially take the heat of me since a lot of the global leaders were complaining that my satellites contained advanced weaponry that may endager lives which was total bs.

I was quite a bit surprised how thing's ended since I might've thought I needed to bring out the mobile armor though apparently not, but of course that doesn't meant I ain't gonna be making a couple more in order to prepare for a psychopathic ube colored alien whose whole plan to solving starvation is by snapping of half of the entire population of the universe.

Don't be afraid to comment your thoughts, as well as checking out some errors for me to edit would be helpful.

Bjorn_Fior_lesscreators' thoughts