
A Momentous Occasion

The sky over Parneid was thick and hazy as the sun rose, illuminating the landscape with an orangey-pink hue. Today is my eighteenth birthday. It's considered to be a sacred and momentous day here in Parneid, for it marks the official rites of passage into adulthood. People across the kingdom are celebrating with great festivities today, but I can't help but feel something holding me back from joining them. The kingdom resides in seclusion from the rest of the galaxy, so these occasions tend to be low-key; little will distinguish today from any other day. Everyone who calls Parneid home acknowledged my entrance into adulthood and many gave congratulations.

My father stands before me with his ceremonial sword and I feel obligated to take part in the ceremonies. We both don our cloaks of patterned silver sequins, a sign of our family's lineage that I must uphold. He explains how as an adult I have to now demonstrate wisdom and maturity on behalf of our kingdom, it all sounds so challenging that I start to question if I'm ready for such an arduous mission. My father points to me, and motions for me to put on my birthday gown. I take a deep breath before I obey my father's command. His royal clothing is suitable for the occasion and everyone around us is already in their finest attire. Looking at him, I can feel the power that lies beneath his voice. Carefully, I slip into my purple gown that has been designed specifically for this special day. The ornate gown felt heavy as I stepped into it, the fibers woven in a particular way that pushed against my skin.

While most of the galaxy buzzed with activity and innovation, my home merely meandered through its days. It seemed like there were no new developments or experiences to be seen here; each day blended into one another endlessly. I was accustomed to this monotony by now, having been born a princess in this far off kingdom. Each year held 400 days that seemed endless and combined with the other years it felt like eternity. I was the youngest princess among four siblings, three of whom were too busy tending to affairs of state to spend much time with me.

I slowly made my way across the hall, my customary birthday gown fluttering behind me. On the wall a light beam shone, embedded in immense steel columns that reached from one end of the room to another. As I entered the lobby, I could feel my father's gaze burning upon me from afar. My gown rustles softly against the ornate corridor walls that are so meticulously crafted and maintained by our loyal servants.

Their lighthearted chatter echoes around me, and for a moment our little group leans in closer together; one unified force amidst all of this celebration. I begin by kissing each family member on their left cheek, showing them how much I care about them. I take a step forward and hold out my hands in greeting. My sister Susania steps closer, her keen blue eyes full of affection. She wraps her arms around me and plants a kiss on my left cheek, like old times. Susania had married into a powerful dukedom on planet Ingor about a week ago and this birthday party was also meant to double up as a celebration for that grand occasion as well.

Her eyes were full of joy as she pulled me close and spoke softly into my ear. "Mom just told me that they have selected someone for you too!" She said with enthusiasm, "He's very handsome, perfect for you. I was in disbelief, unable to comprehend that such a thought would be presented to me. My life had been carefully calculated by the powers that be and now, without warning, it was all being turned upside down. I tried not to cry but felt the tears prickling at my eyes. A wave of agitation flooded through me as I realized that there may be no turning back from this decision and my heart sank further into despair with each passing moment. Marriage? How could I possibly be ready for it, when I haven't even explored all of my home planet yet? Everywhere I turned, there was something new and exciting that pulled my attention away from the idea of being accosted to someone so quickly. All I wanted to do was explore and learn more about this fascinating galaxy, not spend my days performing household duties or mothering children.

The rest of the birthday celebration was a haze. What could be a joyous day of celebrating turns into a looming sense of dread. The remaining festivities move on around me, but all I can think about is this fate that has been seemingly chosen for me without my input or consent.

I lay on my bed looking out at the stars. Tears are streaming down my face. I don't know why the Goddess of knowledge had decided this for me, it felt like a sentence rather than a gift or blessing. In spite of being surrounded by friends and family throughout the party, loneliness suddenly overwhelmed me as I solemnly pondered about my future husband who remained an enigma to me, our paths seemingly crossing due to fate's cruel hand and nothing more. I climb into bed and find myself drifting off to sleep almost immediately. I feel surprisingly hopeful despite the fact that my future is uncharted waters.

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