
Star War's: The New Jedi Order.

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What is Star War's: The New Jedi Order.

Lesen Sie den Roman Star War's: The New Jedi Order. des Autors Travis_Larowe_5993, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Several years before Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Rey traveled across the galaxy to find the next generation of Jedi. Cale and five other children have been chosen to learn the ways of the Force....


Several years before Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Rey traveled across the galaxy to find the next generation of Jedi. Cale and five other children have been chosen to learn the ways of the Force. Cale will have to prove himself to everyone that he has what it takes to eventually become Rey's apprentice. Does he have what it takes?

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Hétero? Isso foi antes de te conhecer

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At least Cale Lestin managed to save Princess Leia Organa from the Elite Praetorian bodyguard. And from General Hux.So I appreciate the author not killing her off so early in the story or so easily. Carrie Fisher was one of my favorite actresses when I was a child. So thanks again for not killing her off.


Rey Force Choking a Knight of Ren and then killed him. Just to save her own Padawan. 😆 lol.


Very interesting to see that Rey tries to kill the boy and then warms up to him. Or was she just testing him to begin with? Since Rey is not actually evil in the Sequels. All and all you go Rey.


Finally the Knight of Ren's have lightsabers of their own and not just Kylo Ren. Good job author.


It's kind of interesting to see that Rey and her apprentice Cale Lestin are trying to figure out Darth Vader's past. I can't wait to find out more and see if Darth Vader returns or any other of the old characters.


I've always been a Sith Lord kind of guys myself. But this is by far one of the best Star Wars stories that I have read on Webnovel. But it only has ten chapters so far. So please author keep publishing chapters whenever you can.


The story is a lot like the sequels of Star Wars. But with Rey having a Padawan of her own. So I'll give credit to the author and can't wait to find out more. It would also be interesting to see Grogu or baby Yoda somewhere in the story but that's just me


How will the story turn out from here? Can't wait to find out more.


Very interesting to see that Rey now has a apprentice of her own. I can't wait and see how the story unfolds.


Very interesting story. Can't wait to read more


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