
Spirit’s Awakening: The Path of Lightning and Water

7/31/2024~ In the process of editing and updating my earlier chapters. I personally believe the story starts to improve and find it's way a bit more around chapter 50+. Hopefully can make some adjustments in earlier chapters when I have the time, but pacing slows down into a more measured rate as I start finding my groove. I give the content more time to breathe instead of going so fast. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the realm of Nexaria, where elemental spirits and divine beings shape the fate of the world as a land of mortals striving to become gods against the demons of the Abyssal universe, a young boy named Lassim Vanthar embarks on an extraordinary journey of advancement, adventure and becoming a bastion for those around him in their fight against the Dragal. Born into a noble family with a legacy of martial prowess, Lassim possesses an unparalleled gift—a connection to two elemental spirits, a feat unheard of in the history of his world. A gift that is an omen and a sign of the Gods influencing the future fate of Nexaria. Lassim must harness the power of his dual spirits to protect his loved ones and confront the looming threat, but one step at a time as he grows in power as the hero of Nexaria. Lassim faces daunting challenges, battles fierce adversaries, and unlocks the mysteries of his own destiny that has been tampered with by the Gods of this universe. How will he react and adapt to his situation? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is my first ever novel. I’m a new author and still learning how to tell a story. Please understand that when reading. Thank you.

JPNovelFan · Fantasie
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254 Chs

The Shard

Five months had drifted past in a blend of rigorous effort and marked progress.

As Lassim approached his 14th birthday, the thoughts of celebration were far from his mind. Instead, his focus was sharpened on the monumental task at hand—cleansing the realm of its deep-seated corruption.

The giant, looming shard that pierced the void remained an ominous fixture in the sky, a stark reminder.

Under Lassim's relentless dedication over the last few months with little rest, the transformation of the area near the shard was undeniable.

The vast expanse of barren land that had been mainly just a blizzard once choked by corruption now relaxed. The ground, once veiled in a sinister red snow, now showed signs of returning to its natural state, with patches of green peeking through the receding blanket of snow.